
  • BlizzCon 2023 revealed major hero announcements for Overwatch 2, including a new tank named Mauga, a support hero code-named “Space Ranger,” and a DPS called Venture.
  • Venture, the 18th damage character and 40th hero overall, is expected to join the roster in Season 10, likely in March 2024.
  • Venture’s gameplay and abilities, including burrowing into the earth and high mobility, suggest a new direction for Overwatch 2 and encourage DPS players to flank more effectively.

As expected, BlizzCon 2023 provided a treasure trove of information, especially in regard to Overwatch 2. Major hero announcements included a new tank named Mauga, a support hero code-named “Space Ranger,” and a DPS called Venture. While the Overwatch 2 community quickly compared Mauga to Disney’s Maui from Moana, they’ve spoken less about characters that share several similar qualities to Venture.

Venture will be the 18th damage character in the game and the 40th overall hero. The archaeologist is expected to join the roster in Season 10 since Mauga is making his debut in Season 8. Additionally, based on the length of past seasons, this means Venture should be playable sometime in March 2024.

RELATED: Overwatch 2’s Space Ranger Should Be More Like Mercy Than Illari

Overwatch 2 is Taking a Page Out of Various Playbooks

Venture Overwatch 2-1

Venture’s parallels can be drawn from how their character is played, which varies from the visual and stylized resemblances that Mauga and Maui share. One of the most notable parts of the brief gameplay footage shown of Venture at BlizzCon 2023 is how the hero burrows into the earth. Venture’s subterranean exploits are reminiscent of the Ground-type Pokemon Diglett or Hollow Knight‘s Dung Defender, though the animation is more similar to Splatoon 3‘s dive mechanics.

Venture Is Like League of Legends’ Rek’Sai

Rek'Sai League of Legends

Rek’Sai has quite a bit in common with Venture, especially since both characters belong to highly competitive team-based games. While Overwatch 2 can’t be classified as a MOBA like League of Legends, it has many of the same qualities. When Rek’Sai was added to Riot’s battle arena, she made waves for her Burrow and Unborrow abilities which allow her to make underground passages. Based on available gameplay, it seems Venture’s digging skill may also be useful for flanking. On top of this, though not much is known about Venture, it seems that both share several other characteristics:

  • High mobility
  • Built to do damage
  • Burrowing can be advantageous when avoiding enemy damage
  • Leaving a burrow deals damage to enemies
  • Connected with in-game lore

It seems Venture’s digging skill may also be useful for flanking.

Venture May Signal a New Direction for Overwatch 2

Over time, the Overwatch franchise has become known for adding characters with interesting utility. Though Venture may share a connection to the Deathmatch Petra map, due to the logo on their sleeve, their abilities are unlike anything seen in the hero-shooter before. They present an entirely new way to interact with the environment and may encourage DPS to flank more. Perhaps in future seasons, Blizzard will find more game-changing avenues similar to what they’ve done with Mauga’s Cage Fight ultimate. After all, some members of the community are already hoping for a fully melee-based DPS or someone who can swap places with another character.

On top of this, the statistics for Venture are already quite intriguing. At this time, they will be invulnerable for 4 seconds when in Dig, which is set at an 8-second cooldown. This might act similarly to Reaper’s Wraith Form or Moira’s Fade, but with the added deviation that those near Venture, when they emerge from the ground, will automatically take 75 damage.

The numbers communicated above are pulled from the gameplay footage shown at BlizzCon 2023. They are subject to change by the time Venture officially releases.

overwatch 2 poster

Overwatch 2

PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Switch, Xbox One S, Xbox One X, PC

October 4, 2022




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