Palworlds Shadowbeak is potentially the strongest Dark-type Pal of all the land, and may also be one of the most intimidating. Shadowbeak is a large, dark bird with terrifying physical power. The fifth Raid Boss players will encounter features Victor and Shadowbeak, proving how menacingly strong it is. It now only serves as one of the best flying mounts in the game, but its combat skill is rated as an S-Tier, making it one of the most sought-after Pals.

Once captured, Shadowbeak will make flying around the Palworld map feel like a breeze thanks to its advanced speed. Its defense is second-best of the entire Paldeck, and Shadowbeak also possesses formidable HP and Attack stats. Its only weakness is the Dragon type, but thankfully, there are only a handful of Pals under that strength.


Palworld: 7 Best Pals To Sacrifice For Condensation

You can condense your Pals in Palworld to create more powerful versions. Here are the best ones to maximize your team’s potential.

Where to Find Shadowbeak

palworld map location of victor and shadowbeak

Shawdowbeak isn’t the run-of-the-mill type of Pal that will be seen roaming the first few regions. In fact, it can only be found in one area as a wild encounter. Take a flying or surfing mount over to the No. 3 Wildlife Sanctuary, which can be found at the eastern edge of the map. This area is where players can expect to find the strongest Pals available, so it’s best advised to be at a high player level and bring plenty of supportive Pals too.

Shadowbeak can also be bred by sending a Kitsun and Astegon to the ranch and breeding for one. This is the only known method of breeding for a Shadowbeak, in order to add one to the Paldeck. Two Shadowbeaks can also be bred to gain extra copies of this Pal. It’s likely players will encounter Kitsun and Astegon earlier on, so be sure to have plenty of cake on hand.

Finally, Shadowbeak can be hatched from Huge Dark Eggs. These can be found in the overworld, or bred using the aforementioned combination. Additionally, Shadowbeak serves as an excellent breeding partner to obtain more high-powered Pals. Here are all the combinations Shadowbeak can work with.

  • Mossanda and Shadowbeak → Menasting
  • Elizabee and Shadowbeak → Helzephyr
  • Penking and Shadowbeak → Relaxaurus
  • Nitewing and Shadowbeak → Beakon
  • Cryolinx and Shadowbeak → Cryolinx
  • Eikthyrdeer and Shadowbeak → Cinnamoth
  • Pyrin Noct and Shadowbeak → Astegon

All the listed Pals can be found later on, in the wild, but utilizing the breeding system and pairing Shadowbeak with more commonly-found Pals to breed them is the easier and safer route, and can be done continuously until one is hatched with favorable stats.


Fan-Requested Palworld Feature Would Help Players Avoid Making a Big Mistake

Palworld players ask for this key feature to be added, as it would help prevent one of the game’s most frustrating situations.


Shadowbeak should be the very last Pal players should consider putting to work at the base. Its Level 1 Gathering is the only work suitability in its repertoire, meaning Shadowbeak is outclassed by virtually any other Pal, from any element. Its life is not suited to a rural, peaceful life.

Instead, players should consider Shadowbeak as their Dark-type Pal in the team at all times. Not only is it one of the strongest Pals in the entire Paldeck, but its mount ability allows players to zip around the skies faster than most other options. Additionally, Shadowbeak’s partner skill, Modified DNA, amplifies the effectiveness of Dark-type moves, causing extra damage when attacking wild Pals.

Shadowbeak does have a high feeding ratio, so packing extra food for long trips is an absolute must.

Shadowbeak in Combat

Shadowbeak from Palworld

As mentioned, Shadowbeak’s best asset is its tremendous strength and overall stat spread. Dragon-type Pals pose the greatest threat to their well-being on the battlefield, so it’s best to avoid them as much as possible. Shadowbeak has three different attacks that break the 100-point plateau, and one of them is its own exclusive move. Here is the list of naturally-learned attacks:

  • Air Cannon: A power of 25 and charge time of two seconds, quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.
  • Dark Ball: A power of 40 and charge time of four seconds, unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down the enemy.
  • Shadow Burst: A power of 55 and charge time of 10 seconds, quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.
  • Spirit Flame: A power of 75 and charge time of 16 seconds, fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.
  • Nightmare Ball: A power of 100 and charge time of 30 seconds, creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.
  • Divine Disaster: A power of 160 and charge time of 45 seconds, Shadowbeak exclusive skill. Charges forward while generating orbs of light that automatically capture enemies. The orbs automatically capture enemies, before releasing a barrage of lasers.
  • Dark Laser: A power of 150 and charge time of 55 seconds, charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

This leaves plenty of room to build a formidable Shadowbeak that can send shivers down the spines of any Pal in its way. The dual threat of Divine Disaster and Dark Laser, paired with a faster move like Spirit Flame or Shadow Burst, will have players taking full advantage of Shadowbeak’s attack stat.

Players shouldn’t worry too much about Shadowbeak taking a hit either, as its defense stat is the second-highest in Palworld, making it both a tank and a cannon.


January 19, 2024

Pocket Pair, Inc.


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