
  • The Kingdom Hearts series thrives on male characters, but the few notable females play crucial roles.
  • Olette in Kingdom Hearts 2 shines with bravery and quick thinking, showing her importance.
  • Ava, Skuld, and Strelitzia in the Kingdom Hearts series have uncertain futures but promise strong roles.

The Kingdom Hearts series is chock-full of relatable and endearing characters, each of whom serves a crucial role in the overarching story. With each entry comes an array of new characters to further enhance the plot, but it’s hard to ignore the emphasis placed on introducing male characters over females.


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The Kingdom Hearts mobile game, Dark Road, was home to some surprising reveals and events in the saga’s storyline.

Though the female cast list of Kingdom Hearts is a short one, it is pointless to ignore how vital the few who appear are. Whether their intentions are pure or ill-willed, the series has made it clear that it knows how to write compelling women into its stories when it eventually decides to introduce them.

Updated on June 15, 2024, by Justin Flynn: Kingdom Hearts is home to a plethora of likable and memorable characters, and with most of the series’ entries now available to play on Steam, the doors have been opened for an entirely new group of gamers to dive in and learn about them. Sadly, the majority of the main characters in Kingdom Hearts are men, but that doesn’t mean that the women who appear throughout should be overlooked. From heinous villains to endearing heroes, Kingdom Hearts is full of great female characters who play pivotal parts in the stories they appear in.

12 Olette

A Loyal Friend And Quick Thinker

Olette in Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts 2

March 28, 2006

Square Enix

Action RPG , Hack and Slash

Olette, first introduced in Kingdom Hearts 2, is a resident of Twilight Town and a loyal friend to Roxas, Hayner, and Pence. Out of all the original female characters in the Kingdom Hearts series, she is one of the very few to not possess some sort of magical ability. Even so, the inability to wield a Keyblade does not detract from her character.

Olette is arguably one of the most normal characters in Kingdom Hearts; she enjoys spending time with her friends and often drags them along on shopping trips, too. Sadly, she doesn’t really get a moment to shine in this title, but she is given a little more to do in Kingdom Hearts 3. Here, while Hayner and Pence distract Ansem at the Old Mansion in Twilight Town, Olette rushes in to help Ansem the Wise escape. Though this action may not be as impressive as Hayner’s attempt to kick Ansem in the face, it showcases that Olette can be quite brave when faced with danger. Her quick thinking to approach Ansem the Wise while Ansem was distracted also illustrates that she is quite clever. She is arguably the smartest member of the Twilight Town gang.

11 Invi

A Devoted Apprentice Who Follows Orders To A Tee

Invi in Kingdom Hearts: Back Cover

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts X [chi]
  • Platforms: iOS, Android
  • Released: July 18, 2013
  • Developer: Square Enix, Success
  • Genre: Role-Playing Game

Invi is arguably the most calculated Foreteller to exist during the Age of Fairytales, but her devotion to the Master of Masters often clouds her judgment. Her role in Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover is to monitor her peers and ensure they fulfill the Master’s wishes.


Kingdom Hearts: 8 Underrated Characters

Many of the characters in the Kingdom Hearts series are beloved by the majority of the fanbase, but these characters deserve some more love.

She is honorable to a fault, evident through her willingness to attack those she believes are swaying from their given paths. The epilogue of Kingdom Hearts 3 also revealed that her fate has yet to be decided, giving her a second chance to rectify her mistakes.

10 Urd

A Powerful Lower Classman Who Refuses To Shy Away From Tough Battles

Urd battles the Heartless in Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road

Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road

Urd makes her first appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road, and though she quickly became a fan favorite, her future in the series is unclear. Before Xehanort became his twisted self, he studied to become a Keyblade Master at Scala ad Caelum alongside his childhood friends. Though he regarded Eraqus as his dearest companion, Urd wasn’t far behind.

Urd is surprisingly powerful for a lower classman, but she’s not invincible. She refuses to shy away from battles no matter the danger and usually comes out on top. She meets her end while wandering a Dark Corridor and is buried at Scala shortly after. It’s likely her story has ended, but anything is possible in Kingdom Hearts.

