Hogwarts Legacy 2 may have a bigger world than its predecessor, especially since the developers will be looking to build upon the latter’s success. Hogwarts Legacy was largely focused on the grand castle, Hogsmeade, the Forbidden Forest, and the surrounding highlands, but there were a few instances where players got to venture beyond. The Azkaban quest, a Hufflepuff-exclusive, is one that springs to mind. And yet, players couldn’t do much except walk down the corridor, look into the occupied cells or go inside an open one, and trigger a cutscene.

The limited “exploration” turned out to be a sore point for many fans, and some even turned to mods that would allow them to head to the prison again. Given its demand, developers may look into throwing more of a spotlight on Harry Potter’s Dementor-ridden Azkaban. That said, it is not the only location that deserves more love in Hogwarts Legacy 2. Among the various areas that the sequel will likely include, there is perhaps nothing more demanded than Diagon Alley.


Hogwarts Legacy 2 Needs to Improve One Key Area of The Original’s Exploration

Exploration needs to be one of Hogwarts Legacy 2’s key strengths, and there’s one area that needs developer attention perhaps more than others.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Needs to Show Diagon Alley More Love

The chance to explore the famous shopping district Diagon Alley in Hogwarts Legacy 2 seems like an obvious addition. The great wizarding shopping district has enthralled fans ever since it was first mentioned, and seeing it in action in the movies only whet fan appetite further. The popular location has been explorable (or even just seen via cutscene) in earlier games as well; given Avalanche Software and Portkey Games’ skill, adding Diagon Alley in Hogwarts Legacy 2 may be even more fruitful.

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, released globally for mobile devices in June 2023, had a great rendition of the wizarding shopping district. Players could travel there whenever they wanted, customize the appearance of their wand, buy outfits, alter their appearance, and much more. Mobile games have become more immersive as technology has grown, and yet they don’t hold a candle to the sheer technical prowess of what consoles and PCs can bring about.

Avalanche Has Already Proven It Can Recreate Diagon Alley

Adding Diagon Alley to Hogwarts Legacy 2 would be well within Avalanche’s abilities. Case in point, the first title did justice to Harry Potter’s Hogsmeade. The village was teeming with life and the shops had their personality; the sheer range of products available in stores and the art design was a testament to the team’s passion for the universe.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 is all but confirmed, and it will quite likely be scaled up. If so, perhaps both the shopping districts will be available to players. This would allow developers to show how stores and NPC behavior can be in a small town versus how things can really be in a shopping district that is completely commercial, draws more footfalls, and has a clientele from all walks and races of life. Even if the addition of Diagon Alley in Hogwarts Legacy 2 scales down Hogsmeade’s presence in the game or even nixes it, it may allow for a brighter spotlight on the former.

How The Presence of Diagon Alley in Hogwarts Legacy 2 May be a Boon

If Hogwarts Legacy 2 brings in an explorable Diagon Alley, there may be more positives than just new shops and wonders to look and interact with. This would almost certainly bring in other mainstays as well, like Knockturn Alley, Ollivanders, the Leaky Cauldron, and the like.

Adding fresh questlines will allow for a fresh perspective on the lore of Gringotts’ Wizarding Bank in the Harry Potter universe. Adding Knockturn Alley along with Diagon Alley in Hogwarts Legacy 2’s story and player decision-making will allow many to go down a darker path; this aspect was sorely missed when some RPG elements like the Morality system were cut from the first game. The presence of Leaky Cauldron and its varied clientele will also open up a fleshed-out NPC roster, deeper secrets, and maybe even a route towards the Dark Arts or the lofty heights of the Ministry of Magic.


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