One of the strongest selling points of Helldivers 2 is its wide spread of playable planets. The galactic map features a handful of planets at any given time, most of which have yet to be seen in gameplay. With that staggering number of planets, one would hope for a lot of variety in the types of places the Helldivers fight in, but that assumption wouldn’t necessarily be correct.

The planets spanning the galaxy in Helldivers 2 cover a vast array of environments. Planets range from icy to forested and bizarre alien biomes that have no equivalent on Earth, but despite their superficial differences and the weather differences each biome brings, they’re all very similar: barren stretches of undeveloped wilderness with occasional outposts speckling the countryside. This is all well and good, as it’s been the foundation for the title’s winning gameplay formula, though there’s definitely room for improvement and innovation.


Helldivers 2 Announces Massive New Update Escalation of Freedom

Helldivers 2 announces a massive new update for the game called Escalation of Freedom, adding tons of new content and quality of life improvements.

Helldivers 2 Needs to Expand its Variety of Planets and Planetoids

Arrowhead Should Let the Helldivers Fight on Low Gravity Moons

Science fiction has always been a ripe environment for exploring different types of planets, planetoids, and moons, and Helldivers 2 should look into adding more of the latter environments to spice up variety. The team wouldn’t have to look further than the real-life solar system for inspiration; basing an environment on Earth’s moon would be a necessity, if not a little uninspired, but there’s so much more room for growth once the team starts looking to the moons of Saturn, Mars, Venus, and others to provide some starting inspiration for future moon-based maps.

Moons usually have very different gravitational forces when compared to their mainline planets. Even those out there who didn’t do so well in science know that the moon’s gravity is a lot looser than it is on Earth. Moons in Helldivers 2 could function similarly, with lighter gravity allowing players to jump higher for longer. This would be a huge shakeup to gameplay, and add some much-welcome verticality to what is currently a very horizontal game. For instance, one title that used moon gravity to excellent effect was Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Despite being the black sheep of the franchise, the Pre-Sequel took place on one of Pandora’s many moons with greatly decreased gravity compared to what players were used to in the other games. The result was some incredibly fun gunplay which allowed players to get unique and creative angles on their enemies as well as serving to make exploration and platforming a lot easier. This could be used to excellent effect in Helldivers 2, especially where the maps tend to be on the larger side for most missions.

Helldivers 2 Can Expand Map Variety by Introducing More Urban Planets

Of course, moons aren’t the only type of environment players haven’t yet seen in-game. As of now, Helldivers 2 currently has no planet that represents a heavily settled, civilian-inhabited planet. The entirety of the gameplay currently takes place in mostly desolate wastelands, with a few scientific/colony outposts here and there. While Arrowhead might be saving this type of map for the almost inevitable invasion of Super Earth somewhere down the line, it might be a cool idea for planets closer to the center of the galaxy.

Right now, the Second Galactic War is taking place in the furthest reaches of the galaxy and the Helldivers are currently on the borders of the Super Earth empire. As Terminids and Automatons make their way further into the inner rim of the galaxy, the maps should become more urban to both mix up the gameplay and signify that the war is getting closer and closer to home.


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