
  • There are several enchantments that can enhance the power and effectiveness of swords in Minecraft. Some notable enchantments include Bane of Arthropods 5, Smite 5, Knockback 2, and Sharpness 5. Each enchantment has its own unique benefits and can be obtained through various methods.

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but Minecraft has no pen. The sword is the best weapon in Minecraft and should be utilized as such. Considering players will be using the sword to battle a great number of hostile mobs across their many adventures in Minecraft, it’s best to invest in the best enchantments that will make the sword the best it can be, even if some of those enchantments are some of the rarest items in Minecraft.


Most Terrifying Hostile Mobs In Minecraft

Underneath the bright-colored blocks, cute pigs, and nameable horses, there are undead creatures and monstrosities from the depths of the Nether.

The best sword enchantments in Minecraft range from different amounts of usefulness. Some sword enchantments can benefit the player for different damage outputs, whereas others will simply allow the player to gain more loot. Many of the best enchantments for swords in Minecraft come from different sources.

Updated on December 20, 2023, by Jake Fillery: Minecraft may have seen some recent competition with LEGO Fortnite, but that doesn’t mean that Minecraft has lost the crown for the king of sandboxes. For many reasons, Minecraft still remains ever popular, and to those who seek it, ever challenging. Players are going to want to find the best swords, and thus the best sword enchantments to carry them through their adventures against hostile mobs. Players can find the stats of every sword enchantment to help them better understand their chosen enchantment on their favorite weapon.

10 Best Sword And How To Get Them

Image from Minecraft showing Steve sword fighting with a skeleton.

Players will want to make sure that they are spending their XP wisely, and the plethora of sources that it can come from is being well-invested to create the best enchantments for swords in Minecraft. As such, it’s a wise idea to learn the different types of swords that players can make, and which ones will be most effective against the forces of evil.

How To Craft A Sword

If players want to know how to craft a sword in Minecraft, then they will first need to head to a Crafting Table to seek the recipe. Players will then want to place 1 Stick at the middle of the bottom row, and then add 2 of any of the following materials: Plank / Stone-Tier Block / Iron Ingots / Gold Ingots / Diamonds to the middle top and middle row.

How To Craft A Netherite Sword

Easily the best sword in Minecraft, the Netherite sword will require players to obtain a Smithing Table. Once open, players need to place 1 Smithing Template in the first box, a Diamond Sword in the second box, and finally a Netherite Ingot in the third box. This will allow players to upgrade their gear and claim a Netherite sword, which will have the best sword enchantments Minecraft, and The Ender Dragon wouldn’t stand a chance.

Minecraft Sword Stats (Bedrock Edition)


Attack Damage


Wooden Sword

5 Hearts


Stone Sword

6 Hearts


Iron Sword

7 Hearts


Gold Sword

5 Hearts


Diamond Sword

8 Hearts


Netherite Sword

9 Hearts



7 Best Beginner-Friendly Open-World Games

Here are some beginner-friendly options to players that want to get into and enjoy the best open-world games.

9 Bane Of Arthropods 5

Close up of a Minecraft spider in a cave


Bane Of Arthropods 1

Bane Of Arthropods 2

Bane Of Arthropods 3

Bane Of Arthropods 4

Bane Of Arthropods 5

Wooden Sword

7.5 Hearts

10 Hearts

12.5 Hearts

15 Hearts

17.5 Hearts

Stone Sword

8.5 Hearts

11 Hearts

13.5 Hearts

16 Hearts

18.5 Hearts

Iron Sword

9.5 Hearts

12 Hearts

14.5 Hearts

17 Hearts

19.5 Hearts

Gold Sword

7.5 Hearts

10 Hearts

12.5 Hearts

15 Hearts

17.5 Hearts

Diamond Sword

10.5 Hearts

13 Hearts

15.5 Hearts

18 Hearts

20.5 Hearts

Netherite Sword

11.5 Hearts

14 Hearts

16.5 Hearts

19 Hearts

21.5 Hearts

The Bane of Arthropods is a weapon enchantment with not many features to warrant use. The purpose of the enchantment is to deal extended damage to arthropod mobs, which involve a bounty of biome-specific hostiles in survival, such as spiders, cave spiders, silverfish, bees, and endermites. Unfortunately for this enchantment, these mobs are few and far between and do not warrant wasting a damage enchantment, as players can only have one damage enchantment rather than all of them.

