Moto G35 5G will be introduced in India soon. The company has confirmed the launch date and availability details of the handset. It was initially unveiled in select European markets in August alongside the Moto G55. The design, colour options and key features of the Indian variant of the Moto G35 5G have been revealed. These suggest that the upcoming Indian version of the phone is similar to its European counterpart. Although Motorola has not yet announced the pricing details of the smartphone, the teasers point at its price range.

Moto G35 5G India Launch Date, Availability, Price Range

The Moto G35 5G will launch in India on December 10 at 12pm IST, a poster on the phone’s Flipkart microsite revealed. This suggests that the phone will be available for purchase in the country via the Walmart-owned e-commerce site.

One of the teaser images of the Moto G35 5G Indian variant claims that the phone will arrive as the fastest 5G phone in the segment in the country. Disclaimer text on the poster suggests that the segment is likely defined by “5G smartphones under Rs. 10,000”, which suggests that the price of the phone in India may start below Rs. 10,000.

Moto G35 5G Specifications, Features

The Indian variant of the Moto G35 5G will come in a similar vegan leather design as the European version. It will be available in black, green and red shades. The company has yet to confirm the marketing names of the colour options in the Indian market. In Europe, the colourways carry the monikers Guava Red, Leaf Green and Midnight Black.

The microsite revealed that the Moto G35 5G will sport a 6.7-inch full-HD+ screen with up to 120Hz refresh rate, 240Hz touch sampling rate, 1,000nits peak brightness level and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. The display will support Vision Booster and Night Vision Mode. 

Similar to the existing European variant, the Indian version of Moto G35 5G will come with a Unisoc T760 SoC paired with at least 4GB of RAM and 128GB of onboard storage. It will support RAM expansion of up to an additional 4GB. The phone will ship with Android 14-based OS with Hello UI skin on top.

For optics, the Moto G35 5G Indian variant will be equipped with a 50-megapixel quad-pixel main rear camera sensor alongside an 8-megapixel ultra-wide shooter. The handset will carry a 16-megapixel front camera sensor for selfies and video calls.

Motorola will pack a 5,000mAh battery in the Indian version of the Moto G35 5G with support for 20W wired charging. It has an IP52-rated build for dust and splash resistance. The phone will come with Dolby Atmos-backed dual stereo speakers. The handset will measure 7.79mm in thickness and weigh 185g.


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