
  • Some characters in Naruto, like Tobirama Senju, receive mixed reception due to their extreme views and actions.
  • Hiruzen Sarutobi’s failure to make tough decisions as a leader and guardian to Naruto led to criticism.
  • Obito Uchiha’s redemptive arc was seen as disappointing and forced, receiving mixed reviews from fans.

With hundreds of named characters who play varying roles throughout its lengthy story, Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto boasts a vibrant cast whose individual members have been greeted with mixed reception by the series’ fan base. Naturally, every character has their fair share of detractors, although the overall volume of negative opinions toward an individual cast member can differ greatly.


Naruto: Does Naruto’s Talk No Jutsu Deserve All Its Criticism?

Naruto’s ability to overcome his adversaries’ hatred and redeem them, has been the subject of much satire over the years. Is all of it justified?

At both ends of the spectrum, regardless of whether they align themselves on the side of good or evil, there are characters in Naruto who are either universally lauded or derided, for any number of reasons. Conversely, certain characters take this to a different level, inspiring such hatred or love that there is no middle ground in how they are perceived.

5 Tobirama Senju

Founded Vital Village Institutions But Was Criticized For His Harsh Policies

Naruto Second Hokage Tobirama Senju Rage

Manga Debut

Naruto Chapter #118 “Confinement…!!”

Anime Debut

Naruto Episode #69 “Village in Distress: A New A-Ranked Mission!”

The Second Hokage was known for his stern demeanor and pragmatic approach to his duties, which contrasted with the optimism of his elder brother, Hashirama. On one hand, Tobirama was an intelligent leader who played a huge role in creating the version of Konohagakure seen at the start of Naruto and founded important institutions such as the Academy and the Uchiha Police Force.

Conversely, he has often come under fire from the series’ fan base due to his extremist views toward anyone who threatened the village, especially when it came to his treatment of the Uchiha clan. Tobirama had no patience for members of the Uchiha clan who fell victim to the Curse of Hatred, as he saw it as a sign that they prioritized their own desires over the good of the village. This, in turn, led to him being viewed as a figure who contributed to the clan’s eventual ostracization, which culminated in the Uchiha clan massacre.

4 Hiruzen Sarutobi

Embodied The Will Of Fire But Failed As A Leader And Naruto’s Guardian

Hiruzen Sarutobi

Manga Debut

Naruto Chapter #1 “Naruto Uzumaki!!”

Anime Debut

Naruto Episode #1 “Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!”

A prodigious shinobi who was hailed as “The Professor” for mastering virtually all of Konoha’s jutsu, Hiruzen Sarutobi led the village for a long portion of its history, and his firm belief in the Will of Fire influenced many Hidden Leaf ninja over generations. Representing the archetypal wise old man, Hiruzen took a moderate approach to his job as Hokage, which became the source of his shortcomings as a leader.


How Dragon Ball Inspired Naruto And Sasuke’s Designs

It is no secret that Kishimoto was influenced by Toriyama, but just how far did this inspiration filter into his development of Naruto and Sasuke?

From failing to prevent Danzo’s many atrocities, to allowing his student Orochimaru to escape after performing human experimentation, and even failing to prevent the Uchiha clan massacre, Hiruzen’s inability to make tough decisions cost the village on several occasions. He has also been criticized for how little he did to help Naruto, who spent most of his childhood in poverty and isolation with no knowledge of his heritage, despite the Fourth Hokage having entrusted him to Hiruzen’s care with his dying wish.

3 Obito Uchiha

Had A Disappointing Resolution To A Promising Character Arc

Obito Healing his Wounds

Manga Debut

Naruto Chapter #239 “Side Story 1: Mission Start…!!”

Anime Debut

Naruto Shippuden Episode #32 “Return of the Kazekage”

Obito’s transformation from an idealist who dreamed of becoming Hokage into someone who had lost hope in humanity’s ability to achieve peace was a painful reminder of the realities of war. Initially, his fall from grace and portrayal as a dark mirror of Naruto himself was an interesting choice on Kishimoto’s part, inspiring both praise and condemnation from Naruto‘s fan base.

There has been a fair amount of criticism levied at Obito’s motivation in leading the Akatsuki, which was primarily rooted in his anger at the world due to the death of Rin Nohara. Additionally, the incessant use of flashbacks throughout his redemption arc, especially while conversing with Naruto, made his change of heart seem almost forced due to how it was handled, singling it out as one of the least compelling uses of “Talk-no-Jutsu” throughout the series.

2 Sasuke Uchiha

His Portrayal As A Conflicted Anti-Villain Became Too Convoluted

Sasuke's Mangekyo

Manga Debut

Naruto Chapter #3 “Sasuke Uchiha!!”

Anime Debut

Naruto Episode #1 “Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!”

During the time of his introduction, Sasuke emerged as the polar opposite of Naruto, functioning as a dark, brooding counterpoint to the boisterous optimism of the series’ protagonist. As the story progressed, and he was fleshed out further, Sasuke’s characterization became more complex and quite compelling at times, to the point where he grew into a fan favorite.


5 Characters Who Hate Naruto The Most

Despite his knack for bringing out the best in others, here are a few characters that even Naruto could not save from their hatred for him.

Sadly, this would not last, as his chaotic actions throughout the latter half of Part II, especially his poor treatment of Naruto and Sakura, diminished the positive aspects of his morally gray depiction. To make matters worse, his relationship with Sakura, in particular, was underdeveloped, which made their eventual romance and marriage make little sense.

1 Sakura Haruno

Represents Kishimoto’s Consistent Failure To Write Strong Female Characters

sakura a girl with pink hair

Manga Debut

Naruto Chapter #3 “Sasuke Uchiha!!”

Anime Debut

Naruto Episode #1 “Enter: Naruto Uzumaki!”

Few anime characters inspire reactions as intense as those directed toward Sakura, who has been the target of a large portion of the series’ criticism. Initially, her role in the series was that of a love interest, but this was altered in Part II, and she was given a significant power boost to allow her to keep up with the likes of Naruto and Sasuke. Regrettably, this did not even the playing field for long, and she was soon left playing catch up to the other members of Team 7 once again.

Needless to say, Kishimoto always had a hard time writing compelling female characters, and Sakura is perhaps the best example of that. On one hand, some factions of the series’ fan base have sympathized with the tragedy behind how badly her character was treated and sidelined, whereas others have reduced her to the subject of ridicule, possibly making her the single most polarizing character in the series.



Release Date
October 2, 2002


Number of Episodes


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