Traveling from planet to planet is essential to No Man’s Sky. It can take hours and even days to get to certain planets, as the galaxies are enormous throughout the game. Players can speed this process up by using Portals.

Portals are teleportation technology that transports players from one place to another instantly. Portals are handy when visiting other planets solo or meeting up with friends for group missions. So, here’s a complete guide on locating and using Portals in No Man’s Sky.


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How to Find Portals in No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky Portal restore point

Portals can be used in No Man’s Sky after players find the coinciding Glyph during the Artemis Path quest. There are 16 Glyphs to discover, and Glyphs are needed to activate a portal. Glyphs are symbols that contain a transportation address when combined in specific ways. Players can find them by asking travelers where they come from or completing the Artemis Path missions.

Players can search for and use Portals once they find all the Glyphs. Portals are considered Points of Interest in No Man’s Sky and are found on all Celestial Bodies, including dead planets and uncharted systems. A couple of methods for locating a Portal are outlined in this article.

Locate a Monolith

No Man's Sky monolith

Monoliths are large, alien structures that players will encounter on planets. While there is a chance to come across them randomly, players can find Monoliths using Cartographer planetary charts or a Signal Booster on an Exocraft.

Planetary charts can be purchased from a Cartographer at any Space Station. Players will need to purchase Alien Cartographic Data for Navigation Data or Nanites. These charts sometimes direct players toward a Monolith, but it could be another Point of Interest. If they don’t show the Monolith’s location immediately, you can visit the marked location and try again.

No Man's Sky glyphs monolith

Once players discover a Monolith, they will be presented with a trial. This trial consists of questions about a situation, and players must select the proper solution. If you fail the trial, reload your last save before interacting with it and try again. If the trial is completed successfully, you can trade a commodity item for directions to a Portal.

No Man's Sky Anomaly Community Base Database

Players must have an internet connection and online features activated to use this method to locate Portals. The Space Anomaly is a large communal Space Station that can be summoned into any galaxy. Players will find a questline, blueprints, and a giant teleportation station inside the Anomaly.

The teleportation station displays a list of bases set up by other players inside the Anomaly at that time. Occasionally, a portal may be built near one of these bases. This method is more trial and error than finding a Monolith.

How to Activate and Use Portals in No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky activating portals

There are two steps to using a Portal: charge it and activate it. Portals must be charged before each use. Charging a portal requires inputting an organic, catalytic, stellar, or alloy material. Players will see the particular material by interacting with the Stone Pillar associated with the Portal.

Once a Portal is charged, it can be activated using a combination of the 16 Glyph symbols. Each Glyph sequence sends players to a specific location.


No Man’s Sky
Adventure , Action , Survival

Online Multiplayer

T for Teen: Fantasy Violence, Animated Blood


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