Far Cry 7 is likely a while away, but the game has still managed to generate plenty of buzz due to rumors of an in-game timer. The action adventure series has mostly focused on open world exploration for its stories since the second installment. However, if rumors are to be believed, Far Cry 7 is aiming to change its long-held formula.

Leaks suggesting that Far Cry 7 will feature a 72-hour time limit have been met with a lot of controversy. According to the leaks, players won’t get to explore the game on their own terms, but will instead be thrown into time-sensitive scenarios. Since the Far Cry franchise has become well known for its open world storytelling, the backlash is understandable, but there could be a silver lining that makes it more effective. If Far Cry 7 is aiming for a more intense experience, then looking to Resident Evil‘s resource management may be the key to making a timer work.

Resident Evil’s Resource Management Could Be the Secret Ingredient Far Cry 7 Needs

Bringing Intense Strategy to Far Cry 7

When it comes to Resident Evil, one of the most effective ways the franchise heightens its scares is through intense resource management. As players continue the story in each game, important items like ammo and health herbs are sparse. Any missed item could become a detrimental misstep, which can be incredibly frustrating. However, it also creates a heavy sense of tension that would be hard to pull off in any other way. The long-running Resident Evil franchise has made this a fixture in the series, and Far Cry 7 could greatly benefit from this approach.

As an action adventure franchise, Far Cry has always placed an emphasis on survival aspects, and challenging resource management would only elevate this feature. Rumors are claiming that Far Cry 7 will take place on a fictional island off the coast of Korea where players will have to rescue their family members from a radical group. That scenario is sweat-inducing enough, but bringing a 72-hour timer into the equation ups the ante. Forcing players to ration their resource usage on top of that would only make it more immersive.

The fictional island rumored to be
Far Cry 7
‘s setting is called Kimsan. Leaks claim that the island has been taken over by North Korean insurgents.

If the rumors are true and Far Cry 7 seeks to break tradition, then it may best benefit from going all out. There is currently no confirmation of these time limit rumors being true, but Ubisoft also has yet to deny them. Steering away from open world exploration is not going to sit well with a lot of players. Despite the division it could create, Ubisoft leaning hard into its bold choice could potentially win players over in the long run.

Ubisoft Sticking to Its Guns With Far Cry 7

Recently, Ubisoft has been experiencing a rough patch. Between the low sales of Skull and Bones and Star Wars Outlaws, Ubisoft is at a fork in the road. It would likely be a better decision to return to Far Cry‘s formula, but if Ubisoft decides to make as drastic of a change to the series as an in-game timer, it needs to commit. Putting a time limit on gameplay may not be for everyone, but Far Cry 7 could ultimately appeal to fans of hardcore survival.

Blending resource management with in-game time restraints makes an open world experience impossible, but it could pay off if it is balanced enough to be white-knuckling without being agonizing. Far Cry has a compelling history of releases, and despite Far Cry 7‘s rumors causing criticism, it could begin a new path forward for the series.


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