
  • Deku’s battle with Shigaraki intensifies as he strategically transfers Quirks to weaken the villain from within.
  • Fans can expect emotional moments as memories overlap between Deku and Shigaraki, potentially leading to a deeper understanding.
  • The upcoming My Hero Academia chapter 415 will focus on the weakening of Shigaraki through strategic Quirk transfers.

My Hero Academia returned recently from an incredibly long break and fans are grateful that the author is doing better healthwise, and that the series has officially returned. Last week’s My Hero Academia chapter was nothing short of spectacular for the readers, and My Hero Academia chapter 415, which is all set to come out later this week, is going to be nothing short of extraordinary as well. As fans know already, My Hero Academia is currently in the Final War Saga, with the last battle of this arc currently being tackled, and this battle being fought between Deku and Shigaraki.


My Hero Academia: Will Deku Be Quirkless Again?

Deku is losing all his quirks against Shigaraki in MHA.

This is an incredibly intense fight that just keeps getting better with each passing chapter, giving fans intense action, and at the same time, nerve-wracking moments in each chapter. Furthermore, this incredible fight has proven to be loaded with incredible emotional weight and that is one thing that fans have been enjoying quite a lot. MHA chapter 415 will most likely continue all that and add more depth to this amazing fight.

Kudo Damages Shigaraki

shigaraki vs deku kudo damages my hero academia mha 415-1

Towards the end of the previous chapter, Deku managed to trick Shigaraki with his incredible battle IQ and landed some powerful blows on him, finally. This was a breakthrough moment for him in the fight, given that he was largely struggling in combat, and now, he appears to be somewhat fine. Deku knows that he cannot defeat Shigaraki through conventional means, and as a result, he has to rely on other methods. Right now, the plan is to transfer the vestiges one by one inside of Shigaraki’s body, and when that happens, Kudo will weaken him from the inside out, giving Deku the opportunity to pummel and weaken him to a point where they can hold a proper conversation with each other and understand the ideals of the other person.

Deku is doing very well in this regard so far, as not only did he manage to trick Shigaraki in the previous chapter, but he also managed to make contact with him and transfer Kudo, the second user of One For All who possesses the power of Gear Shift, inside of Shigaraki’s body. My Hero Academia chapter 415 will likely see Kudo do his work since he is now inside Shigaraki’s body. As he mentioned earlier, there is a crack inside of Shigaraki that needs to be probed and, when that happens, this monster fighter will show weaknesses that Deku can then exploit. My Hero Academia chapter 415 could likely focus on this aspect of battle, with Kudo doing the best he can to weaken this monstrously powerful fighter.

Deku Transfers The Power Of Smokescreen

the sixth smokescreen deku vs shigaraki my hero academia mha 415

As fans know already, Deku intends to transfer the power of his Quirks one by one inside of Shigaraki. This is a very risky strategy that might or might not work, however, all he can do right now is trust his instincts and go ahead with the plan that Kudo suggested. Now that he has been transferred inside of Shigaraki, it is time for Deku to transfer another vestige and continue the incredible work that Kudo is doing. It appears that the next vestige to be transferred is going to be none other than the Sixth user of One For All, En. Fans know him to be one of the most timid ones, and he is the one who appears to be panicked most out of all. En is going to most likely be transferred into Shigaraki’s body in MHA chapter 415, and that is certainly going to be intense, given that a person like him might actually fear this transfer quite a lot.


My Hero Academia: Horikoshi Confirms Shigaraki As The Strongest Villain

Shigaraki is confirmed as MHA’s greatest villain by the author himself.

With this transfer, Deku will also lose quite a bit of his powers. Fans know that he has already lost Danger Sense, as it was stolen by Shigaraki. At the same time, Kudo has now moved away from his body, which means he can no longer utilize the power of Gear Shift. En being transferred to Shigaraki means that the power of Smokescreen will not be available to him anymore. Smokescreen is certainly one of the weakest abilities that Deku has up his sleeve, however, it is certainly one that can be useful, depending on how it is used.

Deku losing Smokescreen would mean that he can no longer make use of clever traps to distract Shigaraki and attack him when his guard is at its lowest. Deku simply cannot do that anymore, and more importantly, he will weaken tremendously once he transfers another power.

That said, this incredible transfer looks like it is set to happen in My Hero Academia chapter 415. As such, fans should expect a few kind words from En to Deku before the transfer is complete. Once it happens, then it is En’s job to weaken Shigaraki so Deku can take him down properly.

Deku and Shigaraki’s Memory Overlap

shigaraki and deku memories my hero academia mha 415

My Hero Academia’s previous chapter showed an incredibly intriguing sight to the fans. As was clear in the previous chapter of the story, Shigaraki wants to destroy everything around him and that requires him to be at the peak of his abilities. However, Deku has been countering him very well so far. In fact, Deku even managed to transfer Gear Shift inside Shigaraki, and this triggered a very weird phenomenon that allowed Deku to see the memories of Shigaraki, and at the same time, Shigaraki himself could see the memories of the hero that is Deku. This was quite an emotional scene in the previous chapter, and My Hero Academia chapter 415 is likely to continue from there onwards.

What fans can be sure of is that the memory overlap between Deku and Shigaraki is likely going to continue. Once Deku’s DNA got into Shigaraki’s body, both of them started witnessing the past of the other individual. This will give them an opportunity to better understand what the other person has gone through in their lives and understand their pain and emotions better. As that happens, one of them is likely to show a sign of weakness, which the other can capitalize on.

Given that Deku aims to help him, it is highly likely that he is going to get a proper showing of Shigaraki’s past, which would then make him want to save him even further. At the same time, Shigaraki, who has been largely unconcerned with how Deku has grown up over the years, is likely going to understand Deku’s very own struggles, potentially making him more sympathetic towards him. This could then end up setting the basis for the conclusion of this incredible fight, and fans are eagerly waiting for it. Of course, they would still have to fight it out, even if they understand the other person better. However, at the end of the day, if there is to room for Shigaraki to be redeemed, the author will want to attach a touch of humanity to him, which might happen in the upcoming chapter.

My Hero Academia is available to read via Viz Media. The series can be read by the fans officially and for free on the Shonen Jump and the Manga Plus app. The release date for the next chapter of My Hero Academia, My Hero Academia chapter 414, is set to be February 18, 2024.


My Hero Academia Chapter 414: The Gear Shift Transfer

Deku plans to transfer his quirk to Shigaraki in MHA.


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