In No Man’s Sky, The Cursed players will have to face Horrors From Beyond way too often, and when that happens, Boundary Integrity will drop faster, submerging them in a never-ending cycle of comical horror. To prevent this from ending their space exploration careers prematurely, and to allow them to proceed further down the Expedition, they will need lots of Shattered Qualia to craft Elixir of Glass and other concoctions.

But how do they get this valuable resource? In this guide, we will cover the main sources of this Material, including how to purchase it from other players if the need arises. So, grab your multitool and set it on ‘lethal,’ because we are going to hunt some Horrors From Beyond.


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How To Farm Shattered Qualia In No Man’s Sky The Cursed

To get more Shattered Qualia, players need to Banish Horrors from Beyond, and there will be plenty of time to do that since these appear non-stop since players start the new No Man’s Sky expedition. Each time players banish one of these new enemies, they will receive a certain amount of Shattered Qualia they can use to craft Elixir of Glass, and other consumables related to the Expedition.

To get more Shattered Qualia, players should let the Boundary Integrity drop below the safety levels, and more Horrors will pop up from the ground whenever they are on land. Horrors will not attack right away, but will chip away at the player’s sanity with insidious messages and roam around until they actually start attacking.

Players should kill as many as possible and then restore the Boundary Integrity levels by drinking Elixir of Glass or flying outside the planet with their ships. That way, they can efficiently farm Shattered Qualia without risking too much to succumb to the Horrors.



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The latest update for No Man’s Sky brings yet another highly-requested feature to the game and is now available to all players free of charge.

Another good way to get Shattered Qualia is to Buy from other players through their personal trade stations, located mostly on planets. Players can access certain bases and even use the resources inside.

Players can find other bases or even resource extractors by paying attention to the Message Stations spread across the system. It’s a great way to find valuable resources, or even abandoned starships or Points of Interest.

It is also important to mention that banishing Horrors too often might increase the speed at which the Boundary Integrity level drops, and this might result in a Game Over if players are not careful. Especially if they encounter wildlife and sentinels at the same time they are under attack by the Horrors. Remember to carry plenty of ammo for your Laser (or other Multitool Weapon Mods), since these enemies can become quite a problem if left unattended for long.



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