
  • The best romances in the
    Mass Effect
    franchise aren’t always the most fleshed-out ones, but they continue to be popular after players revisited the trilogy through
    Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
  • Some characters have a special draw for certain demographics, while others have broad appeal even when not romanced.
    Mass Effect
    romances have influenced player tastes and made the franchise worth playing.
  • The love interests in
    Mass Effect: Andromeda
    may only have one game to introduce them, but they carry on the tradition of
    Mass Effect
  • Turians, Quarians, and Angarans may be limited to the world of virtual fiction, but humans have a lot more flexibility to reach for love stories that matter.

Romance is one of the most popular aspects of the Mass Effect franchise, and the love interests in its lineup are an impressive bunch. These characters are compelling, some to the point of controversy, and getting to know them more intimately can reveal a whole new dimension to the games they feature in. The best romances in the franchise aren’t always the most fleshed-out ones, but they continue to be popular after players revisited the trilogy through Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. From the Mass Effect: Andromeda lineup, the best romances may only have one game to introduce them, but they carry on the tradition of Mass Effect romances that make this franchise worth playing.


10 Questions We Need Answered In The Next Mass Effect

From where players left off in the last game, fans of Mass Effect are left with numerous questions that need answers in the next installment.

Some characters have a special draw for some demographics. Others have a broad appeal even when not romanced. Either way, they’re all characters who make players blush and crave more, particularly the fan favorites that have far too little content or emphasis. Lack of content aside, these romances have fueled players’ imaginations to the point of influencing their tastes. Turians, Quarians, and Angarans might be limited to the world of virtual fiction, but if there’s one thing Mass Effect romances are famous for, it’s the fact that humans have a lot more flexibility when they can reach for love stories that matter.

Updated June 10, 2024, by Lucy Melocco: The draw of Mass Effect romances is powerful enough to keep players coming back for more years later despite the various controversies that have surrounded popular characters like Jaal and divisive ones like Ash, even when it seems like these games have no more surprises left. Some of the most iconic romances in the franchise don’t shy away from exploring dark pasts and heavy hearts, but it takes many playthroughs to truly experience everything these love interests have to offer. In that sense, Mass Effect will always have new things to show fans. Whether BioWare’s beloved space opera is worth playing again to find love with another character is not in question; how to resist playing to win the favor of players’ favorite party members, on the other hand, is. With this in mind, a few more of the franchises finest romances have been added to this list with its latest update.

16 Ashley Williams

Kissing Ash With All Due Respect

Ashley meets Shepard at Alliance HQ in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable by: Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Kimberly Brooks
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3

One of the original human romance options for male Shepard, Ash is infamous for her attitudes towards aliens and her lukewarm allegiance to Shepard, even though she grows as a character if she’s persuaded to evolve by Paragon players. All the same, Mass Effect has always given players a range of attitudes to adopt, and pro-human Renegades won’t find a better partner to shoot up the galaxy with. She comes at the price of sacrificing Kaidan, though.

Ash isn’t the most useless squadmate to bring along thanks to her military prowess alone, but quite a few players forget about their two human companions in favor of all the fan-favorite aliens. She’s certainly not the most popular, and many despise this poetry-loving character because of her brusque comments in Mass Effect and how reluctantly she embraces other cultures. She may represent a lot about humanity’s past, but future-seeking Shepards might do better to keep searching.

15 Pelessaria “Peebee” B’Sayle

Whatever Floats Her Boat Is How It Goes

Peebee on the Tempest in Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Race: Asari
  • Romanceable by: Female & Male Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Christine Lakin
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

Peebee is an acquired taste for most, particularly because she hits a little too close to home as Andromeda’s Liara stand-in, only far less impactful. As a love interest, her past romance of note is a disquieting insight into her main character flaw: co-dependency. Peebee initially doesn’t allow Ryder to get close to her emotionally, and her flippant personality is off-putting for some, but her vulnerability can be rewarding for those players who persevere.


7 Most Chaotic Good Mass Effect Characters

If these Chaotic Good Mass Effect characters need to break a few laws to save the galaxy from extinction, they certainly aren’t afraid to do so.

Peebee’s romance may be most interesting to players who want to experience what intimacy is beyond the superficiality of casual relationships. She’s afraid of commitment, and prone to indulge in hookups, but beneath her rebellious drives is a trauma she is willing to face and integrate with the right person. She is a romance option who can be a casual fling for Ryder, but players who take the time to win her heart will find she’s willing to heal the wounds in her soul and embrace non-toxic love for the first time.

14 Cora Harper

Looking For Huntress-Grade Biotic Love

Cora on the Tempest in Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable by: Male Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Jules de Jongh
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

Cora was designed with prominent personal flaws that may grate on players at first blush, and that’s before she’s given plot reasons to be bitter toward Ryder in the first act. As such, she’s not so well-liked in the Andromeda companion lineup. Players who try to win her over anyway will be surprised to find that she is one of the most romantic and detailed love interests in the game.

