
  • Leaving operations in Helldivers 2 does not negatively affect the planet, as confirmed by a developer addressing player concerns.
  • Server issues plagued the game at launch, but developer Arrowhead Game Studios is quick to release updates and increase server capacity.
  • The community seeks clarity from developers on the differences between abandoning and failing missions, eager for a roadmap of exciting future content.

A Helldivers 2 developer clarifies what happens when players abandon operations, confirming that there are no negative effects on the planet for players that leave. Some concerns were raised in the community when a Helldivers 2 developer claimed that leaving an operation would incur a loss in certain instances.

Helldivers 2 continues to be an extremely popular game with well over 430,000 peak concurrent players on Steam. However, the surge of players caused server issues that would continue to annoy the community for weeks following the game’s launch. Fortunately, developer Arrowhead Game Studios is quick to release new updates for the game while fostering a safe community for players to share their feedback and general opinions. In addition, the Helldivers 2 server cap was increased to accommodate more players, since login and server issues were rampant for players attempting to play during peak hours. There’s still room for improvement, since cheating still appears to be a problem for some players wanting to complete missions and operations.


Helldivers 2 Player Reveals Clever Strategy to Kill One of the Game’s Tougher Enemies

A new Helldivers 2 trick takes some of the pain out of tackling an elite-level in-game threat, prompting praise from the player community.

As reported by Dexerto, Helldivers 2 developer and Reddit user AHGS_Misty confirms that abandoning operations does not progress the enemy’s percentage, and players who do leave will not have a negative impact on the planet. This is a relief for the Helldivers 2 community, after fellow developer Evil-Bosse claimed that quitting an operation halfway through counts as a loss for Super Earth. After being corrected by AHGS_Misty, Evil-Bosse apologized for spreading misinformation in the original Reddit thread from Tastrix, which garnered more than 13,000 upvotes on the platform in just a day.

Helldivers 2 Developer Addresses Player Concerns About Abandoning Operations

Arrowhead Game Studios has yet to publicly clarify the situation on its major social media accounts on Facebook and Twitter, however. Some fans argue that the developers should make a public statement on the matter, since the highly active Helldivers 2 Discord server is still talking about Evil-Bosse’s initial response from February 23. Other Helldivers 2 players in the community would like clarification regarding the differences between abandoning and failing, since the liberation score system is still confusing to some.

At the very least, there’s some peace of mind regarding Helldivers 2 operations for those that actively keep up with the online community. Helldivers 2 sales continue to climb, so the community will surely grow in the weeks and months ahead. A new peak concurrent player record could be set in the future if Arrowhead Game Studios gives players an exciting roadmap of content that will help drive sales in the future.


Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 is a third-person cooperative shooter developed by Arrowhead Games Studios for the PC and PlayStation 5 where players take control of a Helldiver set to protect the citizens of Super Earth by traveling to hostile alien worlds and destroying threats. Players undergo missions, defeat enemies, and use special items called Stratagems to help turn the tide of battle in this punishing release.

PC , PlayStation 5

February 8, 2024

Arrowhead Game Studios AB


Online Co-Op


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