Life Is Strange: Double Exposure is a narrative adventure game available on numerous modern platforms. The game features many choices for players to make that can completely alter how the story is told, but there are some scenes that will be present no matter what players have done up to said scene.

One such scene is when the players meet Gwen Hunter for the first time. In this scene, Gwen will be trying to get hold of a book that is sealed behind a glass case and will ask Max if she is able to help her out. This scene will take place while Max is going to meet with Yasmin Fayyad, who is the mother of Max’s friend Safi.


How to Get Vinh’s Password in Life is Strange: Double Exposure (Without Using His Favor)

Vinh owes you a favor in Life is Strange: Double Exposure, and here is how you can get his phone password without using it.

Help Gwen Find Her Book

Players will progress through Chapter 1, hopefully finding all the collectible Polaroids along the way, and eventually go to meet . Players will be meeting and interacting with several other key NPCs during this time — including Gwen Hunter. Gwen will first be encountered in front of a locked cabinet of books, and interacting with her can have the players choose for their first meeting to start with a hug or not. She will ask Max if she is able to break into the cabinet for her to get the book.

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Max will say that anything skinny and curved should work, indicating what they should be looking for. Players will want to leave through the door they came through to find Gwen and turn left. Once you leave the room, head straight towards Vinh Lang at his desk. On the wall to the left of Vinh will be a coffee machine. The player can have Max pick up a spoon from the cup on the table that they can use to open the case.

There is actually another version of this book available in the library that players will come across if they go exploring. However, bringing it to Gwen will have her say that the one in the case is a special 10th anniversary edition, including a new introduction by its author.

Players can now retrieve the book from the case for Gwen and wrap up their conversation with her. This is not the last the players will see Gwen, and they can expect to see her again as early as Chapter 2.

Life is Strange Double Exposure Tag Page Cover Art

October 29, 2024


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