There’s a lot more to Cora than first meets the eye: she’s one of the most self-reflective members of Ryder’s team, and her growth is dramatic once her main flaw is tackled. Beyond taking criticism well, Cora can be charmingly open-hearted, even when she feels antagonistic. She’s a great option for male Ryder players who are in it for the long haul in a relationship, and will take the time to get to know her heart before exploring the limits of CGI decency.

13 Kaidan Alenko

He Shoots For Shepard & He Can Cook, Too

Kaidan meets Shepard at Alliance HQ in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable by: Female Shepard (Mass Effect 1, 2, & 3) and male Shepard (Mass Effect 3)
  • Voice Actor: Raphael Sbarge
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3

Kaidan is one of the two original romances for female Shepard in Mass Effect, and players who prefer Ash leave it at that with finality. Those who feel like Kaidan deserves a second shot at existence, and a chance at love, will be pleasantly surprised if they can hang on until Mass Effect 3. By the third game, not only is Kaidan bisexual, he’s a whole new man forged of the same stuff, and as wholesome and steady as they come for Shepard as a final love interest.


10 Most Iconic BioWare Characters, Ranked

BioWare made its name with some of the most layered characters in gaming, so here are some of its most beloved ones.

This is one of those romances that takes a trilogy to blossom, and it explores themes of betrayal and trust before it flourishes. Kaidan is designed to fall for Shepard, triggering as easily for women in the first game as Ashley’s infamous “sneak attack romance” triggers for men. He’s designed to play devil’s advocate in Mass Effect 2. By the third game, Kaidan evolves into a much more open and easy-going guy. In contrast to Ash, he approaches the changes he and Shepard undergo with humility and maturity, making him a solid romance choice.

12 Reyes Vidal

Dalliance With The Silver-Tongued Fox Of Kadara

Ryder meets Reyes Vidal on Kadara in Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable by: Female and Male Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Nicholas Boulton
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

If romanced, Reyes is the first one to say that Ryder has bad taste in men. His fans know exactly what he means, and they are here for it. Charming and roguish, Reyes is a character that inspires instant dislike or adoration in many at first and last impression. He’s also an unusual romance option in Andromeda. He was so popular with fans that his brief dalliance on Kadara was upgraded to full romance status in a patch.

Players who choose to romance Reyes will experience some of the smoothest flirts in the game, and his rapport with Ryder reflects this throughout all their banter, even when they’re talking business. This romance is special in that it’s integrated into the Kadara subplot instead of taking Ryder on a private quest to lock it in, and he will remain there after his quests conclude. It’s also one of the most angsty romance options in Andromeda for players who change their minds about him, as his breakup can be uniquely brutal.

11 Samara

Where There Is A Will, There’s A Justicar Code

Mass Effect Samara Close-up

  • Race: Asari
  • Romanceable By: Female and Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Maggie Baird
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3

Samara’s romance strongly resonates with the character archetype she represents: it’s the platonic love story of a knight-errant. As such, she is the perfect choice for chivalrous Paragons. In Mass Effect 2 she will admit to reciprocating Shepard’s romantic feelings, but the Justicar Code will prevent her from acting on them.


10 Most Breathtaking Locations In The Mass Effect Legendary Edition

The Mass Effect Legendary edition features a ton of breathtaking locations across the franchise. Here’s a look at some of the best.

Players who stay true to Samara anyway will have another chance in the Citadel DLC of Mass Effect 3 to persuade her that everything has changed and that they could, too. This romance plays on the heartstrings and promises nothing. Samara romancers will ache for this star-crossed love, but Shepard can have a night to treasure with her if the opportunity is seized.

10 Suvi Anwar

Stargazing With Suvi Is A Sweet Science

Suvi in Mass Effect: Andromeda

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable By: Female Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Katy Townsend
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

Suvi is a gentle presence on the Tempest, but her unassertiveness shouldn’t be confused with insecurity. Suvi knows herself, and that also means she’s clear about what she wants from female Ryders who romance her. Players who delight in philosophy and theology will see a kindred spirit in her; she is all about deep connections.

Though Suvi’s final romance scene cuts away before her precise orientation is made clear, the feelings she stirs in fans are quite bold as the unofficial “ace romance.” For some players enchanted by her intelligence and ability to straddle science and faith, she will leave them wanting more. For others, Suvi is a rare pleasure precisely because of the absence of an overt display of physical intimacy.

