Strands has yet another challenging puzzle today for both long-time fans and newbies to ponder over. If you are stuck on today’s puzzle, you are not alone; this one is probably one of the more difficult yet.

If you already know how to play Strands, and you are looking for help with today’s puzzle, this article is for you. Inside, you will find general hints to the puzzle’s theme, a couple of word spoilers, and even the full answer if you want to see it. No matter what you need to solve this puzzling puzzle, it can be found in the sections below.


10 Best Puzzle Games With PvP Multiplayer

Puzzle games are typically a single-player experience, but these games buck that trend and allow for some PvP puzzle-solving.

The NYT Games Strands Puzzle #112 for June 23, 2024


The Strands puzzle for today has the clue Fine Diners. There is one Spangram and six themed words to find, making for a total of seven hidden items.

New York Times Games Strands Clues

If you are looking for a hand to help you through this challenging word puzzle similar to Wordle, you can find three different hints. There is one hint hidden in each of the expandable sections below, so you’ll have to press the Read More button to see them.

General Hint 1

General Hint 2

General Hint 3

Spoilers for Two of the Words in Today’s Strands

If you are still stuck on this challenging puzzle game, but don’t want to use the in-game hint system, you can find two spoiled words in the sections below. Each one contains just one word and its location in the puzzle’s letter grid.

Spoiler 1

Spoiler 2

The Answer to Today’s New York Times Games Strands

Want to just see the full answer? Check out the expandable section below to see all the words and their locations in the puzzle.

Today’s Strands Explained

Need an explanation for today’s puzzle? Check out the section below to see how the themed words and the clue go together in this relaxing puzzle game from the New York Times.

Want to play? Check out the New York Times Games Strands website available on almost any device with a browser.

new your times strands


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March 4, 2024

The New York Times Company

The New York Times Company



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