
  • LEGO Horizon Adventures offers a lighthearted spin on the Horizon franchise with a focus on melee combat.
  • The game introduces new characters and gameplay perspectives, allowing players to play as Varl and Erend.
  • LEGO Horizon Adventures aims to bring fun to the Horizon franchise, blending its lore with LEGO’s humor.

LEGO Horizon Adventures is bringing a brand-new take on the Horizon franchise to life with the iconic LEGO humor and over-the-top action mechanics. There have been some fantastic franchises remade in the image of LEGO and LEGO Horizon Adventures is continuing to grow the list of collaborations the toy company has built through the years.

Although LEGO Horizon Adventures shares the franchise’s name, this interpretation is far more lighthearted than the Horizon games, but that isn’t the only major difference between the two. There will still be plenty of moments involving Aloy fighting machines, but it seems as though LEGO Horizon Adventures is changing up the game’s combat, as the trailer revealed a bigger emphasis on melee mechanics.


Guerrilla Explains Why LEGO Horizon Adventures Will Launch on Switch

LEGO Horizon Adventures co-developer Guerrilla Games clears the air on the decision to launch the game on Nintendo Switch day and date.

LEGO Horizon Adventures’ Melee Combat Sets It Apart From the Franchise

The Horizon games are known for featuring plenty of instances with thrilling combat against machines, but it’s not exactly known for its melee. Melee in the Horizon franchise has improved over time, but it still hasn’t reached the levels it could be. However, LEGO Horizon Adventures makes an exciting change to the franchise’s combat, as melee and close-range fighting seem to be just as important, if not more so, than distanced combat.

LEGO Horizon Adventures Bringing the Action Up Close

LEGO Horizon Adventures may be a huge departure from what the core Horizon franchise is like, but it also looks like a fun-filled interpretation of the world and lore of the series. This change in combat gives a brand-new look at Aloy and her fighting abilities, and although it may be strange at first not playing the character from a third-person perspective, it offers players the chance to exercise their melee skills.

In the Horizon games, Aloy’s melee combat doesn’t always feel as great as her ranged combat. Some of the biggest complaints about the franchise’s melee revolve around the mechanics feeling slow and weak, making for unsatisfying close-quarters combat. However, the LEGO-based games in the past have really excelled at fun melee mechanics, meaning LEGO Horizon Adventures will have one leg up on the main Horizon titles.

LEGO Horizon Adventures Offers a New Perspective in More Ways Than One

The focus on melee is an interesting change in its own right, but LEGO Horizon Adventures will also let players step into the shoes of characters that the main Horizon games haven’t allowed. Thanks to the game’s multiplayer, LEGO Horizon Adventures offers the chance to play as Varl and Erend, as demonstrated in the trailer. Varl and Erend probably aren’t the last characters to be revealed as playable characters, either, so it will be exciting to see who else lands on the roster. LEGO Horizon Adventures is focusing on bringing fun to the Horizon franchise, and heavily melee-based gameplay that can be enjoyed with friends is an intriguing way to repackage such a beloved series.

Until an official release date for LEGO Horizon Adventures is revealed, the game’s trailer offers a bright, lighthearted sneak peek into what players can look forward to with the title. Out of all the franchises to get the LEGO treatment, the Horizon games are a surprising choice, but it’s also a series that deserves to have a little bit more fun. From Horizon‘s fascinating lore to LEGO’s goofy sense of humor, LEGO Horizon Adventures could actually prove to be a surprisingly perfect match.

It will be interesting to see how LEGO Horizon Adventures balances both established character personalities with the fun-loving nature of the iconic toy company. Departing from the franchise’s usual gameplay is a bold move already, so only time will tell just how much further LEGO Horizon Adventures takes its interpretation.


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