9 Vetra Nyx

The Turian-Of-All-Trades Has Romance In Spades

Vetra in Mass Effect: Andromeda

  • Race: Turian
  • Romanceable By: Female and Male Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Danielle Rayne
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

Players who started with Mass Effect will appreciate Vetra on a whole different level. In the wake of Garrus’ success, Turians have been a fan-favorite species since the inception of the franchise. Vetra’s not just any Turian, though: she’s street-smart, protective of those she loves, and she will go to any lengths for a Ryder who she can trust.


How Mass Effect: Andromeda’s Companions Could Still Factor into Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect: Andromeda’s characters may be a galaxy away, but they could still make return appearances during Mass Effect 4’s story.

Vetra may be Turian, but she has the same appeal Tali did in Shepard’s trilogy. Her romance also leaves most of the intimacy to the imagination. Still, she is a popular romantic partner because she’s adorable. Fans only wish there was more of it! Family-oriented players who would love a very tall girlfriend will find Sid, Vetra’s kid sister, an especially wholesome bonus.

8 Samantha Traynor

Most People Use Showers & Toothbrushes To Get Clean

Samantha Traynor Mass Effect 3

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable By: Female Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Alix Wilton Regan
  • Appearances:Mass Effect 3

Samantha is smart, very funny, and an excellent Comm Specialist, making her an instantly likable addition to the Mass Effect 3 lineup. Players who romance her are in for some of the wittiest flirts in the trilogy. She doesn’t have a unique companion quest, but she plays an integral part on the Normandy, and she gets more involved Citadel DLC content than some trilogy-spanning characters do.

Sam draws strength from Shepard as they bond, but it’s her independent brilliance and warmth that makes her such an attractive choice. The only real downside to Sam is that she’s introduced very late in the trilogy. Players who locked in one of the many Mass Effect 2 love interests may be compelled to continue that relationship instead, but those looking to take a chance with someone new should know: Traynor only needs a toothbrush to save the Normandy.

7 Jack/Subject Zero

The Psychotic Biotic & Catharsis

Jack in Mass Effect 2, semi close-up with a neutral expression

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable By: Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Courtenay Taylor
  • Appearances:Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3

Jack is, in a word, angry. She had been hurt and used since childhood. By the time Shepard blasts his way into her life, she owns her damage with a vengeance. Her uninhibited attitude shouldn’t confuse players: if Shepard takes advantage of her fast and loose intimacy, she will categorize him as just another roll in the hay who doesn’t truly care about her.


15 Mistakes Everyone Makes On Their First Playthrough Of The Mass Effect Trilogy

When playing through the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time, there are some mistakes almost every player makes. Don’t make these.

Jack’s romance isn’t popular because of her trigger-happy and immodest attitude, though. It’s her incredible growth that makes her story so gripping. By Mass Effect 3, Jack is thriving, just as she deserves. While she doesn’t need romance to grow into her own, male Shepard players who stand at her side won’t be disappointed; they get to share in the tumultuous catharsis that is Jack’s journey.

6 Thane Krios

Going From Becoming Unforgettable To Never Forgetting

Thane in Mass Effect 2

  • Race: Drell
  • Romanceable By: Female Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Keythe Farley
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3

Thane’s romance is not for the faint of heart: this surprisingly balanced assassin comes with a lot of heavy stories attached. His romance takes players into a space of emotional intensity, and part of that comes from the fact that he’s living on borrowed time. Thane’s placid wisdom is magnetic, but what makes his romance popular is that Shepard is his second chance at love when he expected to die alone.

Players who want to explore themes of healing after loss, grieving, and faith will find this enigmatic Drell of the shadows has an irresistible draw. Mass Effect 3 will hit Thane’s romancers harder than the rest, and it’s definitely one of the most moving relationships players can experience. Shepard is not alone after Kalihira finally claims Thane, though: he’s survived by his son, Kolyat. Thane lives on in those who love him so long as they draw breath and remember.

5 Jaal Ama Darav

His Heart Sings So Loud & Proud That Ryder’s Will, Too

Jaal in Mass Effect: Andromeda

  • Race: Angara
  • Romanceable By: Female and Male Ryder
  • Voice Actor: Nyasha Hatendi
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect: Andromeda

This aspiring warrior may give players the first impression that he’s difficult to win over, and a little digging into Jaal’s background suggests his romantic experience is distressingly limited. Players who choose his romance anyway will be disabused of both notions in short order. Not only is he unfailingly romantic, but his past traumas all stay in the past. For players who want a paramour who is openly loving and loyal, it doesn’t get better than Jaal.


Mass Effect 4: The Case for Another Angaran Companion

Jaal proved to be a popular companion in Mass Effect: Andromeda, making the case for a new Angaran companion in Mass Effect 4 even stronger.

