
  • Monolith Productions’ Wonder Woman game is “troubled,” a new report claims.
  • The project was announced in late 2021, but little new details have been shared about it ever since.
  • Wonder Woman appears unlikely to make an appearance at SGF 2024, which kicks off on June 7.

The development of Monolith Productions’ Wonder Woman game is “troubled,” according to a newly surfaced report. This claim doesn’t inspire confidence in the possibility that DC Comics fans will be able to get their hands on the long-awaited game anytime soon.

Monolith announced its Wonder Woman project in December 2021, during The Game Awards. That occasion saw the studio share a brief teaser showing a model of Diana wielding the Lasso of Truth, with the video itself being narrated by her mother, Hippolyta. The Kirkland, Washington-based company also confirmed that its upcoming title had been envisioned as an open-world game as part of the announcement. Little else has been shared about the project ever since.


Monolith Has a Major Decision It Needs to Make for Wonder Woman’s Possible Monetization

Monolith’s Wonder Woman is still in active development, and the studio still needs to make a clear statement on the game’s approach to monetization.

Wonder Woman Game Is Reportedly Unlikely to Appear at SGF 2024

And while this period of radio silence continues, a new report that raises some concerns about the state of the game has emerged. During the latest Kinda Funny Gamescast episode, host Greg Miller characterized the Wonder Woman game as a “troubled” project, citing an unnamed source familiar with its development. He said this insight was provided to him at some point in the last year, i.e., from June 2023 onward. In light of that revelation, Miller opined that the Wonder Woman game is unlikely to appear at the upcoming Summer Game Fest 2024, which starts on June 7. “I don’t hold out hope that it’s in a place to show something,” he concluded.

This bit of unofficial insight into the project has the potential to frustrate some fans, who have been waiting to see more of the game for almost three years as of mid-2024. The only official information that was shared since the late 2021 reveal arrived in November 2023, when publisher Warner Bros. said that Wonder Woman will not be a live-service game.

DC Comics fans aren’t the only demographic eager to see more of Monolith’s next project. Given the company’s pedigree of creating innovative and action-packed experiences such as the F.E.A.R. and Middle-Earth franchises, there is no shortage of people eager to learn what Monolith can do with an open-world Wonder Woman game.

2024 marks the seventh year in a row without a new game from the U.S. studio. Its latest title is still Middle-earth: Shadow of War, which was released to widespread acclaim in October 2017. The game delivered a second take on Monolith’s unique Nemesis system, allowing players to develop dynamic rivalries with enemies. A late 2023 report from XboxEra claimed that the Wonder Woman game will also feature this mechanic in some shape or form.


After Suicide Squad, DC Needs to Step Up Its Game For 2025

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been one of the biggest gaming failures of the year, and DC desperately needs to right the ship in 2025.


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