
  • The Moonshine Jamboree event was fixed; no more stuck enemies.
  • No more Union Power Armor pieces are dropped by enemies due to a long-term bug fix.
  • Pip-Boy now shows currency limits for players’ convenience to avoid hitting limits.

Fallout 76‘s most recent update saw a whole new region come to the game. While most players are focused on the Skyline Valley quests and Season 17’s rewards, Bethesda added in lots of fixes and changes that some players may have missed.


Fallout 76 Season 17 Launches With First-Ever Map Expansion

Fallout 76 Season 17, Skyline Valley, is now available, introducing the game’s first-ever proper map expansion and plenty of new content and rewards.

From re-balancing tweaks and bug fixes to quality-of-life improvements and more, this enormous update saw lots of features and fixes being introduced to the game. While there are issues with the update, for the most part, the changes are positive. As for the new issues, Bethesda seems to be working on a hotfix to get the new update running smoothly.

1 Moonshine Jamboree Enemy Pathing Fix

No More Stuck Enemies

Moonshine Event Location in Fallout 76

Moonshine Jamboree is a great event for gaining XP, farming acid, and earning Settler Reputation. While the event is one of the more challenging ones in the game, it is popular among both low-level and high-level players.


Fallout 76: 8 Events That Give The Best Rewards

Players will come across a lot of goodies throughout Fallout 76’s many events. These examples offer some of the best rewards.

Since this event came into the game, it has been plagued with an enemy pathing issue. For some reason, large groups of Gulpers and Anglers would often get stuck in nearby trees. That shouldn’t happen anymore. While it will make the event slightly more challenging, it will also help players to get in some extra kills to earn more XP.

2 Enemies No Longer Drop Union Power Armor Pieces

A Long-Term Bug

Union Power Armor Set in Fallout 76

For a long time, players have had issues when it comes to picking up Uníon Power Armor pieces from downed enemies. Players were unable to loot all nearby corpses to get Union Power Armor pieces. Instead, they would have to try to locate the body with the Power Armor piece to pick it up.

It’s unclear why this issue only affects Union Power Armor, but enemies will no longer be able to drop any Union Power Armor pieces. Players who know how to craft the Power Armor will still be able to do so. They will also be able to get pieces from Murmrgh. It’s just the ability to get pieces from legendary enemies that have been removed from the game.

3 Pip-Boy Shows Currency Limits

Players Can See Their Limits

Collections Menu in Fallout 76

There are multiple currencies in Fallout 76. Each currency has its own limit. Previously, players would only be able to find out various currency limits by either hitting the limit in-game or by looking it up online.

Now, if the player heads into the collections section in their Pip-Boy (under the Stats category), they will be able to see the limits for every currency in the game. This quality of life improvement will help players avoid hitting currency limits.

4 Increased Base Damage For Certain Weapons

A Few Weapon Boosts

Cryolator in Fallout 76

While some fans were disappointed at the heavy nerf that was given to the new Railway Rifle, Ticket To Revenge, there have actually been a couple of weapons that have received some boosts to their base damage.

While the damage increase will depend on factors like player level, perks equipped, and legendary effects, it’s always nice to see weapons upgraded. The weapons that now have increased base damage can be seen below:

  • Alien Blaster
  • Cryolator
  • Auto Axe
  • The Cattle Prod

5 Balance Changes For Certain Enemies

Makes Overpowered Enemies More Manageable

An Angler in Fallout 76

There are some enemies in Fallout 76 that are strangely powerful. For some reason, some relatively common creatures can cause more damage to players than certain boss enemies.

While they haven’t gone into the specifics, according to Bethesda’s patch notes on the recent update, certain creatures have received balance changes. This should hopefully make taking down these enemies more manageable. The creatures affected by this update can be seen in the list below:

  • Anglers
  • Cave Crickets
  • Floaters
  • Gulpers
  • Mutant Hounds
  • Protectrons

6 Faster Fasnacht

Small But Welcome Changes

Helvetia Sign in Fallout 76

Fasnacht is coming back for a second time this year. While it has fans divided on whether this is good news or not, there’s one change that every player will be pleased about. The robots will move faster during the event. While it is a fun event, Fasnacht Day can be a bit tedious after a while. The main reason for this is down to the pace of the robots. They move incredibly slowly, which drags the event out.


Fallout 76: All Seasonal Events, Ranked

Fallout 76 has a lot of seasonal activities for players to take part in, but these are the best ones!

While there’s no mention as to how much faster the robots will move, according to the patch notes, the walking speed of the marchers has been increased. Also, after completing a task for one of the robots, it will head straight to the parade line instead of waiting for dialogue lines to be finished. Both of these changes will make the Fasnacht event much faster to complete. This will make the grind for rare Fasnacht masks more manageable.

7 Multiple Fasnacht Boss Options

Makes Fasnacht More Interesting

Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask in Fallout 76

As mentioned in the previous entry, Fasnacht can feel a bit tedious after a while. After doing the event a couple of times, players can complete it with their eyes closed:

  • Help 5 Robots
  • Protect The Robots
  • Kill A Megasloth

Now, things will be a little different. At the end of the event, instead of taking on a Megasloth every time, there will be one of five possible boss battles for players to complete. While Bethesda hasn’t stated what enemy bosses can spawn, most players will be thankful for the change, especially veteran players who have completed the event hundreds of times.

fallout 76

Fallout 76

November 14, 2018


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