9 Ava

A Caring Character Who Always Looks Out For Others

Ava in Kingdom Hearts: Back Cover

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts X [chi]

Not much is known about Ava’s past, and her future is even less clear, but she is undoubtedly one of the best characters in Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover. If not for her quick thinking and willingness to blindly follow orders, the Dandelions would never have survived the Keyblade War.

Her absence during Kingdom Hearts 3‘s epilogue suggests that she will no longer be following the Master’s commands. If so, she will be the first Foreteller to reject his teachings and try to stand on her own two feet. She will likely be returning to the story as a hero, but nothing is ever certain with Tetsuya Nomura’s method of storytelling.

8 Skuld

A Mysterious Figure Who May Have A Significant Role To Play In The Future

Ephemer and Skuld in Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross]

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts X [chi]

Though Skuld has yet to make an appearance in a mainline Kingdom Hearts entry, her time in Union X [chi] has cemented her as one of the best characters in the series. Alongside Ephemer, she acts as one of the player’s closest friends and tries to aid them as best she can in a crumbling world.


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Skuld’s fate has yet to be confirmed, but many are convinced the “Subject X” mentioned in the Secret Reports of Kingdom Hearts 3 is referring to her. If this is true, it seems Xigbar discovered Skuld in the dungeons of Hollow Bastion and has been hiding her ever since. Though she was introduced as a hero, there is a chance that Xigbar’s manipulations will transform her into a villain.

7 Strelitzia

A Wholesome Character Who Got A Second Chance At Life

Strelitzia in Kingdom Hearts 4

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts X [chi]

Strelitzia first appears in Kingdom Hearts: Union X [chi], but her time is short-lived. Even so, she quickly became a fan favorite due to how melancholy her story was. Fans were devastated when she died, but the trailer for Kingdom Hearts 4 revealed her death to be less permanent than it seemed.

Strelitzia harbors vast knowledge of the ancient Keyblade War and, like Sora, is one of the only known characters to have accidentally found themselves in Quadratum’s fictional world. It is rare for Kingdom Hearts characters to die, making her one of the most interesting exceptions to appear so far.

6 Maleficent

A Ruthless Villain Who Has Been A Thorn In Sora’s Side Since The Beginning

Pete and Maleficent in Kingdom Hearts 3.

Kingdom Hearts

September 17, 2002

Action RPG

Though not an original Kingdom Hearts character, Maleficent has proven herself to be one of the best characters in the series on multiple occasions. This evil fairy godmother proved to be one of the greatest threats that Sora ever faced. In Kingdom Hearts 1, she attempts to gain access to Kingdom Hearts in order to dominate the worlds. Thankfully, her attempt was thwarted by Ansem, but her story didn’t end there.

In Kingdom Hearts 2, Maleficent plays more of a background role, sending her lackey, Pete, to do most of her dirty work. Though she still has a bone to pick with Sora, her main concern involves dealing with Organization 13. Because of how much she wishes to rid the world of its members, she even comes to Sora’s aid during a moment where things look especially dire for him. Continuing to play a background role in Kingdom Hearts 3, Maleficent now wishes to acquire an elusive “Black Box,” as she believes that it might contain something that could help her achieve her goal of world domination. Though she has been bested multiple times, she is currently the longest-surviving villain in the Kingdom Hearts, which is no small feat considering how powerful some of the antagonists can be.

5 Namine

An Unusual Nobody Who Can Manipulate The Memories Of Another

Namine at Radiant Garden in Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

December 7, 2004

Square Enix , Jupiter

Action RPG , Digital Card Game

Namine’s introduction to the Kingdom Hearts series aims to portray her as a villain. She appears to be working alongside Organization 13 to distort Sora’s memories and corrupt his heart, but not once does she perform these actions with malicious intent. She, like Sora, is a prisoner in Castle Oblivion and must abide by Marluxia’s command if she hopes to survive.

