Fallout: New Vegas remains one of the deepest games in the Fallout franchise. Fans are returning to the wasteland after the very popular and successful Fallout TV show. The Mojave Wasteland is a huge area to explore filled with all sorts of hidden secrets. This includes unique named weapons that can be found at merchants and caves.

That Gun is a unique and valuable firearm that returns from the first two Fallout games. It also acts as an easter egg reference to Blade Runner, as its appearance is similar to Deckard’s gun from the cult classic film. It uses 5.56 ammo and is stronger than most of the early pistols. It also has a bonus critical chance every time it hits an enemy. Here is where you can find That Gun and how you can add it to your collection.


The Best Factions In The Fallout Series

One of Fallout’s biggest staples is a host of intriguing factions for players to interact with. Today, we’re looking into the best of them.

That Gun Location


That Gun is located in the small town of Novac. You’ll pass through it on the way to New Vegas if you’re following the main quest. The “They Went That-a-Way” quest will bring you here after Primm and Nipton. The town is based around an old motel and a kitschy Dinosaur gift shop. The main quest will lead you to speak to the sniper stationed in the dinosaur’s mouth.


You can enter the Dino Dee-lite Gift Shop at the door behind it.

How to Purchase That Gun


Cliff Briscoe works at the Dino Dee-lite Gift Shop. He desperately wants someone to buy all the worthless dinosaur and rocket souvenirs.


That Gun can be purchased from his shop’s inventory as soon as you meet him. It will cost around 1000 caps depending on your barter skill level. This can be quite a lot of money for a player just starting their journey. Thankfully, there is another way to get the unique weapon from Cliff.

How to Steal That Gun


If you don’t care about receiving any negative karma, you can steal That Gun. The door to the right behind the counter has a very easy lock you can pick. Sneak behind Cliff or wait for nighttime and he will leave. You can also pickpocket the key to the door from his inventory if you are confident in your thieving skills.


Once the door is open you can enter the small storage room. Close the door behind you, so Cliff doesn’t see you stealing. That Gun is at the end of the first shelf on the right. Quickly steal it and get out as the rocket souvenirs will give you some Rads.

fallout new vegas

Fallout: New Vegas

October 19, 2010

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs


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