
  • Hermione mastered the Patronus Charm despite some struggles, summoning an Otter to repel Dementors.
  • She cursed traitors of Dumbledore’s Army with a pimple jinx, branding them with the word ‘SNEAK.’
  • Using the Protean Charm, Hermione facilitated secret communications for DA members with enchanted coins.

From the very first Harry Potter book, Hermione Granger proved herself to be a brilliant and powerful witch. With an unmatched ability to absorb new information and an almost comically high work ethic, as evidenced by her use of the Time-Turner, Hermione could learn any spell.


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Although there were a few spells she struggled with in practice, such as Expecto Patronum, she always overcame any shortfalls. As one of the main contributors to the downfall of Lord Voldemort, Hermione faced many perils and thus had no option but to use some extremely powerful spells.

1 Expecto Patronum – The Patronus Charm

Harry Taught Hermione How To Summon A Patronus During Their DA Sessions

Hermione's Patronus

  • First use:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

As a highly intelligent and capable witch, Hermione rarely struggled with any aspect of magic. The Patronus Charm, however, seems to have been an exception for her, and even years after first learning it, she could still struggle with the emotional aspect of the spell, as was the case in the trio’s flight from the Ministry of Magic.

Nevertheless, Hermione still managed to learn and use this spell as a fifth-year student thanks to Dumbledore’s Army sessions. The iconic incantation, Expecto Patronum produces a Patronus, which is a kind of protective force taking on the guise of an animal, in Hermione’s case, an Otter. A Patronus is primarily used to repel Dementors and thus is considered a potent spell.

2 A Jinx Placed On The List Of Dumbledore’s Army Members

Any Traitors Would Have The Word SNEAK On Their Forehead In Spots


  • First use:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

When members initially signed up for Dumbledore’s Army in the books, Hermione had them sign a piece of parchment and swear to secrecy. However, she only revealed to Harry and Ron that any traitor who gave away the existence of the group would be jinxed in a most unfortunate way.


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As Marietta Edgecombe, a friend of Cho Chang, found out when she betrayed the DA, Hermione had invented a cruel jinx that caused the traitor’s forehead to be covered in pimples that spelled out the word SNEAK. Funny or not, there is no doubt that this was an impressive piece of magic, with many components to it.

3 Protean Charm

Hermione Mimicked The Dark Mark So That DA Members Could Communicate With Coins

Dumbledore's Army

  • First use:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Fellow students were often impressed by Hermione’s advanced magical ability, and perhaps the best example of this from the books is with her use of the Protean Charm. This niche spell allows several objects to all change at once, no matter how far spread out they are. Hermione used the charm on Galleons that she gave out to each member of Dumbledore’s Army, and thus when Harry changed the numbers to match the date and time of the next session, the coins would all heat up and change as one.

Terry Boot was particularly incredulous that Hermione was able to pull off this feat of N.E.W.T. level magic, despite only being an O.W.L. student. Hermione was apparently inspired by the Death Eaters’ Dark Marks when coming up with this secret form of communication, and it is possible that Voldemort also used a Protean Charm.

4 Confringo – The Blasting Curse

Hermione Tried To Kill Nagini But Instead Broke Harry’s Wand

Harry Potter Scenes That Are Better In The Books Than The Movies Harry and Hermione Visit Godric's Hollow

  • First use:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

As anyone who has played Hogwarts Legacy will know, Confringo, the Blasting Curse, is one of the best spells as it causes targets to explode. Naturally dangerous, this is a spell that Hermione would only use when absolutely necessary, for example, when attacked by a massive snake.


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When Harry and Hermione visited Godric’s Hollow to seek answers and perhaps find a Horcrux or the Sword of Gryffindor, they instead found Voldemort’s snake, Nagini. In their attempt to repel the snake and escape, Hermione used the Blasting Curse, but failed in her attempt and instead broke Harry’s wand. Her spell was so powerful that Harry’s wand could only be repaired by the Elder Wand at the very end of the story.

5 Obliviate – The Memory Charm

Hermione Changed Her Parents’ Memories To Save Them

Hermione erases parents memory

  • First use:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Not all powerful spells are those used in combat or with huge physical effects. The Memory Charm, Obliviate, for example, is arguably one of the most life-altering spells, or at least it can be, with a person’s memories being altered or entirely removed. In fact, as evidenced by the fate of Gilderoy Lockhart, it can be said to be one of the most dangerous spells in Harry Potter.

As with most charms, Hermione had a particular proficiency with Obliviate, and in the movies, she is seen using it on her parents to wipe their memories of her and to convince them to immigrate to Australia, making them safe from Voldemort. In the books, she uses a Confundus Charm. In both the books and films, she also uses the Memory Charm on two Death Eaters that attacked the trio.


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