
  • Indulging Mama Murphy with chems may lead to her overdose, a consequence of the Sole Survivor’s actions.
  • Sacrificing a child for the Vault 81 Cure in Fallout 4 brings minimal health benefits but tremendous moral implications.
  • Side with the Institute in Fallout 4 and support their plan to replace humanity with enslaved robot copies, a dark path to follow.

Entering Vault 111 as atomic bombs engulf the Commonwealth, only to wake up 200 years later opposite a deceased spouse and a missing infant son is enough to make anyone spiral down a dark path, and for Fallout 4, it enables players to commit some truly diabolical acts as the Sole Survivor. Fallout 4 has plenty of morally questionable decisions in the form of quests and actions that players can make.



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For most of these quests or encounters, players are going to have a hard time justifying their decisions unless their main purpose is to just be as evil as they can be in the Commonwealth. Plenty of evil choices by the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 will have companions and players look upon them in shame and horror.

8 Making A Drug Addict Overdose

Mama Murphy Can Be Given Chems To Tell The Future But At A Cost


Mama Murphy is one of the settlers traveling with Preston Garvey, and one of the first friendly faces players will meet in a post-war Commonwealth. Mama Murphy is an elderly woman who claims to have something called The Sight, which allows her to see images from past and future, but only when she is under the influence of chems. Whilst Mama Murphy likes to help the Sole Survivor by indulging in her addiction to chems and providing warnings and hints of the future, it can be her undoing.

If players give her too many drugs, then she may very well overdose and die, which is the direct result of the Solve Survivor indulging her. If the Sole Survivor was a kind fellow, they would try and persuade Mama Murphy to cure her addiction, rather than use her until she drops dead.

7 Taking The Vault 81 Cure

An Innocent Child Is Killed Just So The Sole Survivor Can Regain +10 HP

fallout 4 vault 81 cure item showcase

When interacting with Vault 81, the Sole Survivor will come across a friendly child, Austin Engill. This child’s curiosity and enthusiasm will see them become deathly ill after being bitten by a radioactive molerat that came from a hidden subsector of Vault 81. The Sole Survivor is tasked with exploring this subsector to find a cure that will save Austin’s life from the disease-riddled mole rats.

Yet, if the Sole Survivor is bitten in this subsector, they will have a permanent -10 Health, unless they take the Vault 81 Cure that they find. In taking it, they may regain some minor health they didn’t need, but they would also be sacrificing a child for it, essentially guaranteeing his demise.

6 Overthrow The Commonwealth As A Warlord

Nuka World Raiders Can Bring An Oppressive Regime To The Commonwealth


As part of the Nuka World DLC, players can become the Overboss, ruling over three distinct factions of raiders in Nuka World. Players can take what they have learned, along with their raider army to the Commonwealth, and undo the hard work of the Minutemen by staking claim to the land and showing how it belongs to the raiders of Nuka World and the Sole Survivor’s new position as a warlord.



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The Sole Survivor can claim new areas of Nuka World for their raiders, showcasing their power and leadership as their Overboss. It’s probably not a good idea to indulge in the requests of raiders, especially when it comes to taking that greed and murderous attitude back to the Commonwealth where it would be most unwelcome among innocent settlers.

5 Siding With The Institute

Replace Humans With Enslaved Robot Copies

Father from Fallout 4's Institute faction

The Institute are the boogeymen of the Commonwealth, who have slowly perfected the perfect machines that are indistinguishable from humans. With their creations of the Synths, the Institute plans to replace the surface world with their robots, allowing them to integrate perfectly into society as willing soldiers, slaves, and spies, all whilst humanity has no idea what’s going on.

Siding with the Institute is a bad idea, as although they may have a goal of restoring the Commonwealth to a status above pre-war, it also comes at the cost of the surface world. The current leader of the Institute despises the surface, and claims to want no part in aiding it, so following his wishes and essentially remaining as an underground tyrant doesn’t sound like a heroic time.

4 Become The Overseer For Vault-Tec’s Experiments

Experiment On Innocent Settlers By Luring Them To Vault 88


The Sole Survivor can discover Vault 88, an unfinished Vault that acts as a settlement location for the Sole Survivor to build a home for themselves and many others. Yet, the Vault’s original Overseer is still alive. The ghoulified Overseer Barstow will make it clear what the objective of Vault 88 is: use Vault Dwellers as lab rats to test new prototype devices that enhance productivity.



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If the Sole Survivor does whatever Overseer Barstow says, then they will develop experiments and devices that will torture and manipulate innocent Vault Dwellers into being the perfect and productive test subjects, even if it comes at the cost of their lives. Considering the Sole Survivor is a victim of Vault 111, it’s unwise for them to become a villain in Vault 88.

3 Destroying Arcadia

Massacre A Society Of Synths Who Just Want To Live In Harmony

DiMA the synth from the Far Harbor DLC

Whilst the role of DiMA can be seen as morally debatable, what isn’t, is Arcadia. Arcadia represents a paradise for Synths, a place where they are free to know who and what they are, without fear of ridicule. There is no danger in Arcadia, and it’s a place where Synths can form a community without fear of being killed or reset or having their minds wiped to pretend they are human. They are free to exist as individuals separate from the creator, but knowing they were created.

Yet, the Sole Survivor can decide that Arcadia has survived for too long, and they can easily lay waste to this location, destroying it by killing everyone inside. Whether it’s for a rival faction like the Brotherhood of Steel or the Institute, or simply because they have developed an addiction to evil.

2 Selling Billy Peabody

Sell An Innocent Ghoul Child Infront Of His Family To A Slaver

billy peabody

It’s rare to find someone from the pre-war world, especially one who is still an innocent child. The Sole Survivor can find a boy trapped in a fridge, and opening it will reveal a ghoulified child named Billy Peabody. This poor child tried to survive the bombs in a fridge and then became trapped in there for 200 years, waiting for someone to find him and free him from this hell.

Luckily for Billy, his parents have also been ghoulfiied, so the Sole Survivor can reunite the family after 200 years. However, the Sole Survivor can also sell Billy into slavery to a man named Bullet. The fact that they can sell a literal child into slavery is truly a cruel act that should not go unpunished.

1 Freeing Lorenzo Cabot

Unleash An Ancient Evil Onto The Commonwealth

Speaking with Lorenzo Cabot during The Secret of Cabot House side quest in Fallout 4.

The Cabot family is a true oddity in Fallout 4. They live a seemingly perfect life and have done so for hundreds of years thanks to their potential for immortality with their mysterious serum, developed through the family patriarch, Lorenzo Cabot. Lorenzo’s gift was provided by an alien artifact that he has had since the 19th century, but it cost him his sanity.

The artifact twisted Lorenzo’s mind into something dark and cruel, and his desires to enact upon his evil and supernatural abilities make him far too dangerous to be kept alive in a holding cell. Yet, players can free Lorenzo if they dare, allowing a man of great physical and mental power to roam the Commonwealth after hundreds of years, all to inflict torment upon the innocent.

fallout 4 box art

Fallout 4

November 10, 2015


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