Endless Legend displays a captivating setting where you assume the responsibility of the empire manager and control everything from policy formation to strategic elaboration of your kingdom. Like many other games, you’ll be able to unlock more heroes as you progress, expand your empire and set up trade routes to trade with other regions.

Throughout your journey, resources are one of the most essential factors, spanning from Strategic to Luxury ones. Nevertheless, many players often overlook the importance of upgrading their Strategic resources into Holy Resources, which can significantly enhance their abilities. This process can seem complex, but don’t worry. This guide has all the answers to help you master this feature and make the most of your resources.


Endless Legend: How to Get More Heroes

Strengthening your empire in Endless Legend is crucial, and having more heroes can greatly contribute to this goal. Here’s how you can acquire them.

How to Get Holy Resources in Endless Legend

Empire Management Screen in ENDLESS Legend

Firstly, let’s understand what Holy Resources are. These act like a power-up for your Strategic Resources. When you activate them, you get many temporary bonuses, like boosting Science, Dust, Industry, or Food production in your cities, similar to Luxury resource boosters. In addition, when you turn your resources into the Holy Resource, you get access to many advantages, including the ability to teleport between cities.

The Holy Resource is associated with the Vaulters/Mezari faction. It allows you to select one strategic resource to serve as a booster. When activated, this booster grants temporary bonuses, such as teleportation between cities, and increasing the production of the chosen resource.

To choose the Holy Resource feature in the game, you’ll need to play as either the Vaulters or Mezari faction. Once you have access to one of these factions, follow these steps:

ENDLESS Legend gameplay

  • On the main screen, navigate to the Empire Management Screen and locate the Strategic Resources icon at the top. Here, you’ll find a list of all your Strategic Resources, along with their bonus effects and costs.
  • To activate a Holy Resource booster, simply click on the Strategic Resource you wish to use. Keep in mind that the cost to activate this booster will increase with the number of cities you control.
  • You can activate the Holy Resource booster multiple times, and the duration of the Holy Resource effect depends on the chosen game speed.
  • To switch to a different Holy Resource (such as from the Palladium to the Mithrite booster), you’ll need to wait for the duration of the previous Holy Resource effect to time out.

During winter, the Holy Resource gets a boost of 200%, giving you a great chance to up your boosting percentage.

Endless Legend

Endless Legend

Microsoft Windows , macOS , Xbox One

September 18, 2014

Amplitude Studios

Amplitude Studios

4X , Strategy


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