
  • Immersive mods for Hogwarts Legacy enhance the gameplay experience by improving graphics, replacing the default aiming circle, and allowing players to cast spells by speaking out loud.
  • The Flying Height Unlocked mod enables players to fly as high as they want, while the AnyTimeCompanion mod allows companions to join players on their travels in Hogwarts Legacy.
  • With mods like Dynamic HUD and The Walking Mod, players can customize their HUD display and toggle walking on and off for a more immersive and cinematic experience in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy does an incredible job at immersing players in the Wizarding World and has rekindled love for the entire franchise. For PC players who want to take this further and completely lose themselves in the world, fully immersing themselves as Hogwarts students, they can turn to immersive mods.


6 Ways To Fully Immerse Yourself In Hogwarts Legacy

For fans that want to fully immerse themselves in the Hogwarts Legacy experience, check out these tips

These immersive mods for Hogwarts Legacy can achieve several effects, from making the world and life at Hogwarts more structured to letting players view the Scottish Highlands from unseen heights. With the help of mods, players will even be able to perform the incantations for spells out loud.

Updated January 2, 2024 by Joe Grantham: Hogwarts Legacy has been out for some time and is now available for players on all platforms, with Switch users being the latest to get their hands on the wizarding adventure. For PC players who use mods, however, their experience continues to develop with the release of new mods for the game.

Some of the best Hogwarts Legacy mods aim to improve immersion for players who have always dreamed of attending the esteemed School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Furthermore, some of the existing mods see continual improvement from their dedicated creators.

1 (X6 Reshade Options) Hogwarts Legacy Realism Overhaul

A Reshade Mod To Make The World More Crisp And Detailed

Hogwarts Legacy Realism Overhaul Mod

One of the easiest ways to improve immersion in Hogwarts Legacy is to make the game look even better and more realistic. With this reshade mod, players are more likely to forget they are playing a video game and not actually exploring Hogwarts in the late 19th century.

While there are 6 different options with varying levels of color and bloom. The main aim of this reshade is to make the graphics sharper and crisper, especially for objects at a distance.

2 Dot Reticle

Replace The Aim Circle With A Dot

Hogwarts Legacy Dot Reticle Mod

The Dot Reticle mod is a very simple one, but great for immersion in Hogwarts Legacy. It simply replaces the fairly large default aiming circle with a much smaller dot that is less distracting.

With less on their screen clogging up the view of Hogwarts, players will find it easier to lose themselves in the world. Nevertheless, with the dot reticle, they will still be able to easily carry out all the functions and correctly click on the right objects.

3 SpellSpeak

Use Spells By Speaking Out Loud

Hogwarts Legacy Lumos and Devil's Snare

For players who want to truly immerse themselves in Hogwarts Legacy and feel like a real witch or wizard, the SpellSpeak mod is a must-try. This mod lets players cast spells by saying the incantation out loud into their microphone.


Hogwarts Legacy: The 10 Most Fun Spell Combos

There are plenty of fun spells available in Hogwarts Legacy, and combining them in unique ways can produce unexpected results.

While this spell mod for Hogwarts Legacy is far from perfect with slight delays, it is nonetheless extremely fun and provides players with a truly unique experience. The only problem is that players may be judged by their family or friends for shouting Avada Kedavra at their screens.

4 Flying Height Unlocked

Fly As High As You Want

Hogwarts Legacy Flying Class Broom

Flying on one of Hogwarts Legacy’s brooms is amongst the most fun things to do in the game. However, the limitations on how high you can fly, can both spoil the fun and ruin the immersion. For players that want unimpeded broom flight, they should try the Flying Height Unlocked mod.

This simple mod increases the maximum fly height and allows players to enjoy an immersive flight high over Hogwarts or the surrounding countryside. After all wizards and witches usually have to fly high enough in the sky to avoid being seen by muggles. This mod also allows players to fly over the mountains to the Poidsear Coast region, instead of having to break immersion and use the Floo Network.

5 AnyTimeCompanion

Summon A Companion To Accompany You On Your Travels

hogwarts legacy companions

Players will make many friends during their 5th year at Hogwarts, but outside of specific quests, these companions cannot accompany players on their travels. Thankfully, the AnyTimeCompanion mod, in combination with the Companions Mod, makes this possible.


Hogwarts Legacy: 12 Easter Eggs Only Die-Hard Fans Noticed

Hogwarts Legacy holds several secret nods to the Harry Potter books and movies, which only longtime fans will be able to catch.

Using an in-game menu, players can summon a companion to their side. The list of available companions is extensive, ranging from classmates to villagers to the best professors in Hogwarts Legacy​​​​.

6 Dynamic HUD

This Mod Automatically Turns The HUD Off Outside Of Combat

Hogwarts Legacy wizard standing in field looking at Hogwarts Castle in Spring

Dynamic HUDs that minimize the UI outside of combat are fairly common in gaming these days, but unfortunately Hogwarts Legacy doesn’t currently support this feature. This means that players who want a more immersive experience have to fully disable aspects of the HUD at the cost of not being able to see key combat pointers.

Thankfully, the Dynamic HUD mod fixes this problem, allowing players to soak in the beauty of Hogwarts Legacy with a clutter-free screen while roaming the world. When they enter combat the HUD will appear again.

7 The Walking Mod

Toggle Walking On And Off & Auto Walk To Waypoints

Hogwarts Legacy Exterior Of The Castle

While The Walking Mod might not sound that exciting based on its name, it is nonetheless a great mod for immersion and role-play in Hogwarts Legacy. Walking by itself is more immersive in a game like Hogwarts Legacy, as in real life people don’t jog or run unless the scenario calls for haste.

The first thing that this mod does is to make walking more intuitive making it so that it can be toggled on and off without resetting after other actions are inputted. The mod also has a feature that lets players auto-walk to destinations that are either tracked quests or waypoints on the map. This can be great for a cinematic experience, allowing players to take in the scenery.

8 Tempus Imperium – Day Night Cycle Speed Modifications

Make The Days Longer And More Realistic

Hogwarts Legacy Clock Tower

As the description for the Tempus Imperium mod states, it can be hard to get fully immersed in a game when the day-night cycle passes so quickly. The mod fixes this by allowing players to determine how long their in-game days last. This means that players can take a nice stroll in the sun without night descending.


Hogwarts Legacy: 12 Secret Locations You Might Have Missed

Given Hogwarts Legacy’s huge open world, it’s possible players may have missed some of its more secret locations.

If players wanted, they could even make it so that one in-game day is the same length as a real day, although this might make collecting those pesky Demiguise Statues at night even more difficult.

9 NPC Schedule Enhanced (Better AI)

Students And Professors Have A Proper School Schedule

Hogwarts Legacy NPCs in Hogsmeade

The absolute best mod for immersion in Hogwarts Legacy is the NPC Schedule Enhanced mod. This mod revamps the schedules of many named NPCs in the game, making Hogwarts and Hogsmeade feel even more real. For example, students will attend their classes on weekdays and head down to Hogsmeade over the weekend, where they might even run into some of the professors.

At meal times they will also go to the Great Hall and at night they can be found in their respective common room. The best thing about this mod is that more features are planned by the developer, who has provided a roadmap for those interested in the future of Hogwarts Legacy’s immersion.


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