
  • A Chinese gamer has died from apparent exhaustion due to excessive streaming.
  • Some companies hire people to make videos or live stream, and the Chinese gamer was contracted to stream 240 hours in 26 days for $420 USD.
  • The company denies responsibility for the streamer’s death, claiming that he chose his own work hours.

A Chinese gamer has died after allegedly pushing himself to the point of extreme exhaustion from excessive streaming. In recent years, streamers feel pressured to do outrageous things to attract viewers and differentiate themselves from other content creators. Some of these methods include subathons, which can last for weeks or even months, or challenges to stream for as long as possible without sleep. But even streaming on a somewhat regular schedule can pose a health risk.

Content creation is a thriving industry, and there are now companies that hire people to make videos or live stream, even providing a set that looks like a bedroom or gamer den. In Zhenzhou, China, a student surnamed Li was employed by one such company, Henan Qinyi Culture and Media Co. According to Li’s father, on November 5, Li was moved to the night shift for increased earning opportunities, and he was tasked with uploading 15 short videos a month and live streaming 240 hours in 26 days. His minimum compensation for this work would have been the equivalent of $420 USD.


Twitch Streamer Pokimane Criticizes Subathons

Twitch streamer Pokimane joins the ongoing discourse regarding ‘Subathons,’ describing the practice as often ‘unhealthy’ to do.

For five nights in a row, Li streamed from 9 PM to 6 AM. According to China Daily (via Insider Gaming), on November 10, the content creator’s roommates found him seemingly asleep but unresponsive and breathing rapidly. After an ambulance took him to the hospital, Li was pronounced dead. Though China Daily did not provide a cause of death, it seems that the blame is being placed on exhaustion and therefore also the company that employed Li to live stream.

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The company denies any responsibility for Li’s death. A legal representative, Zhang, stated, “We provide the location and we take a commission from his tips, and it’s just a simple cooperation.” The representative admitted that many streamers have difficulty maintaining a balance between earning money and overworking themselves, but the streamer was not forced to work the night shift and could choose his own hours, Zhang said. He pointed out that Li’s streams took place in his own house during off-hours. Despite this, the company offered Li’s family $700 in compensation “out of humanitarianism.”

Working 45 hours in five days is not necessarily dangerous, but Li was accustomed to working during the day. It’s possible that his body had not yet adjusted to the change in his sleep schedule, and it’s believed that he had been completing schoolwork during that time as well. There are also health risks associated with remaining sedentary for long periods of time.

Even subathons, which allow content creators to take breaks or get a nap in, can still pose a problem. Long term, sitting for extended periods can harm blood vessels in the legs and increase the risk of chronic issues. But in the short term, people with pre-existing factors have a higher chance of forming blood clots in their legs, which can be life changing.


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