iQoo 12 saw its launch in India in December 2023, a few weeks after its initial unveiling in China. The phone is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chipset and has a 5,000mAh battery with wired fast charging support. The handset runs Android 14-based UI and features a quad-HD AMOLED display. It has a triple rear camera unit with a periscope camera and is available in two RAM and storage configurations. Now, iQoo has confirmed that it’ll launch a special Anniversary Edition of the iQoo 12 soon.

Nipun Marya, iQoo India CEO,  announced the upcoming India launch of the iQoo 12 Anniversary Edition model in a post on X (formerly Twitter). In an open letter attached to the post, the company executive stated that this is the first Anniversary Edition phone that iQoo will introduce in the country. It is to mark the completion of the firm’s four-year-old journey in India.

Neither the company nor the executive has confirmed any other details about the iQoo 12 Anniversary Edition. We do not know how it will differ from the regular iQoo 12 offering in the country. Like with many special edition handsets, one of the things that can vary is the colour option and/or finish of the rear panel. It is speculated that the upcoming variant could launch in a red colourway, similar to the Burning Way variant that was launched in China. However, since nothing official is known, readers are advised to take this speculation with a pinch of salt.

iQoo 12 is offered in China in a third Burning Way (translated from Chinese) shade
Photo Credit: iQoo

The iQoo 12 launched in India with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC alongside a dedicated Q1 chip to improve gaming performance, paired with up to 16GB of LPDDR5x RAM and up to 512GB of UFS 4.0 onboard storage. It ships with Android 14-based FuntouchOS 14 and sports a 6.78-inch 144Hz quad-HD LTPO AMOLED display. The phone is backed by a 5,000mAh battery with support for 120W FlashCharge.

For optics, the iQoo 12 carries a triple rear camera unit with a 50-megapixel primary sensor, another 50-megapixel sensor paired with an ultra-wide-angle lens, and a 64-megapixel periscope telephoto shooter with 3x optical zoom. The front camera is equipped with a 16-megapixel sensor. Offered in Alpha and Legend shades, the iQoo 12 is priced in India at Rs. 52,999 for the 12GB + 256GB option, and Rs. 57,999 for the 16GB + 512GB variant.

Is the iQoo Neo 7 Pro the best smartphone you can buy under Rs. 40,000 in India? We discuss the company’s recently launched handset and what it has to offer on the latest episode of Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.


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