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During the final moments of chapter 5 – “A Dream of Utopia” of Frostpunk 2, you’ll have to resolve the political crisis between the two opposing factions. Your decision to either salvage or settle Winterhome will have escalated tension to the catastrophic stage, and you must bring it down to severe levels before time runs out. Failing to accomplish this objective within the given time will result in a game over.

You’ll have three options at your disposal on how you want to deal with this situation: banish the protesting faction, seek reconciliation between the two opposing factions, or enforce your rule as the captain. If you choose to enforce captain’s rule, here are all the necessary steps you must carry out to bring the bickering factions to their heels.


Frostpunk 2: 10 Most Important Priorities, Ranked

Players have a lot of things to manage in Frostpunk 2 and must prioritize accordingly. These are the most important issues that require attention.

Pass The Captain’s Rule Law In The Council

Frostpunk 2 - Captain's Authority Law

The Rules category in the council allows you to centralize power. These laws enable you to recruit guard scouts, establish a Bureau of Propaganda, and eventually declare yourself a dictator.

You won’t have access to the Captain’s Authority law in the earlier chapters of Frostpunk 2; it only becomes available when you choose to enforce your rule in Chapter 5. However, to unlock it, you’ll need to pass the following laws first:

  • Guard Enforcers
  • Steward’s Militia
  • Martial Law


  • Guided Voting
  • Bureau of Propaganda
  • Secret Police

Once you’ve passed a law in the council, you’ll need to wait two in-game weeks before passing, amending, or repealing a law again. However, you can also call an emergency council session before the two weeks to pass an emergency law. There is, however, a limit to how many times you can call an emergency council session, and each time you do so, you risk losing trust among the factions.

Remember, passing any law under the Rule category requires a two-thirds majority in the council.

Frostpunk 2 - Enforce Captain's Rule

After passing the Captain’s Authority law, you’ll need at least 45 guards to Secure Rule. With this force, you’ll detain the protesting factions, suppress their fervor, and reduce tension in the city.

Once you’ve met the guard requirements and have at least one active prison in your city, you can enforce captain’s rule by following these steps:

  • Click the generator in your city to bring up the Central District panel.
  • Select the Secure Rule option.


Frostpunk 2’s Lily May Is a Powerful Reminder That Choices Matter

Near the start of Frostpunk 2, players are introduced to Lily May, a character who eventually becomes a powerful reminder of the player’s power.

Alternate Method To Enforce Captain’s Rule

Frostpunk 2 - Coup D'etat-1

If you haven’t passed any laws under the Rule category, accessing and enacting Captain’s Authority will be a challenge due to time limits. However, you can still stage a coup and declare yourself the captain of New London.

The option to stage a coup only appears if you fail to enact the Captain’s Authority law after several in-game weeks. When this opportunity arises, you’ll have three choices: declare yourself captain (if you have 90 guards available), keep guards on standby (if you’re short on numbers), or dismiss the thought entirely.

Frostpunk 2 - Stage Coup

Staging a coup follows the same method as that of securing your rule. In the Central District panel, you’ll have an additional “Stage Coup” option alongside Secure Rule. Activating the Stage Coup will send out your guard to secure the city and detain protesters.

Following declaring yourself the captain, you’ll have a new objective to build separate enclaves for the opposing factions and construct watchtowers to ensure their isolation. There is no time limit on this objective and it can be done at your pace.


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