
  • Oda’s meticulous foreshadowing and world-building in
    One Piece
    captivate fans for major plot twists and mysteries.
  • Rayleigh’s mundane ship-coating job hints at underwater secrets crucial for the series’ future narratives.
  • Mariejois’ high-rise location may foreshadow a catastrophic event, indicating potential peril for the Celestial Dragons.

Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, is not just a storyteller, but also a master architect, creating a meticulous world-building that often leads to major twists and unexpected plot points. His masterful use of foreshadowing keeps fans theorizing and piecing together the grand puzzle of One Piece. Oda’s creative use of foreshadowing and weaving together of seemingly insignificant details that often blossom into major plot points many chapters later makes the world of the pirates at sea captivating.


One Piece: The Great Cleansing, Explained

As the One Piece enters its final arc, the great cleansing remains a terrifying unknown that can shape the series’ future.

The reason why Bartholomeo Kuma defended the Straw Hats ship for two years is one of the intricate and monumental moments in the series that blossoms hundreds of chapters later. However, with the revelation that the world of One Piece faces rising sea levels that will potentially sink the entire planet, Oda might have foreshadowed this impending doom long before Vegapunk’s revelation on Egghead Island.

5 Rayleigh Coating Ships

An Unprecedented Job For Pirate King Roger’s Right-Hand

Silvers Rayleigh (One Piece) anime teacher mentor

Silvers Rayleigh, as a former member of Pirate King Roger’s crew, has knowledge of the Void Century and the true history of the world. He knows the world’s secrets, including potential threats and events that could drastically change it. However, after Dark Knight Rayleigh retired from his role as the right hand of the Pirate King, he became a ship coater at Sabaody. Coating ships introduced the concept of underwater exploration, which becomes crucial for reaching Fish-Man Island and the New World.

Just like Vegapunk here, a blabbering old geezer who is already said too much. Don’t be an ass and take it away from the youngsters. The thrills are theirs to seek now, right, Roger? − Rayleigh

Rayleigh’s seemingly mundane job of coating ships after a life pirating at sea takes on a new layer of significance given the revelation about the importance of underwater areas in the series. In other words, it hints at the secrets and threats beneath the sea. Rayleigh’s cryptic message at the end of chapter 1116, when Vegapunk reveals what he knows about the Void Century, is a subtle hint toward the larger narrative that will potentially affect the future of the series. In this way, Rayleigh’s job as a ship coater could be an avenue to escape the treacherous sea when the world’s sinking becomes nigh.

4 Crocus’ Living Arrangement

The Secret House Inside Laboon


Just like Rayleigh, Crocus is also a former member of the Roger Pirates. Crocus’ connection with Pirate King Roger implies that he has significant knowledge about the world’s true history and ancient weapons. His decision to reside inside Laboon, a giant whale, suggests a deeper connection to the ocean and its mysteries. Crocus’ living arrangement inside Laboon was established very early in the series, in Chapter 46 (1998).


One Piece: 10 Strongest Haki Users On Egghead Island

These One Piece characters fighting on Egghead have shown the strongest Haki.

Recently, Vegapunk’s revelation about the world potentially sinking has a strong connection to why Crocus might have chosen to live inside a whale. At the same time, a more practical explanation for Crocus living inside Laboon is to treat the whale’s health issues. However, the recent reveal by Vegapunk changes the idea behind Crocus’ weird living arrangements, suggesting there’s more to it than just taking care of the whale. Perhaps it could simply be a way for him to comfortably navigate the vast ocean alongside the whale when the world sinks.

3 The Location Of Mariejois

The Celestial Dragons Abode


Mariejois, the home of the World Government Celestial Dragons, is located at the highest point, symbolizing their arrogance and detachment from the problems plaguing the other parts of the world. The Red Line is a natural barrier that divides the world’s sea. The Holy City’s towering presence on the Red Line portrays the significance of the location. However, the current events unfolding at Egghead Island suggest that Oda did not just place the home of the Celestial Dragons on the top of the Red Line for the sake of symbolism.

Given its location, the potential sinking of the world gives off a perceived sense of security for the world nobles in Mariejois, with the reveal of the continuous rising of the sea level that might potentially sink the world of One Piece. Even though the rising sea levels narrative is a recent development in the story, Oda might have intended Mariejois’ high-rise location to be foreshadowing when he first introduced it.

2 The Sky Island

The Island In The Clouds

One-Piece-Odyssey-Skypeia-Going-Merry (1)

Skypiea established the existence of Sky Islands, which added some allure to the worldbuilding of One Piece. The current revelations by Vegapunk on Egghead Island theorize that the Ancient Kingdom and the One Piece treasure might lie under the sea. Since the sea levels continue to rise, the old world lies on the seabeds, and the current world is bound to experience the same phenomenon.


One Piece: Why Skypiea Is The Most Crucial Arc In The Story So Far

One Piece’s Skypiea arc establishes some memorable characters and lore. Much of what was introduced could be relevant in the series’ endgame.

In the series, there have been many instances in which people face certain environmental anomalies due to unstable weather conditions. Skypiea represents one of these anomalies as the Island is accessed via the Knock Up Stream, a powerful natural phenomenon that shoots objects from the sea into the sky. This portrays the One Piece world’s susceptibility to unusual occurrences. The existence of the Knock Up Stream pushing objects upwards implies the possibility of a force pulling the Island downward, hinting at the idea that Sky Island might be one of the survivors of the old flood that might have sunk the Ancient Kingdom.

1 The Existence Of Noah’s Ark

A Promise Of Rebirth Of A New World

noah ark

The name “Noah” and the concept of an ark directly reference the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, where a great flood covered the Earth, and the Ark was used to save life from destruction. This event symbolizes and strongly hints at the possibility of a world-altering flood or similar catastrophic event in the One Piece world’s history. However, with the series nearing its final arc, Vegapunk’s revelation casts new light on the potential purpose of Noah’s Ark.

Noah’s Ark is located on Fishman Island, and it lies beneath the sea, already connecting it to the idea of catastrophic events involving the ocean. The presence of such a massive, ancient ship underwater suggests preparedness for a past significant event that could affect sea levels or submerge lands. Also, the story of Joy Boy and his apology for not fulfilling a promise tied to Noah’s Ark implies a significant historical event related to the Ark. This unfulfilled promise suggests an impending event connected to the Ark’s original purpose, hinting at a future where the Ark might again be needed to protect or transport people, likely due to the “sinking of the world” that Vegapunk revealed on Egghead Island.

One Piece-9

One Piece (1999)

Release Date
October 20, 1999

Toei Animation

Eiichiro Oda

Number of Episodes


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