Early on in Mass Effect: Andromeda players will notice how emotional the Angara are, and this barely scratches the surface of what makes them a fascinating addition to the franchise. A romanced Jaal only pursues one agenda with Ryder: a happy and healthy relationship. Ryder speaks to his heart, and like all Angarans, he’s not shy about his feelings. Angarans love their enormous and fluid families, but Jaal’s romancers will not doubt that he adores Ryder like no other.

4 Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy

Unmasking A Relationship That’s Totally Worth It

Mass Effect Tali'Zorah

  • Race: Quarian
  • Romanceable By: Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Ash “Liz” Sroka
  • Appearance(s):Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3

Tali’s romance is easily one of the most compelling ones in the trilogy’s lineup, and it’s not just because players wouldn’t be wrong to imagine she blushes a lot beneath that helmet around Shepard. Romancing her doesn’t steal the spotlight from her incredible journey as a member of the Migrant Fleet; it makes the epic Quarian saga a deeply personal matter for players.

Part of Tali’s allure is how mysterious she and the Quarians are, but it’s players who accept the ambiguity and choose to empower her who will enjoy this romance the most. In Mass Effect 2 & 3, Tali is much more uncompromising about her loyalty to her people, but this self-possession doesn’t come at the price of her endearing openness from the first game. Players who choose her will discover she’s as passionate about Shepard as she is about solving the Geth problem.

3 Liara T’Soni

Eternal Lovers Write Their Names Across The Stars

Liara in Mass Effect 3

  • Race: Asari
  • Romanceable By: Female and Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Ali Hillis
  • Appearances:Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3, & Mass Effect: Andromeda (Voice Only)

Many players decide to embrace eternity with Liara, and she gives them quite a few great reasons to consider her one of the best romances in the Mass Effect franchise. She’s the companion who goes that extra mile for Shepard, refusing to allow anything, even death, to stand in their way. Her adorably self-conscious ramblings in the first game reveal that Shepard is far more to her than a Prothean-touched curiosity, and players who court her will get a romance that echoes through time.


Even if Liara is Not Mass Effect 4’s Protagonist, It is Time for BioWare to Take a Leap of Faith

With Mass Effect 4 officially on the horizon, the focus on Liara in its announcement trailer should have major implications for the next protagonist.

Liara changes more than most in the trilogy’s lineup, and helping her come into her own in the Shadow Broker DLC in Mass Effect 2 makes her one of the most formidable allies Shepard has. Her romance arc also changes and matures compared to her gushing admiration in the first game, and it’s more reserved than others in some ways. Liara’s focus and drive don’t leave a lot of room for moonlit strolls, but it’s exactly her need to make Shepard’s legacy a lasting one that makes her love eternal.

2 Garrus Vakarian

Getting Calibrated By Archangel

Garrus in Mass Effect 2

  • Race: Turian
  • Romanceable By: Female Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Brandon Keener
  • Appearances:Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, & Mass Effect 3

Garrus is the embodiment of “ride or die,” and that applies whether Shepard is his comrade or his paramour. His story is about learning leadership from the best, and that can be a full Renegade or Paragon Shepard, or a more situational Paragrade one. His moral character may seem alien in its flexibility, but his romancers know better than most that Garrus is consumed by the inadequacy of conventional justice.

Giving Garrus guidance on becoming a leader in his own right is a satisfying arc, making him quite popular all around. But for those who are enchanted by him on a deeper level, empowering him with the right tools and attitudes to put vengeance aside and really make a difference creates a bond between him and Shepard like no other. Garrus is a mix of vulnerable and steadfast, and he will sweep Shepard off her feet.

1 Miranda Lawson

The Perfect Romance For An Imperfect Galaxy

Miranda in Mass Effect 2

  • Race: Human
  • Romanceable By: Male Shepard
  • Voice Actor: Yvonne Strahovski
  • Appearances:Mass Effect 2 & Mass Effect 3

Miranda was engineered for perfection, but that’s not why she earns the top slot as the best romance in the Mass Effect franchise. The looks and brains designed by her father don’t protect her from facing constant challenges, and genetics don’t guarantee the personal growth Miranda undergoes nor the grit she displays. Winning her over from Cerberus takes leading by example, which is rewarding, but the path to her heart shows players how love means showing up for someone.


14 RPGs With The Deepest Lore, Ranked

RPGs tend to have tons of lore that players can immerse themselves in. But these titles go above and beyond with their mythology.

Another reason why Miranda’s romance stands out is that her personal quests reflect the fact that she believes in meaningful change for everyone. As such, she’s only interested in the guy who makes a difference, not the one who is stuck on the superficial status quo. The stakes are high wherever she’s involved, and players who romance her will feel like they’re not just saving the galaxy or their love interest: they’re actively making the galaxy a better place at her side.

mass effect

Mass Effect

Created by
Casey Hudson

BioWare , Edge of Reality , Demiurge Studios , Straight Right

Creation Year


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