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  • How to Get Bleeding Heart in Last Epoch
  • What Does Bleeding Heart Do?

There’s a plethora of unique items in Last Epoch, and each of them has the potential to bring the most out of specific builds. Bleeding Heart is one such unique item, and it’s easily one of the best amulets in the game when it comes to keeping players alive.


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Like in other ARPGs, unique items in Last Epoch are hard to come by. The drop rates for these types of equipment are very low, and players will have to spend some time grinding the game if they want to snag some of their own. This guide teaches you how to increase your chances of getting Bleeding Heart, including a brief overview of what the item does and who it’s for.

How to Get Bleeding Heart in Last Epoch

Bleeding Heart is a unique level 4 amulet, and you can get one relatively easily once you figure out how to target farm uniques in Last Epoch. If you’re lucky, you can get one to drop as you play through the game’s main campaign. If not, your best bet is to farm the Monolith of Fate.

As you’re going through the alternate timelines, you may occasionally see Echoes that specifically reward unique Items. These may not always give you Bleeding Heart, but it’d be a waste not to try. You can reveal the Echoes in a portion of a timeline map by charging up beacons, as pictured above. Echoes that reward unique items can appear on any timeline, but if you want to focus on getting unique amulets, then farm the Age of Winter timeline; it has Echoes that specifically reward unique or set amulets.

What Does Bleeding Heart Do?

Warpath Paladin in Last Epoch

Bleeding Heart uses a Jade Amulet as its base item, and it provides Damage Leeched As Health as its main modifier. This lets a portion of all the damage you deal to return as health the an enemy is hit. Compared to other leech modifiers, this one is stronger because you don’t need to use only attacks or spells to trigger it. All damage types work with Bleeding Heart’s leech as well. However, this item will also reduce your Health Regen, and casting spells will make you bleed. Neither of these should matter much as long as you are constantly hitting something.

Like all unique items, Bleeding Heart has a chance to come with Legendary Potential, which will grant the item some additional random modifiers. If the Bleeding Heart you get does not have Legendary Potential, you’ll have to keep farming until you get one that does.

last epoch

Last Epoch
February 21, 2024

Eleventh Hour Games

Eleventh Hour Games (Video Game Company)

Action RPG


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