
  • Quirks in My Hero Academia define individuals’ paths – heroes tend to use them for good reasons, and villains for bad.
  • Uncontrolled quirk outbursts can be chaotic and destructive, requiring training and control.
  • Characters like Todoroki, Eri, and Midoriya showcase the complexities and dangers of quirks.

The idea of quirk is still a strange phenomenon in the My Hero Academia world, even though it has been around for quite a while. There is still a lot that the individuals and scientists in this world do not know about quirks. Quirks define the trajectory of an individual; villains tend to use them for bad purposes, and heroes aim to use them for good ones.


My Hero Academia: 5 Worst Hero Names

The world of My Hero Academia is home to some great heroes, but not all of them have good hero names. Here are some of the worst.

However, it is not uncommon to see these quirks go out of control when the users do not have the capacity to control them. It usually occurs when the quirk just newly manifests or transforms due to training or sheer luck. These outbursts of quirks can be downright chaotic, as they can destroy everything within their radius if left unchecked.

6 Todoroki’s Half-Hot Meltdown

His Fire Quirk Gets Hotter

Shoto Todoroki uses his quirk to generate fire and ice from both halves of his body in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 5, Episode 8

Todoroki’s fight with Tetsutetsu was something the latter thought he could handle until Todoroki decided to turn the temperature up. As someone who still struggles to overcome his convictions towards his father, Todoroki struggles with his flame quirk. Every now and then, he has a chaotic outburst caused by the words of encouragement of those around him, particularly Midoriya, his mother, All Might, and even his father, which is seen during the U.A. Sports Festival.


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Not everyone in My Hero Academia likes Deku; here are some characters who harbor impressive amounts of hate for him.

Tetsutetsu’s quirk is steel, meaning that fire or heat does not faze him, or so he thought. When Todoroki remembered his father’s words telling him to go beyond his limit at any cost, he did just that, allowing his flames to burn hotter and causing utter chaos.

5 Eri’s Rewind

Almost Wiped Midoriya From Existence

Eri uses Rewind to separate Overhaul from its underling in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 4, Episode 13

Eri was born with the Rewind quirk, which allows her to rewind a human body to a previous state. However, she had no control or knowledge of her powers, and she unfortunately manifested and used them on her father, causing him to reverse until he no longer existed. With no idea of how to control her quirk and seeing firsthand the damage it can cause, Eri is wary of being the cause of death of another person. When Midoriya, Mirio, and the other heroes came to save her from Overhaul, Midoriya and Overhaul went face-to-face to see who would assume victory, and Midoriya had wonderful support, Eri.

Eri’s quirk activated and remained active while on Midoriya’s back, reversing the damage One For All was causing him. Eri’s quirk allowed Midoriya to give his all and eventually defeat Overhaul. However, Eri’s quirk goes out of hand as she is unable to disable it at the end of the fight, leaving Midoriya rewinding at a fast rate, but thankfully, Eraser Head was there to stop Eri’s quirk.

4 Midoriya’s Black Whip

Tendrils Of Dark Energy Disrupted Midoriya’s Training With The Other Heroes

Deku in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 5, Episode 10

Among the quirks that make up One For All is the Blackwhip, a quirk that originally belonged to Diagoro Banjo, the fifth user of the One For All quirk. Midoriya was still learning about the quirk, and he discovered that he could manifest the quirks of the previous owners, a fact that even All Might, the owner before Midoriya, was not aware of.

During the Joint Training Arc, this quirk made quite a chaotic appearance, leaving Midoriya, All Might, and the other heroes in training confused. Midoriya’s desire to capture his opponent triggered this quirk to come forth in an uncontrollable manner. He urged his teammates and opponents to run away from him because he was out of control and scared of the destruction the quirk could cause.

3 Tomura Shigaraki’s Decay

Killed All His Family Members And Destroyed His Family House With One Touch

Tomura Shigarak in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 5, Episode 23

Tomura had an abusive childhood, as his father constantly abused him for wanting to be a hero. After discovering the picture of his grandma, Nana Shimura, who was once a user of One for All, his father, as usual, beat him for going into his study and also for still wanting to be a hero. One fateful night, Tomura was crying and holding his dog for comfort when his decay quirk manifested, turning the dog to stone and causing it to crumble into blood and chunks of meat.


My Hero Academia: 6 Most Irredeemable Characters

Some characters in My Hero Academia are not only evil, but their morals make them irredeemable in the eyes of many more ethically-sound heroes.

Tomura’s life changed that night as his mere touch caused his sister and his family’s house to fall apart. His quirk outburst caused his father to hit him with a stick, and Tomura, at that point, touched his father with the intention of killing him. This chaotic quirk outburst turned Tenko Shimura, a young boy who always wanted to be a hero, into Tomura Shigaraki, the main villain in the My Hero Academia world.

2 Fumikage Tokoyami’s Dark Shadow

Showcases The Aggressive Nature Of Dark Shadow

Dark Shadow and Tokoyami quirk in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 3, Episode 6

Dark Shadow is the quirk of Fumikage Tokoyami, and it grants the user a shadow that they can control or shape at will. Just like the name suggests, Dark Shadow thrives at night or in dark places, and the darker it is, the stronger it becomes. Also, it thrives on negative feelings from its user – feelings like grief, despair, regret, and so on can make Dark Shadow stronger and aggressive.

Tokoyami’s quirk goes out of control during the Vanguard Action Squad Invasion, causing his fellow heroes to be wary and carry out a plan to keep his quirk at bay. This outburst showed just how strong Dark Shadow can be, as not only was it dark, but Tokoyami was feeling guilt because one of his fellow heroes was hurt because of him. This is a negative feeling that Dark Shadow gets strength from. Knowing the danger his friends are exposed to, Tokoyami urges them to run away from him if they value their lives. Dark Shadow, in this uncontrollable mode, retaliates at Moonfish and eliminates him, but even after this fight, Tokoyami’s quirk is still out of control. Luckily, Katsuki and Todoroki use their flame quirk to create light, weakening Dark Shadow.

1 Jin Bubaigawara’s Double

Loses His Sense Of Identity

Jin Bubaigawara in My Hero Academia

  • Episode: Season 5, Episode 22

Jin’s quirk allows him to make clones of himself. He had quite a rough life growing up, as he lost both parents in a villain attack and was forced to start fending for himself at a very young age. He faced loneliness for a very long time, and one day, he created clones of himself and started living and interacting with them.

This later proved to be a bad idea, as Jin lost sense of his original self as all his clones claimed to be the original. This led to an emotional turmoil that almost drove Jin to insanity and, quite frankly, confused most viewers. This quirk outburst changed Jin, causing him to adopt quite a villainous attitude, and he constantly had to wear a mask to keep himself at bay.

My Hero Academia


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