Although the damage is particularly good against this mob type, it still does make it worth it. The bonus of Bane of Arthropods is that players will be able to inflict the Slowness effect on the arthropod that is hit.

8 Smite 5

minecraft zombie cave dark red haze


Smite 1

Smite 2

Smite 3

Smite 4

Smite 5

Wooden Sword

7.5 Hearts

10 Hearts

12.5 Hearts

15 Hearts

17.5 Hearts

Stone Sword

8.5 Hearts

11 Hearts

13.5 Hearts

16 Hearts

18.5 Hearts

Iron Sword

9.5 Hearts

12 Hearts

14.5 Hearts

17 Hearts

19.5 Hearts

Gold Sword

7.5 Hearts

10 Hearts

12.5 Hearts

15 Hearts

17.5 Hearts

Diamond Sword

10.5 Hearts

13 Hearts

15.5 Hearts

18 Hearts

20.5 Hearts

Netherite Sword

11.5 Hearts

14 Hearts

16.5 Hearts

19 Hearts

21.5 Hearts

As another damage-based enchantment for weapons, Smite will increase the damage that is inflicted upon undead mobs. An undead mob can be any of these hostile mobs:

  • Skeletons
  • Zombies
  • Zombie Villagers
  • Withers
  • Wither Skeletons
  • Zombified Piglins
  • Strays
  • Husks
  • Phantoms
  • Drowned
  • Zoglins
  • Zombie Horses

Although this may seem like a large number of mobs, it simply is not the best all-around damage enchantment that can be used. Smite is good for certain situations, and it may even be handy to have a Smite sword when fighting the Wither in Minecraft, but it isolates undead mobs rather than including all of them.

7 Knockback 2

Pushes Mobs Back With Each Attack

A Minecraft Creeper has spotted the player

Depending on how the player looks at it, Knockback can be a burden or a blessing. The purpose of this enchantment is to send a mob backward a few blocks if they are hit with a sword with Knockback. This can be a lifesaver since if a creeper is about to explode, the sword will knock them out of range. It’s also a great tip for surviving in the Nether, as Hoglins are quick, and deal damage up close, so knockback will send them running.

However, when fighting skeletons, it could be a nuisance, as the skeleton will continue to shoot at a distance, meaning players need to run back to them. This is where the fatal flaw of Knockback comes in, as fighting mobs can be annoying when the player has to repeatedly go after them due to the knockback effect.

6 Mending

Uses XP To Restore Durability

mending on a netherite pickaxe

A great enchantment for every item, Mending will restore durability lost in exchange for experience points. Considering the sword is a great source for getting experience points, Mending is worth having. Experience will drop on killing mobs, hostile or passive, meaning those experience points will go straight back into the weapon, with some leftover to help level up the player. Something like Mending may be useful if players decide to try out great biome mods in Minecraft for new survival adventures.


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In Minecraft, Pillagers can definitely ruin the player’s day. Here’s everything you need to know about them.

Mending is a rare enchantment that cannot be found simply by using the Enchantment Table. Players can locate Mending from a few rare sources, but the most efficient way is to find a librarian villager to make the trade.

5 Fire Aspect 2

Set Targets On Fire With Each Attack

fire aspect sword vs a cow

With Fire Aspect, players will be able to set their target on fire. This will deal continuous damage, which is a great bonus to the damage that will already be dealt by the physical blow. Not only will players be able to burn enemies, thus killing them quicker, but the fact that they are on fire means that some mobs will have their meat cooked, although this may ruin a gameplay challenge for Minecraft veterans, which could involve a pacifist run of the game.

