
  • The
    Spyro Reignited Trilogy
    brings the iconic franchise back to life with remastered graphics and gameplay mechanics, offering a blend of action and platforming like
    Ratchet & Clank
  • Yooka-Laylee
    , though it didn’t meet high expectations, is still worth a look for platforming fans, with well-designed levels and hidden secrets to discover.
  • Kirby and the Forgotten Land
    , the first fully 3D main series game in the franchise, features beautiful art design and an expansive copy mechanic that adds to its appeal.

Exclusive titles can be a real pain for gamers. Although competition between brands is inherently a good thing for consumers, it’s a shame that many gamers haven’t experienced franchises like Halo, The Legend of Zelda, or Uncharted.



Best Games To Play If You Liked Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

The following games may not be Zelda: Breath Of The Wild, but they will certainly scratch the same itch as Nintendo’s open-world masterpiece.

One other exclusive series that has eluded many gamers is Ratchet & Clank. The sci-fi series’ exclusivity is particularly disappointing for Nintendo Switch owners, as Switch owners are, generally speaking, the biggest advocates for mascot platformers. Thankfully, Nintendo’s console has tons of excellent platforming titles of its own that can scratch the itch of anyone who likes games like Ratchet & Clank.

Updated on June 25, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Ratchet & Clank surprised many players with its technical fidelity in the current generation of consoles, with Rift Apart making great use of the power of the PS5. Sadly, not all gamers will have access to the acclaimed series, but there are other options available. Fans of the series who own a Nintendo Switch can check out several great platforming games that are reminiscent of Ratchet & Clank in many ways. These titles either replicate the platforming challenges of the series or feature combat mechanics that provide a similar feeling.

13 Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

A Trilogy Of Classic Platformers With Limited Self-Defense Options

Crash Bandicoot in the N. Sane Trilogy

Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy

June 30, 2017


The remake of the original Crash Bandicoot trilogy is something that excited fans to no end. The hard-as-nails gameplay coupled with a suite of memorable characters is a package that even players unfamiliar with this beloved marsupial are certain to enjoy.

Much like Ratchet & Clank, Crash Bandicoot is one of the franchises that contributes to the PlayStation’s rich history in the gaming industry. After competing with Mario for the longest time, fans with access to a Nintendo Switch will be glad to get their hands on Crash’s zany adventures, especially if they enjoy what Ratchet & Clank has to offer in terms of fun gameplay, challenges, and visuals.

12 Sonic Frontiers

An Open-World Sonic Game With A Mix Of Platforming And Combat

Sonic Spin Dashing Around The First Island In Sonic Frontiers

Sonic Frontiers

November 8, 2022

Sonic is a video game character who continues to be relevant in the mainstream despite having a rather rocky history of game releases ever since the series’ transition to 3D. As such, fans were glad to see that Sonic Frontiers was a lot of fun to play despite featuring its fair share of jank.

Players who love the focus on platforming and combat in games like Ratchet & Clank will love Sonic Frontiers for much of the same. Sure, Sonic may lack ranged options, but that doesn’t matter since he himself can match the pace of a speeding bullet.

11 It Takes Two

Features Tight Platforming And Similar Shooting Mechanics

Riding Frogs in It Takes Two

It Takes Two is one of the best co-op games that players can get their hands on. In this game, gamers start off with a moveset fit for a platforming game before the title throws numerous gameplay curveballs at them based on the levels they traverse.

This includes segments where players can engage in traditional third-person shooter mechanics, making it a perfect game for players seeking out experiences like Ratchet & Clank on the Switch. By switching its gameplay elements time and time again, It Takes Two will entertain players until the very end of this memorable journey as they help Cody and May rekindle the spark in their relationship.

10 Spyro Reignited Trilogy

A Classic 3D Series That Features A Great Blend Of Action And Platforming

Spyro in Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

November 13, 2018


Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Ratchet and Clank share a common bond, as both franchises were created by Insomniac Games. The American studio developed the original Spyro trilogy on PlayStation 1 before leaving the franchise to work on the first Ratchet and Clank game.


