There are some central characters to the Call of Duty Zombies story that players might fully be aware of. Some characters like Dr. Monty and Ludvig Maxis are not playable within COD Zombies, but they are greatly important to the overarching story and have been featured across cutscenes to showcase that fact. However, there are some characters who have only ever been heard, and it’s impossible to put a face to the mystery surrounding these important figures.


Call of Duty: All Zombies Crews & Their Fates

The fate of every crew in Call of Duty Zombies is revealed, allowing players to see the endings of their favorite characters, no matter how tragic.

Some of COD Zombies’ most vital characters have never been physically shown in-game, and instead, are relegated to hidden radios and pieces of lore that have only been deciphered by the most die-hard fans. It’s time to take a trip into nostalgia with COD Zombies’ greatest mysteries and characters that aren’t as important as Ultimis or Primis.

6 Jebediah Brown

The Western Blacksmith Who Created Pack-a-Punch and the Agarthan Device

First-person view of using Pack-a-Punch in The Giant, Black Ops 3.

Jebediah Brown is essential to the COD Zombies story, but most players would have only ever heard his name in the Pack-a-Punch Machine’s jingle, which does a great job of singing his story in a catchy tune. Jebediah Brown is none other than the blacksmith who created the Pack-a-Punch machine through the guidance of angels, who were none other than the Keepers.

Jebediah Brown is the sole reason why players are able to upgrade their weapons, and Jebediah Brown’s work did not stop there. He Pack-a-Punch’d his dead mother to create the ghost girls in the map Buried, and he also crafted the Agarthan Device which could be used alongside the blood of an Elder God and the Elemental Shard to grant wishes like a genie. Unfortunately, Old Jeb was killed by zombies, so it’s no surprise that he isn’t actively involved.

5 Pablo Marinus

Richthofen’s First Test Subject, and a Hero of the Great War

tag der toten's ending

As one of the first test subjects to withstand Richtofen’s torturous experiments in the Siberian facility of Group 935, Pablo Marinus would be described as the Mexican test subject who died after Richtofen accidentally removed his spleen. Pablo was only seen extremely briefly in Tag der Toten as a shadow, and Pablo’s entire goal and purpose of existing is to aspire Primis in the Great War against the Apothicons.

Pablo is the once and future hero of the Great War and became essential in helping post-Revelations Richtofen return to Alcatraz to break the cycle that began with Blood of the Dead. Without Pablo, the cycle would never have been able to be broken, and his paranoia and visions of the future aid in shaping the future of the story.

4 H. Porter

The Creator of the Ray Gun and the Zap Gun

call of duty modern warfare 3 ray gun

One of Group 935’s main scientists, H. Porter, is responsible for the great weaponry that players love about COD Zombies. Without H. Porter’s work, players would never have experienced the joys of the Ray Gun, the Zap Gun, and the Ray Gun Mk 2. H. Porter is also credited as the man who reverse-engineered Jebediah Brown’s Pack-a-Punch, which is most likely why they are found all over the place.


COD Zombies: Best Maps With the Most Lore

Throughout Call of Duty Zombies history, some of the best maps have an incredible amount of lore that answers deep-rooted questions about the story.

H. Porter’s engineering is incredible, and players adore his weaponry. Unfortunately, H. Porter’s story doesn’t go that far, as he committed suicide after zombies infiltrated the Der Riese facility. Only in another universe would one be able to think of what other weapons H. Porter managed to create.

3 Anton Gersh

The Creator of the Thundergun and the Gersh Device

gersh device

A member of the Soviet Union who became essential to the Ascension group, Anton Gersh would aid in the development of Soviet technology through designs and research mentioned in Richtofen’s diary. However, Gersh implemented his own ideas with the creation of the incredibly powerful Thundergun, and the superior Monkey Bombs, the Gersh Device.

Yet, Gersh was sucked into his own device by Doctor Yuri, and Gersh’s body was destroyed, yet his spirit remained trapped in the Casimir Mechanism. Gersh pops up a few times in the story as a spirit, and also as someone who fought alongside Ultimis for a while, but never in his physical flesh. Drifting through time, space, and the Multiverse, Gersh was killed by S.O.P.H.I.A. for his energy in Gorod Krovi.

2 Harvey Yena

Creator of the Scavenger, Nikolai’s Alcoholism, and Reported Richtofen to Maxis

Call of the Dead Zombies Map

Harvey Yena was a spy for the Americans in World War 2, but it quickly became apparent that his loyalty to Group 935 was becoming more serious than reporting back to his own government. Harvey Yena aids Richtofen in a secret Siberian facility and even takes the time to create the overpowered Scavenger rifle in Call of the Dead. Yena is also credited for the 115-induced vodka that aided in experimenting on Nikolai and providing him with his toxic alcoholism.


Call of Duty Zombies: 10 Best Characters

Call of Duty Zombies harbors a rich history worth exploring, and some of COD’s best characters come from the Zombies mode.

On top of that, the events of the COD Zombies series may have never happened if Dr. Yuna never reported Richtofen to Maxis, thus demoting Richtofen back to the Der Reise facility which led to the deaths and ascension of Ludvig and Samantha Maxis. Yuna’s story doesn’t finish there, as he later defected to the Soviet Union and helped locate the Apothicon Elder God blood, used for experiments with Anton Gersh.

1 Layman

The Creator of Nova Six Gas and Docile Zombies

nova six crawler

An American scientist who would aid in the continuing research of Richtofen through the American-backed Project Stapler, Layman would begin to develop a gas that could be used to create a docile zombie army. However, this research was aided by the corrupting voice of Samantha Maxis, who managed to break Layman, allowing him to release the gas in the Pentagon before killing himself.

Layman is responsible for the zombie outbreak at the Pentagon that involved JFK, Castro, and Nixon. He’s also credited for the creation of a special gas that was used to create the Nova-Six Crawlers as well as their variants found across Alpha Omega.


11 Best Call Of Duty Zombies Wonder Weapons

Kill zombies with ease thanks to the greatest Wonder Weapons in Call of Duty, which can easily snap, crackle, and pop hordes of undead.


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