
  • A gamer makes a lucky find at a thrift store, picking up a sealed copy of Halo 4 for $5.
  • The discovery is a surprise, considering Halo 4 was released almost 12 years ago.
  • The gamer plans to keep Halo 4 sealed, in the event the game’s value increases in the future.

A Halo fan online has made a surprising discovery at a thrift store, picking up a collector’s item for an extremely low price. Collecting Halo memorabilia is a hobby for many Xbox gamers out there, and one lucky fan has managed to snag a bargain deal.

The Halo franchise began with Combat Evolved back in 2001. It was instantly regarded as one of the best exclusives on the original Xbox, if not the best. For many, Bungie had redefined the first-person shooter genre, and it would uphold a stellar reputation with its Halo games throughout the next decade. The titles released by 343 Industries in the years post-Halo: Reach have proved to be a little more divisive, although the series remains one of the top first-person shooters out there at the moment.


Halo Infinite Giving Away Free Cosmetics This Month

343 Industries confirms that a bunch of free cosmetics are now available to grab in Halo Infinite, although they’ll only be available throughout June.

Redditor jg1027 shared their awesome thrift store discovery, after managing to find a sealed copy of Halo 4 for just $5. It’s an impressive find, especially considering the fact that Halo 4 is set to turn 12 years old later this year. Beyond the packaging, it looks to be in pristine condition, meaning in the unlikely event that Halo 4 increases in value in many years’ time, jg1027 could be in for a windfall. In the thread, they confirmed their intention to keep it sealed and continue playing Halo 4 on The Master Chief Collection, just in case this occurs. Stranger things have happened – earlier this year, unopened NES games sold for ridiculous prices online, so it’s worth the $5 gamble in this case.

Sealed Copy of Halo 4 Found At Thrift Store

In the full list of every Halo game, there are definitely many gamers who would place Halo 4 lower in their rankings. As 343 Industries’ first entry into the series, the developer still had a lot to learn, but even still, there’s a lot to like here. The game’s inclusion in Halo: The Master Chief Collection has done its reputation a lot of good over the years, especially on PC, where mods have been able to improve the game even further. Halo 4 might not be perfect, but looking back, it’s an interesting evolution of a classic formula.

Looking forward, it will be interesting to see where the future of Halo lies. 343 Industries continues to update Halo Infinite almost three years after its launch, but it isn’t clear when the developer plans to move forward with the next iteration in the series. Some feel that the next Halo game will face more pressure than any before it, with expectations for a strong product at launch next time around. Whether this plays out remains to be seen.



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