Best Games To Play If You Love Spyro The Dragon

Spyro the Dragon has arguably never been more popular, and with Crash getting a fourth mainline entry, fans are itching for a game like Spyro.

Unfortunately, the Spyro series sharply dropped in quality after Insomniac stopped developing the series’ games, and many people thought that the franchise was dead after the underwhelming The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon in 2008. However, following the success of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, Activision teamed up with Toys For Bob to remaster the first three Spyro games.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy was well-received by fans, as, like the N. Sane Trilogy, it brought the iconic series back to life with a beautiful fresh coat of paint that makes the game tantalizing for both adults returning to the series and children experiencing it for the first time. The three games in the remastered collection all feature a blend of action and platforming like the Ratchet & Clank series does, particularly the third game, which introduced a handful of new playable characters and new gameplay mechanics.

9 Yooka-Laylee

Elicits The Classic Goodness Of 3D Platformers With A Collectathon Focus

Yooka-Laylee cover art


April 11, 2017


A game that is considered a spiritual successor to the classic Banjo-Kazooie was always going to draw attention. Playtonic Games’ Yooka-Laylee started life on Kickstarter, where it broke multiple records for the money it raised. Unfortunately, the game’s huge expectations weren’t reached, and many people were disappointed by the final product.

Despite failing to match the qualities of Banjo-Kazooie, Playtonic Games’ platformer is still worth checking out for anyone interested in games like Ratchet & Clank as long as they don’t mind the combat taking a backseat. The first level, in particular, is extremely well-designed, as players can easily get lost in it for hours while searching for all of the secrets and hidden items tucked around every corner.

8 Kirby And The Forgotten Land

A Charming Platformer With Fun Traversal And Unique Gameplay Mechanics

Kirby and the Forgotten Land cover art

Kirby and the Forgotten Land

March 25, 2022


Kirby and the Forgotten Land was released exclusively on the Nintendo Switch in March 2022. The game was well-received by fans and critics, exemplified by its 85 critic score and 8.8 user score on the review aggregator site Metacritic.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land immediately grabbed the attention of Kirby fans by being the first main series game in the franchise to be fully 3D, along with its beautiful art design and expansive copy mechanic that often produces hilarious results. Players who loved the charming art style and endearing characters of Ratchet & Clank will find this title to be right up their alley.

7 Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

A Tough-As-Nails 2.5D Platformer That Requires Precise Movement

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze - side scrolling gameplay

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

February 21, 2014


Another mascot character that has survived many decades and changes to gaming over the years is Donkey Kong. Players who like the idea of controlling anthropomorphic characters in unique platforming games like Ratchet & Clank will find the games with this lovable gorilla to be right up their alley. However, these fans should keep in mind that the majority of Donkey Kong games focus on platforming challenges, with combat taking a backseat here.



Best Games To Play If You Liked Genshin Impact

miHoYo’s Genshin Impact is overflowing with content, but if fans want a change of pace, they should check out these other games.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is one of many Wii U games that has been ported to the Nintendo Switch, and it is considered to be of a similar quality to the classic SNES game Donkey Kong Country, which is tremendously high praise. The Nintendo Switch edition adds a handful of new features, including New Funky Mode, which adds Funky Kong as a playable character. Funky Kong is far more skilled than Donkey Kong, making the game considerably easier.

6 Hollow Knight

A Metroidvania Soulslike With Amazing Environmental Design

A cave in Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

February 24, 2017

Team Cherry


The Metroidvania genre has had a welcome resurgence in recent years. Hollow Knight is just one of the many fantastic entries into the retro genre during the eighth generation of consoles. The game itself impressed in almost every key area, as the gameplay, music, and overall level design make Hollow Knight one of the Metroidvania genre’s best-ever titles.

Along with its excellent Nintendo Switch Metascore of 90, Hollow Knight picked up numerous awards, including Independent Game of the Year at the Australian Game Awards. As long as players don’t mind sacrificing the colorful art style and third-person perspective of the Ratchet & Clank games, they’ll find Hollow Knight to be an excellent recommendation.

