
  • Pokemon GO’s final Rediscover update is coming on May 7.
  • The Rediscover updates have proven to be controversial so far.
  • It remains to be seen exactly what Rediscover Your Reality is bringing to the table on May 7.

Pokemon GO players should mark Tuesday, May 7 on their calendars, as that day marks the final update of the game’s big “Rediscover” campaign. The Pokemon GO Rediscover campaign has proven to be a mixed bag, with some fans appreciative of the graphical updates that have been made to the game’s biomes, but others incredibly upset about the Avatar changes that were introduced.

Pokemon GO‘s Rediscover campaign is Niantic’s attempt to freshen the game up in a way that will hopefully keep longtime players engaged and perhaps bring lapsed fans back into the fold. There are four steps to this plan. The first step, Rediscover Yourself, saw Pokemon GO make highly controversial changes to the game’s Avatars, while the second step, Rediscover Your World, made biome changes. Step 3, Rediscover Kanto, introduced a new Special Research quest all about catching Kanto region Pokemon, which are currently flooding the game.


Pokemon GO Diancie Global – All Glitz and Glam Special Research Tasks And Rewards

Pokemon GO players can complete the Diancie Global Glitz and Glam Special Research and event-exclusive Field Research by following this guide.

The fourth and final step of Pokemon GO‘s Rediscover campaign will take place on Tuesday, May 7. Titled “Rediscover Your Reality,” Niantic has yet to specify exactly what is coming with the update, but it likely has to do with the game’s augmented reality features. Augmented reality is one of Pokemon GO‘s main selling points, though there are many players who choose to turn it off. Maybe a revamp could reignite interest in Pokemon GO‘s augmented reality. Alternatively, it’s possible that Rediscover Your Reality has something completely unexpected in store. Pokemon GO players won’t know for sure until the update drops on May 7.

Pokemon GO Rediscover Campaign Next Update is Coming on May 7

  • Rediscover Yourself – April 17
  • Rediscover Your World – April 22
  • Rediscover Kanto – April 22
  • Rediscover Your Reality – May 7

May 7 will be a big day for Pokemon GO players regardless of how the update turns out. If the new update is well-received, it could help soften some of the criticism that has been levied at the game recently. While it’s unlikely that upset Pokemon GO players are going to forgive Niantic for the Avatar changes any time soon, a quality update could still potentially result in some positive discourse about the game. If the update is bad or causes further problems, it will throw more fuel on the fire and add on to the negativity that Pokemon GO has been experiencing since launching its Rediscover campaign.

It’s clear that Pokemon GO needs to make some changes if it hopes to appease its fanbase. Whether any of those changes will come with the May 7 update remains to be seen. Beyond May 7, there’s still a lot for Pokemon GO players to look forward to, with Season 15 right around the corner and Pokemon GO Fest 2024 coming up this summer.

pokemon go bulbasaur tag

Pokémon GO

After a test run via an April Fools’ joke on Google Maps, Pokemon GO was released to the public in the summer of 2016. The AR mobile app saw unparalleled success and continues to be one of the largest mobile games in the world, pulling in billions for developer Niantic.

July 6, 2016

Augmented Reality

Online Multiplayer



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