Lethal Company is a survival co-op horror game developed by Zeekerss. It is set in a post-apocalyptic and retrofuturistic world where an evil corporation named ‘The Company’ has hired people to collect scrap from abandoned and industrialized moons.

As players set out on their journey in space and explore various moons, they will run into dangerous, otherworldly monsters that do not hesitate to kill. One such creature in Lethal Company is the Spore Lizard. They are classified as ‘low danger’ enemies and are generally harmless to the player. This guide provides everything players need to know about Spore Lizards and how to survive against them.


Lethal Company: How to Play Solo

For those who want to experience this space adventure alone, here’s how to start a solo play in Lethal Company.

How to Survive Spore Lizards in Lethal Company

Lethal Company

Spore Lizards are colossal catfish-like creatures found in the dark areas of any facility. They may look scary at first, with their large mouths and tails resembling those of a rattlesnake. Despite their frightening appearance, Spore Lizards are the least harmful monsters in Lethal Company. These monsters have a very timid nature and tend to avoid all confrontations if possible.

Players don’t need to worry whenever they come across one of these creatures, since Spore Lizards are terrified of humans in hazmat suits. Many of them start running away as soon as they spot the player. It is not recommended to corner or chase a Spore Lizard as they may attempt to attack.

Spore Lizards have two defense mechanisms:

  • They may bite the player, causing negligible damage. Spore Lizards are herbivores, which is why they are unable to bite the player to death.
  • They release pink fumes from their mouth, temporarily impairing the player’s visibility. This attack does not damage the player but can prove fatal if there are other monsters nearby.

If players spot a Spore Lizard lurking nearby, they shouldn’t approach it and instead try to avoid the area altogether.

How to Beat Spore Lizards in Lethal Company

Although it’s not required, there is a way for players to kill Spore Lizards. Players should try hitting the monster 3 to 4 times with a shovel or signpost if they want to eliminate it. These lizards are also susceptible to shock from a Zap Gun.

However, there’s no point in killing Spore Lizards, as players do not get any rewards for doing so. These innocent monsters like to stay in their own lane and are harmless unless provoked. After spending dozens of hours exploring the moons, players will be relieved whenever they come across a Spore Lizard rather than a dangerous beast like the Thumper.

lethal company

Lethal Company

October 23, 2023



Number of Players


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