As if her time in Chain of Memories wasn’t sad enough, Namine only gets the chance to live a happy life after the events of Kingdom Hearts 3. She faded into Kairi’s heart during Kingdom Hearts 2 and was forced to stay there until a replica was made available for her to occupy. Namine has undergone some serious suffering throughout the series, but it seems she will finally be rewarded for her patience in future installments.

4 Larxene

A Vicious Villain Who Takes Pride In Insulting Both Her Friends And Enemies

Larxene in Kingdom Hearts 3

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

Larxene made her first appearance in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, where she solidified herself as one of the most ruthless villains in the series. Most Kingdom Hearts antagonists are oozing with pure evil, but not many take pride in the suffering they cause. Larxene, however, is a frightening exception. When she’s not gaslighting Sora and his friends, she will likely be seen planning to betray her comrades purely for the fun of it.

She is undoubtedly the cruelest member of Organization 13 thanks to her condescending tone and the actor who plays her. If not for the voice acting talents of Shanelle Workman Gray, Larxene would be a far less intimidating presence. Before joining the Organization, Larxene went by the name Elrena. She was a Keyblade wielder who resided in Daybreak Town long ago before being transported to the future. Her unlikely past suggests that her future will be full of surprises.

3 Kairi

A Powerful Keyblade Wielder Who Can Only Get Stronger

Kairi holding a keyblade in Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

  • First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts

Kairi began her story as a strong and determined young woman who wanted nothing more than to join Sora and Riku on their adventures. She had great potential, but her character was somewhat undermined during the events of Kingdom Hearts 3. Thankfully, the Re Mind DLC chose to remedy her prior failures by making her a playable character and pitting her up against the main antagonist of the series.


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The Kingdom Hearts series has always featured fantastic boss battles, but these boss fights have been unjustly ignored by the fanbase.

Her moment in the spotlight presented her as a bafflingly powerful ally, capable of combating the franchise’s greatest threats. If not for her help during the final confrontation, Sora may not have been able to defeat Xehanort, further proving how powerful she is. The climax of Melody of Memory sees her asking Yen Sid if she can be trained under Aqua. With Aqua’s help, she is likely to regain the reputable status she held in Kingdom Hearts 2 and thus become an even better character.

2 Xion

A Tragic Character With An Emotional Story

Xion in Kingdom Hearts 3

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

May 30, 2009

Action RPG , Fighting , Action-Adventure

Xion makes her Kingdom Hearts debut in 358/2 Days when she becomes the fourteenth member of the unfortunately named Organization 13. She is presented as an enigma at first, but she slowly opens up thanks to Roxas’ approachable nature. She is eventually revealed to be a Keyblade wielder, making her one of the most powerful members of the Organization.

Upon discovering her reason for being, Xion decides to sacrifice herself so Sora can regain his memories. She is perhaps the noblest character in the series because of her willingness to help others. If her heart-wrenching story arc isn’t enough to convince fans of how great she is, her theme “Musique Pour la Tristesse de Xion” most certainly is.

1 Aqua

A Powerful Keyblade Master Who Cares Deeply For Her Friends

Aqua in Kingdom Hearts 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

January 9, 2010

Action RPG , Fighting , Action-Adventure

Aqua is without a doubt the most powerful female Keyblade wielder in all of Kingdom Hearts. She is introduced to the story in Birth by Sleep, where she spares no time in showcasing her strength. She is dubbed a “Keyblade Master” within the first hour of gameplay and spends the rest of the narrative proving herself to be worthy of the title.

As well as being one of the most powerful characters in the series, she has also experienced the most trauma out of all her peers. She becomes trapped in the realm of Darkness while trying to protect Terra and is forced to wander the abyss for ten years. Sora eventually rescues her, and though her time away from the Realm of Light took its toll, she remains a force to be reckoned with.


Kingdom Hearts: Every Game’s Story, Ranked

Not all Kingdom Hearts plots are equally good. Here’s how all of them rank up from worst to best.


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