At the time of writing this, Season 2 of Multiversus is fully underway, and new characters such as Samurai Jack and Agent Smith are now playable in-game. The developers at Player First games have shown that they’re willing to put the work in to improve this game steadily, over time, and the player base seems to be pretty happy about that.


MultiVersus: 10 Easy To Play Characters That Are Perfect For Beginners

Which characters in MultiVersus are the best for beginner players to learn the ropes of the new crossover platform fighter game?

One of the biggest changes in the game between the open beta of Multiversus years ago and the full-release version now is the Perk System. Back in the open beta, there were a lot more Perks to choose from, and the Perk System as a whole was more noticeably unbalanced. Now, in the full-release version of the game, the choices are a lot tougher. So, let’s go over LeBron James’ Perk options, in-depth, and talk about why we think these specific choices fit him best.

Updated August 1st, 2024 by Jacob Buchalter: LeBron James in Multiversus has honestly stayed pretty much the same throughout the course of the open beta to the full release of this free-to-play platform brawler. And, contrary to how that may sound, that’s not at all an insult. LeBron is just an incredibly good fighter, with some truly disgusting stage denial and stage coverage. And, with the right Perk choices, he becomes exponentially stronger. So, let’s take a look at all the Perks offered in Multiversus and pick the absolute best ones for this fighter.

Signature Perk

For Three

Multiversus - Lebron From Three Signature Perk



For Three!

LeBron and his allies that hit enemies with a basketball from far away cause the basketball to explode, dealing damage and knockback to all nearby enemies.

To be honest, all three of LeBron James’ Signature Perks have their uses, but For Three just has the most utility overall in both 1v1 and 2v2. It takes a bit of getting used to at first, the spacing for when the ball will explode that is, but once you get a feel for it this Signature Perk can be an absolute menace for your opponents to deal with.

However, if you find that you’re only using the basketball as a projectile from close to mid-range, then you might not want to grab For Three and instead, the Signature Perk Hot Hands might be more your speed. Just keep in mind that Hot Hands is arguably more complicated to use than For Three, which can be both a benefit and a detriment.

Team Perk

That’s Flammable Doc

Multiversus - Lebron Thats Flammable Doc Perk



That’s Flammable, Doc!

Your team can melee an enemy after hitting them with a projectile to Ignite them. If your teammate also selects this Perk, Ignite damage and duration is increased.

Next up is probably the most obvious Perk choice for LeBron James, That’s Flammable, Doc. That’s Flammable, Doc is just too synergistic with his core gameplay loop not to be the best-in-slot option. When in the hands of an experienced LeBron player, this Perk can stack up an absurd amount of damage over the course of a match just from Ignite alone.

However, if you find it too risky to use LeBron’s basketball as a projectile all too often, then you might want to stick with a more basic Perk option such as Snowball Effect. In 2v2’s especially, this particular Perk is what makes LeBron such an absolute nightmare to go up against.

Strong Perk

Speed Force Assist

Multiversus - Lebron Speed Force Assist Perk



Speed Force Assist

You receive a 5 percent increase in base Movement Speed.

In all honesty, for most characters, either Speed Force Assist or Last Stand are the best-in-slot choices when it comes to a Strong Perk. This particular Perk category is a lot less varied, with only one or two characters max even worth trying out Perks like Airwalker or Collateral Damage on.

LeBron James is not one of these rare few examples, so taking Speed Force Assist just seems like the best bet, especially when chasing down opponents you’ve knocked away with your basketball or approaching to follow up on a hit with a devastating Slam Dunk.

Standard Perk

Static Electricity

Multiversus - Lebron Static Electricty Perk



Static Electricity

After moving on the ground for 4 seconds, your next projectile applies Shocked to enemies. Leaving the ground restarts the timer.

Last up is the Standard Perk recommendation for LeBron James, and for once it’s not just another entry telling you why Pugilist is so amazing. Granted, Pugilist is still a pretty good choice for LeBron, despite how much he uses his projectile, but Static Electricity just works well in combination with That’s Flammable, Doc as well as LeBron’s core move set.

Of course, to make the most use of this Perk, you’ll want to stay on the ground as much as possible, and LeBron actually has some pretty good aerial attacks, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to keep your feet planted with this character thanks to his useful Specials and overall general ground combos. Just keep in mind that you don’t need to get the Shocked application every single time, so don’t try and build up the effect with every single projectile, or you’re going to leave yourself vulnerable more than you’re going to end up hurting the opponent.

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