
  • Pokemon GO’s latest update has caused major glitches, making it hard for fans to catch Pokemon and participate in the Battle League.
  • Players have found workarounds for the issues, like turning off native refresh rate or reducing phone refresh rate.
  • The bugs seem to be affecting Android users and not iOS users, impacting gameplay and putting Android players at a disadvantage.

Pokemon GO‘s recent update has turned out to be a nightmare for fans, as many are unable to catch Pokemon at all due to the glitches. That’s not all, either, as the framerate issues have also made it extremely difficult for players to take part in the Pokemon GO Battle League, putting them at a significant disadvantage.

Pokemon GO‘s World of Wonders season has received a vitriolic response from the community so far. While the season started off on a high with some exciting events, things have gone downhill in the past few weeks with the release of Pokemon GO‘s controversial Avatar update. Not only are many fans still unable to make peace with the revamped avatars, it seems like yet another issue has cropped up in the game.


Pokemon GO Bringing Back Master Ball in Upcoming Event

The Master Ball is back in a new Pokemon GO event, and players will have the chance to obtain the powerful item over the next few weeks.

In a new post on the Pokemon GO subreddit, user CQTee highlights the issues players have been facing after updating the game to the latest version. Players who want to play the game at 60 FPS or above need to use the Native Refresh Rate option in Pokemon GO. However, after the update, this option seems to be causing a lot of glitches, with the ball resetting at its original position at times, effectively making it impossible to catch Pokemon. Additionally, players highlighted that they have been struggling to even hit Pokemon with their Pokeballs after the update, with excellent and curveball throws in Pokemon GO going outside the screen completely.

Pokemon GO Player Finds Workaround To Fix New Update Glitch

Thankfully, players have found a workaround for this. While not updating the game is one way to not face the issues, the original poster highlights that turning off the native refresh rate seems to alleviate some of the issues users are facing. Additionally, another user highlights that reducing the refresh rate of the phone seems to do the trick as well. So, if a phone supports a 120Hz refresh rate, then dropping it to 60Hz with the Native Refresh Rate turned on in Pokemon GO should work. However, for 60Hz phones, turning it off completely seems to be the only fix.

It is interesting to note that this issue seems to be affecting Android users only, as iOS users haven’t reported any issues so far. However, the bugs seem to expand beyond just catching Pokemon, as others have highlighted that GO Battle League is marred with glitches too. Apart from the framerate drops, Pokemon GO is unable to register fast moves at times, putting the players at a disadvantage against their opponents. Considering that this coincides with a number of exciting events in Pokemon GO such as the GO Battle Weekend, it remains to be seen whether Niantic compensates fans for the issues they have been facing lately.

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Pokémon GO

After a test run via an April Fools’ joke on Google Maps, Pokemon GO was released to the public in the summer of 2016. The AR mobile app saw unparalleled success and continues to be one of the largest mobile games in the world, pulling in billions for developer Niantic.


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