Marvel Snap features all the main and honorary members of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Groot, Mantis, Nebula, Rocket Raccoon, and Yondu. However, these cards come in various forms and appearances, courtesy of the game’s extensive roster of variants. To discover which Guardians of the Galaxy variants are worth your money, take a look at the following top picks.


Marvel Snap: 10 Best Variant Cards

When it comes to Marvel Snap, these are the best variant cards players can get in the game.

Mantis’ Marco Variant

mantis' marco variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist: Marco Failla
  • Colorist: Eric Guerrero

Similar to her uncertain metagame standing, Mantis’s variants haven’t garnered a large fan following. However, her Marco variant, priced at 1,200 Gold, has a captivating appeal. The symmetrical shapes and the centralized depiction of Mantis make this design an excellent choice for fans of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Gamora’s Chibi Variant

gamora's chibi variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist: Valeria Orlando
  • Colorist: Giulia Priori

Gamora has standout variants among the Guardians, including the Anime and Venomized versions. Yet, her Chibi variant shines as a cute yet potent portrayal. Created by artist Valeria Orlando, Chibi Gamora adds vibrant colors to your deck, showcasing her warrior side in the charming Chibi style.

Drax’s Dan Hipp Variant

drax's dan hipp variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist & Colorist: Dan Hipp

The original Drax design draws inspiration from his comic book identity, emphasizing his role as “The Destroyer.” In contrast, the Dan Hipp variant reminds you of his relatable, likable, and innocent MCU character. Dan’s vibrant colors and curvy lines give Drax a less intimidating, more adorable persona that Marvel Snap fans would surely appreciate.

Rocket Raccoon’s Skottie Young Variant

best rocket raccoon variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist & Colorist: Skottie Young

Rocket Raccoon’s original design is catchy, but his alternate version in Skottie Young’s collection is even better. It infuses a retro vibe into the character, highlighting his more villainous persona before joining the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Groot’s Baby Variant (by Ryan Kinnaird)

groot's baby variant in marvel snap.

  • Colorist: Ryan Kinnaird
  • Artist: Marco Failla

Groot, the beloved “talkative” Guardian, looks incredibly adorable in Ryan Kinnaird’s Baby variant. It depicts him happily swinging in a dreamy backdrop, possibly symbolizing his home planet.

Star-Lord’s Anime Variant

star lord anime variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist & Colorist: AQUA Studio

Most Anime variants attract fans. But Peter Quill’s Anime-inspired card is particularly eye-catching: It transforms the widely known Star-Lord into a cool blonde Shonen character, adding an extra touch of charm.

Nebula’s Javier Rodriguez Variant

nebula's javier rodriguez variant in marvel snap.

  • Artist & Colorist: Javier Rodriguez

Javier Rodriguez’s variant of Nebula captures her dry sense of humor and robotic fighting style. In this artwork, she appears more determined than ever, with a hint of classic 2D superhero animations—a rare combination you wouldn’t want to miss.

marvel snap key art poster

Marvel SNAP
August 22, 2023

Second Dinner


Digital Card Game

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