Google Pixel 9 series is expected to be launched at the tech giant’s upcoming event on August 13. The series is rumoured to comprise the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel 9 Pro Fold models. Ahead of the launch, a new leak has claimed that the smartphones might arrive with a new artificial intelligence (AI) feature dubbed AI Call Notes. The feature is said to record and transcribe calls and show a text summary of it.

Google Pixel 9 Series Might Get an AI Call Notes Feature

Tipster and software engineer Dylan Roussel claimed in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), that the upcoming Pixel 9 series could get an AI Call Notes feature. While the tipster did not reveal much about the feature, he highlighted that it will be able to record and transcribe calls.

Last year, Google added a feature dubbed AI Summarise feature for the Recorder app with the Pixel 8 series. The feature uses the Gemini Nano AI model to process audio files and share a text transcription of them. If the AI Call Notes is indeed arriving on the Pixel 9 series, it might use a similar technology for it.

However, no details were shared about the feature such as the AI model that will be used for the processing and text generation, whether the text generation will be live or if it will take a few minutes after the user hangs up the call, and whether the person on the other end will be notified about the call being recorded and transcribed. Notably, the tipster also claimed that the Panorama mode in the camera will also get a redesign.

A previous report claimed that the base model of the Pixel 9 could feature a 6.3-inch display, whereas the Pixel 9 Pro and the 9 Pro XL might get a 6.3-inch and 6.8-inch display. The Pixel 9 Pro Fold is rumoured to sport a 6.3-inch display on the cover screen and an 8-inch display on the main screen. All the smartphones could be equipped with the Tensor G4 chipset.


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