Spoilers ahead for
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

A Hogwarts Legacy player has highlighted how far Harry Potter had to run in order to reach Malfoy and Snape after the death of Dumbledore. Hogwarts Legacy allows players to enroll in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and naturally, the castle puts a lot of events from the books into perspective.

Hogwarts Legacy broke many sales records and became one of Warner Bros. Interactive’s most successful games when it was released. The game heavily focuses on Hogwarts Castle and its surrounding area, permitting players to step into the shoes of their favorite witches and wizards from the series. Harry Potter‘s Hogwarts Castle has been altered in some small ways between the books, movies, and games. The two last films notably redesigned the castle’s courtyard, the wooden bridge connecting to it, and The Great Hall to suit the final battle. One gamer has decided to highlight just how far Harry would’ve had to run through Hogwarts Castle to catch Malfoy and Snape after Dumbledore’s death.

Reddit user LuffyisNOTreal recently shared a Hogwarts Legacy clip showcasing the path that Harry Potter would’ve had to take to reach Hagrid’s Hut quickly. The clip begins with their custom Hogwarts Legacy character in the Astronomy Tower before running down the spiral staircase and two adjacent ones. From here, they run through a study room, down more stairs, past a stained-glass Salazar Slytherin, cross a bridge to the Gryffindor Lower Hallway, go upstairs to the Clock Tower, cross another bridge to the courtyard, cross the viaduct, and down the hill to Hagrid’s Hut at a sped-up pace. Despite this being the quickest path to Hagrid’s Hut, the films show the characters going through the Great Hall, which is a significant detour.

This Is How Far Harry Had to Chase Malfoy and Snape

In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry witnesses Professor Snape kill Dumbledore after the headmaster immobilizes Harry with a curse. Malfoy joined Snape for this moment in the Astronomy Tower, while Harry was covered by his Invisibility Cloak. Determined to confront the two, Harry chased Malfoy and Snape through Hogwarts Castle to Hagrid’s Hut once he was able to. As Hogwarts Legacy features a Floo network that allows fast travel, this character could’ve sped up drastically by using one. With this run taking forty seconds despite being sped up, it highlights just how far Harry had to run to catch up to Malfoy and Snape.

While a sequel to Hogwarts Legacy is being developed, it’s unclear if Hogwarts castle will be altered in any way. As the movie events have been covered by past Harry Potter games, Hogwarts Legacy will likely continue to focus on a pre-Potter timeline.


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