
  • Some Fallout: London players are facing game-breaking bugs, affecting their experience with the highly anticipated Fallout 4 mod.
  • Fallout: London’s launch on GOG has been marred by crashes and other issues, leading to a 3.4 rating and player frustrations.
  • Gamers are advised to hold off on downloading Fallout: London on GOG until fixes are implemented for a more stable gameplay experience.

Some Fallout: London players are encountering several game-breaking bugs while trying out the new Fallout 4 mod. While this huge Fallout 4 mod was eagerly awaited by the franchise’s fanbase, it’s sad to see its launch marred by bugs and other difficulties.

Originally revealed back in 2021, Fallout: London was being developed by a non-profit modding group called Team FOLON. A few weeks ago, the team revealed that Fallout: London would be released on GOG, as its files were simply too big to be hosted on normal mod websites such as Nexus Mods. Unfortunately, the eagerly awaited launch does not seem to be going smoothly.


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Earlier this week, Fallout: London was shadow-dropped on GOG. However, the game is currently sitting at a 3.4 out of 5 score on the website, with dozens of players complaining that they can’t play the game due to game-breaking bugs. Gamers indicate that Fallout: London crashes constantly, and even reinstalling may not be enough to make it work in some cases. In most players’ experiences, the crashes start soon after a train ride at the beginning of the game and continue from there. Fortunately, gamers are already coming up with a few fixes. For some people, installing another mod called Buffout 4 seems to help, for example.

Some Gamers Are Complaining About Fallout: London’s Bugs

It’s fair to note, however, that a 3.4 rating is still quite decent for such an expansive mod, and that many gamers are not experiencing such constant issues. Mod projects don’t have paid QA teams, which makes it much harder to spot bugs when compared to official, commercial projects.

Another detail gamers should be aware of when trying out the mod is that Fallout: London does not work with Epic Games Store copies of Fallout 4. GOG revealed this information before the launch, and the limitation is linked to the platform’s unavailability of rolling back updates. Fallout: London uses an older Fallout 4 build, which is not supported by the EGS version of the title.

Due to these issues, people who want to play Fallout: London on GOG would be wise to wait a few weeks before downloading the mod if they want a stable experience. It’s not yet known if Team FOLON intends to polish the game more or how long it’ll take, but it’s probable that the community will at least discover new fixes over time, even if the issues do not improve.


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