
  • Pikachu in Pokemon Yellow gets upset if left behind, showing its frustration when separated from its trainer for too long.
  • Pokemon Yellow incorporated Pikachu as the starter and followed the anime progression, a unique feature from Red and Blue.
  • Fans appreciate the small details like Pikachu wiggling in frustration, hoping for future Pokemon games to focus on such nuances.

A Pokemon fan has discovered that Pikachu gets upset if he’s left behind for too long in Pokemon Yellow. The Game Boy title was originally released as a follow-up to Pokemon Red and Blue (or Green in Japan), as a sort of anime variant of the original story of the Pokemon games.

Pokemon Red and Blue, and the original anime, became massive hits in the 1990s and haven’t really slowed down since. In the anime, Ash gets a Pikachu as his starter Pokemon, a big difference from the path Red takes in the original games, where players choose between Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. Pokemon Yellow gave players Pikachu as their starter instead, and followed the general path progression of the original anime, where Pikachu isn’t too thrilled about getting its new trainer and acts out accordingly.


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Pokemon Yellow was the first game to have a Pokemon following the player character around when they’re out on the field, and that’s where this particular detail comes into play. Reddit user Yeetusdeletus0001 shared their discovery that if the player walks hops down from a ledge but doesn’t progress far enough for Pikachu to follow, their Pikachu will start to get upset. Initially, the Pikachu attempts to walk and looks around as though it’s trying to figure out how to get to its trainer. However, if the trainer still refuses to budge and give Pikachu a spot to hop down, it starts to shake around, showing its frustration.

It’s not entirely clear if this can happen from the start of the game, or if it’s only something Pikachu does once it forms a strong bond with its trainer. Regardless, it’s a remarkable detail considering the age of the game. It would have been much easier for Pikachu to simply remain in its idle pose until it was able to move, but the developers at Game Freak put some thought into how the unusual starter Pokemon would fuss if separated from its trainer for too long.

Pokemon Fans Miss the Little Details

Only two years passed between the release of the original Pokemon games and Pokemon Yellow. Most of the title’s gameplay was carried over from these releases, but there were a lot of updates and fixes applied over that time period to make Pokemon Yellow the gem that it is. Unfortunately, Pokemon fans have often been left wanting in recent years, as many feel that the games are getting less side content and lack features from prior titles that players want back. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet was arguably in the worst state a mainline Pokemon entry has ever launched in, too, further souring the attitudes of gamers.

While Pikachu wiggling in frustration is a tiny detail, it’s sometimes the little things that count the most among fans. With any luck, the series can find its focus and impress gamers with little details like these in the future, too.


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