Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G, which launched in India in August this year, has received a new software update in the country. The latest November OTA (over-the-air) update brings 5G connectivity to the phone. Besides that, the update includes several new features like AI Magic Eraser and Face-to-Face Translation. It adds performance and security enhancements to the Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G. The November update fixes several known issues and bugs and optimises call-related functionalities, text and icon display on the Status Bar among others.

Honor Magic 6 Pro Update

An official post on the Honor forum details the changelog of the November update now available for the Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G. The update bears version number (C185E3R2P2). It is being rolled out in a phased manner. In the initial stage, a select number of users will receive the stable update.

Honor Magic 6 Pro users can avail Jio 5G connectivity with the update. It introduces Al Eraser and Face-to-face translation functionalities to the phone. The AI Eraser removes unwanted objects from photos with ease, while the Face-to-face translation feature assists in real-time translations. In this update, App Twin supports more third-party apps. Further, Honor added three resolution levels in screen recordings.

The new release fixes known bugs and provides new system stability and security improvements in the Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G units. It enhances the calling and user experience of the assistive ball in landscape mode. The update also optimises the text and icons in the status bar and motion effect in Favourites Space.

Users are recommended to back up their data before installing the update. 

Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G Price in India, Specifications

Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G was unveiled in August with a price tag of Rs. 89,999 for the 12GB RAM + 512GB storage version. It features a 6.8-inch full-HD+ (1,280×2,800 pixels) quad-curved display with an adaptive refresh rate ranging from 1Hz to 120Hz. It runs on the 4nm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC and has a triple rear camera setup, comprising a 180-megapixel 2.5x periscope telephoto camera, a 50-megapixel H9000 HDR camera, and a 50-megapixel ultra-wide-angle camera. On the front, it has a 50-megapixel camera for selfies.

The Honor Magic 6 Pro houses a 5,600mAh battery with support for 80W wired charging and 66W wireless charging.



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