5 Guacamelee! 2

Combines A Colorful Art Style With Engaging Combat, Something That Ratchet & Clank Is Known For

Promotional image of Juan Aguacate from Guacamelee 2

From one excellent modern Metroidvania to another, Guacamelee! 2 was released in August 2018 on PC and PlayStation 4 before coming to the Nintendo Switch a couple of months later. Much like Hollow Knight, DrinkBox Studios’ Guacamelee! 2 is faithful to the Metroidvania games of old but brings plenty of new ideas to the table to differentiate it from other titles.

Along with its unique art style, Guacamelee! 2 stands out with its innovative combat styles, inspired by a common professional wrestling style in Mexico known as Lucha Libre. The focus on platforming and combat makes this a great game on the Switch like Ratchet & Clank.

4 Okami HD

A Beautiful Cel-Shaded World With Unique Combat

Okami HD - running past hut


September 19, 2006

Capcom , Clover Studio

The Legend of Zelda-inspired Okami HD may not have as many platforming sections as Ratchet & Clank or any other game on this list, for that matter. However, Clover Studio’s classic adventure is certainly worth checking out for simply being one of the best third-person adventures of all time.

Despite the universal praise and 93 Metascore that Okami received when it was initially released on the PlayStation 2, the game struggled to perform sales-wise. Thankfully, the Nintendo Wii port and multiple Okami HD releases have finally given the adventure the commercial success it always deserved.

3 Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Features Fun Platforming Gameplay And Impressive Level Designs

A group of characters jumping in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

February 12, 2021

Nintendo EPD


Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury takes the Wii U game Super Mario 3D World to the Nintendo Switch while adding Bowser’s Fury for good measure. The Super Mario 3D World section of the game plays similarly to the Nintendo 3DS game Super Mario 3D Land, with its small but tightly designed levels. Meanwhile, Bowser’s Fury offers one large stage that is broken up into small islands.


18 Games You Should Play If You Like Control

Few games can really be compared to Control, but here are several that could roughly be equated to Remedy’s innovative, extremely weird title.

Bowser’s Fury has numerous interesting mechanics that may reappear in the next main series Mario title, such as Bowser being a constant presence who sporadically pops up to wreak havoc upon players as they try to find Cat Shrines. It’s one of the best games players can check out if they miss the platforming sections of Ratchet & Clank.

2 Ori And The Will Of The Wisps

A Beautiful Metroidvania Platformer With Fun Combat

Ori and the Will of the Wisps - Ori riding Ku

Ori and the Will of the Wisps

March 11, 2020

Moon Studios

Platformer , Adventure

The third and final Metroidvania game to appear on this list, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, is a great choice for Ratchet & Clank fans, as two of the game’s main strengths mirror Insomniac Games’ franchise: the platforming and combat mechanics.

However, platforming and combat aren’t all that’s great about Ori and the Will of the Wisps, as the game improves upon its predecessor by implementing more open-world mechanics. The game becomes very open at around the halfway point, where players are free to take a break from the main story to complete side quests and activities.

1 Super Mario Odyssey

Perfected 3D Platforming With Cappy Letting Players Take Control Of Enemies

super mario odyssey - mario playing guitar

Super Mario Odyssey

October 27, 2017



There probably won’t be too many people gasping in surprise in response to Super Mario Odyssey appearing on this list. As is common for gaming’s most iconic character, Mario once again raised the bar for all platforming titles with Super Mario Odyssey, which has become one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, exemplified by its whopping 97 Metascore.

Super Mario Odyssey has tons of hours of content, wonderfully designed levels, and a fantastic mechanic that lets players “capture” objects and living beings around the stages to give them an advantage, which is an ingenious way to add several new gameplay mechanics to the long-running franchise. It’s one of the best recommendations for Switch games like Ratchet & Clank that platforming aficionados can enjoy.


Best Games To Play If You Like Fall Guys

Players who enjoy Fall Guys’s unique battle royale experience should give these games a try.


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