Fire Aspect 2 is a great way to farm mobs, like Hoglins for cooked pork, and for killing non-hostile mobs like cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep to instantly cook their meat. However, Fire Aspect does not work during rain, but it’s still a great enchantment.

4 Sweeping Edge 3 (Java Edition Exclusive)

Sweep Attack That Damages All Mobs In Close Range

An inage showing some Minecraft zombies in a crowd.

When players are surrounded by hostile mobs, Sweeping Edge could save the day. This enchantment will increase the sweep attack damage that players deal. To activate its damage buff, players will need to stay on the ground, and not jump spam for critical hit damage.

Activating Sweeping Edge can be a little finicky, and the disadvantage of this weapon enchantment is that it is exclusive to Java Edition, meaning console and PC players that use Bedrock Edition cannot use Sweeping Edge.

3 Unbreaking 3

Extends Durability

unbreaking enchantment on iron boots


Unbreaking 1 Durability

Unbreaking 2 Durability

Unbreaking 3 Durability

Wooden Sword




Stone Sword




Iron Sword




Gold Sword




Diamond Sword




Netherite Sword




Another enchantment that can be placed on any item of use is Unbreaking. This will extend the durability of an item, while also increasing the chance that the durability reduction will go down with use. Unbreaking will ensure that the sword the player is using will never break, as long as it is well-maintained and tended to.


Minecraft: 13 Best Ways To Get XP

There are plenty of ways to earn XP in Minecraft, but these methods are the most reliable.

Unbreaking may save the life of the player if they are being attacked by countless mobs, especially in the Nether. Their sword will not break as fast as swords without Unbreaking. Durability is a key factor when using crafted tools.

2 Looting 3

looting enchantment in minecraft

The advantage of killing mobs doesn’t just come from the experience they will drop. A very good reason to kill mobs is for their loot. However, some loot is rarer than others, but with Looting 3, players will see a massive increase in their loot gains upon killing enemies.

These loot drops can be extremely rare. For instance, a drowned has more chance to drop a trident, and animals have more chance to drop more than one piece of meat. Looting is a great sword enchantment due to its ability to give bonus and rare loot, especially when paired with useful Redstone contraptions for item farming.

1 Sharpness 5

Minecraft Steve attacks a skeleton with a diamond sword


Sharpness 1

Sharpness 2

Sharpness 3

Sharpness 4

Sharpness 5

Wooden Sword

6.25 Hearts

7.5 Hearts

8.75 Hearts

10 Hearts

11.25 Hearts

Stone Sword

7.25 Hearts

8.5 Hearts

9.75 Hearts

11 Hearts

12.25 Hearts

Iron Sword

8.25 Hearts

9.5 Hearts

10.75 Hearts

12 Hearts

13.25 Hearts

Gold Sword

6.25 Hearts

7.5 Hearts

8.75 Hearts

10 Hearts

11.25 Hearts

Diamond Sword

9.25 Hearts

10.5 Hearts

11.75 Hearts

13 Hearts

14.25 Hearts

Netherite Sword

10.25 Hearts

11.5 Hearts

12.75 Hearts

14 Hearts

15.25 Hearts

Despite other damage-based enchantments offering bonuses on specific mobs, Sharpness affects all mobs with an increase in melee damage. Players will truly feel the power of Sharpness 5, which has the power to take out a creeper in just 2 hits. Other mobs will go down far quicker than with just a basic sword, thanks to the fact that Sharpness adds 1.25X extra damage per tier, great assistance for a mysterious survival game like Minecraft.

How To Get Sharpness 5 Enchantment

To get Sharpness 5, players will need to combine 2 Sharpness +4 swords, as Sharpness 5 isn’t an enchantment that can be discovered simply at the Enchantment Table. The damage output is well worth the effort, as it cuts down foes quickly.

minecraft game

PS4 , PS3 , PS Vita , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , 3DS , PC , Android , iOS , Wii U

November 18, 2011

Sandbox , Survival


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