One of Helldivers 2‘s subtler entertaining features is the broadcasts that showcase the in-game world’s patriotic-themed advertisements and views on current events. Although they are enjoyable to watch, they don’t offer anything other than a small distraction and bits of lore. As a surprise upgrade to a player’s Super Destroyer ship, a future update could turn them into more than just sources of amusement.

The world of Helldivers 2 contains a lot of in-game dialogue and events that emphasize the game’s themes. In the middle of a player’s ship is a large screen that occasionally shows videos, ones that give more insight into the humorous and satirical tone that the game wants to set. While the big display does offer many different types of these broadcasts, they are likely to go unnoticed as players quickly jump into missions. Changing how this ship feature is handled can turn these broadcasts from infrequent entertainment pieces into useful viewing material that players will want to engage with.


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How to Improve a Super Destroyer’s Broadcasting Display

While Helldivers 2 has many ship modules that upgrade the Super Destroyer’s ability to aid players, they only provide benefits during missions. A potential update could provide a purchasable module that turns the ships’ large display into an interactable tool, making it a pre-deployment asset. Such a change can result in different benefits such as:

  • Eliminating the randomness factor of when broadcasts appear
  • Providing videos that contain detailed information on topics such as the history of Super Earth or enemy Terminids and Automatons
  • Giving players an option that allows them to choose what is shown in the display and when

This update to the large broadcasting screen can give the player something to work towards that affects their hub area. Not only could it provide useful or entertaining media, but it could provide more life within a player’s ship.


How Helldivers 2 Can Mix Up Its Approach to NPC Storytelling

Helldivers 2 has interesting characters aboard a player’s Super Destroyer, but they have the potential to do more in telling the game’s story.

Why Super Earth’s Media Outlet Should Also Cover Real-Time Events

While the ship’s media outlet does provide additional tidbits into the lore of Super Earth, it does not provide any value to the player’s gameplay. Although the current broadcasts are comical and interesting enough as temporary distractions, there is nothing to warrant giving them full attention. It does not help that the randomness in which they appear could mean that players can go a long time without even seeing them. Its broadcasts should undergo changes that make them more meaningful to players as interactive experiences.

Although the war table already reports every player’s effort on the battlefront, it only does so via text that players will likely skip. The large display can be used as an alternative to show details about important events through attention-grabbing videos. Making reports more visually appealing can encourage players to learn more about the things happening in the Helldivers community. A few examples of the types of topics these updated broadcasts can cover are:

  • The release of a new Warbond that previews what players could potentially acquire
  • Details concerning the latest major order to complete
  • Status of the completion of major orders after their limited time
  • New planets that players will have to liberate
  • New enemy types from Terminids, Automatons, or a new faction
  • New missions and their objectives

While there are trailers that show some of these items, having them in-game or something similar will update players without the need to access a third-party channel.

With Helldivers 2 changing how its updates will be released to maintain and improve the game’s overall quality, there is a possibility of a future upgrade to the ship’s display and broadcasts. The opportunity is one that Arrowhead Game Studios can consider as adding and improving upon a Super Destroyer’s internal features can give players more things to engage with. Extra content means additional reasons to invest time into a game and such an update can greatly benefit Helldivers 2 and its community.


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