
  • Overwatch 2 players face game-breaking Venture bug allowing them to contest objectives while staying underground.
  • Blizzard’s hero shooter has a troubled history with bugs, with heroes like Mei and Illari being temporarily disabled.
  • Players can use Mei’s Ice Wall or Hanzo’s Dragonstrike to combat the Venture bug until Blizzard addresses the issue.

Overwatch 2 players have discovered a game-breaking Venture bug that allows them to contest objectives while staying underground. That isn’t the first time an Overwatch 2 hero has presented a bug capable of unbalancing the game environment, with Blizzard’s hero shooter having issues like this since its launch.

Blizzard released Overwatch 2 in early access on October 4, 2022, and just a week later, Bastion and Torbjorn were temporarily removed from the game due to bugs affecting their abilities. Another notable case happened the following month, with Overwatch 2 disabling Mei due to her bugged Ice Wall. Earlier this year, a bug got Illari temporarily removed from Overwatch 2, as it allowed her to shoot nonstop. Overwatch 2 has a troubled relationship with glitches and bugs that often appear and disrupt the player’s experience. And this time, a new Overwatch 2 hero is in the spotlight because of them.


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Overwatch 2 players have come across a game-breaking Venture bug that allows them to contest objectives while underground after using the Burrow skill. In a clip shared by Overwatch 2 streamer KraandopOW on his Twitter, he is playing Venture, who is underground, when his team’s Mei creates an Ice Wall for Venture to emerge at a higher point on the map. Thanks to the combination of skills, what happens is that Venture never emerges, and the new Overwatch 2 damage hero manages to stay permanently underground.

Why is the Venture Bug So Problematic for Overwatch 2 Players?

The enemy team can see where Venture is, but they can’t shoot them. Venture, for their part, never emerges, but they still manage to contest the objective, unlike how, for example, Sombra’s abilities in Overwatch 2 work. In a clip shared by Twitch streamer Bellaboo, she shows the scenario in practice, with Venture taking advantage of the bug to prevent the opposing team from capturing the objective. Meanwhile, they take no damage during the clash between the two Overwatch teams.

Blizzard hasn’t commented on the Venture bug or confirmed their temporary removal from the game. In the meantime, Overwatch 2 players can try some measures to deal with the situation if they come across it. The first option is to use Mei’s Ice Wall to suspend the enemy Venture, taking them underground. Another alternative is to use Hanzo’s ultimate, Dragonstrike, which makes Hanzo release a powerful dragon spirit to deal area damage to hit Venture while they’re underground.

overwatch 2 poster

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is Blizzard’s free-to-play team-based first-person shooter. The title features some new heroes like Junker Queen and Sojourn, as well as returning favorites.


October 4, 2022


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