Realme 14x 5G is confirmed to launch in India soon. Realme shared the first official teaser of the upcoming 5G phone on Tuesday. The teasers reveal the design, colour options and availability details of the Realme 14x 5G. It is confirmed to be released in three colour options and will go on sale via Flipkart. It will debut as a successor to Realme 12x 5G. The Realme 14x is tipped to feature a 6.67-inch display and include a 6,000mAh battery.

The Chinese tech brand announced the launch of Realme 14x 5G in India via X. The exact launch date is still under wraps but the teaser image and video shared by the brand show the rear design of the soon-to-be-unveiled phone. It is shown in black, golden, and red colour options. The exact marketing names of these shades are not revealed.

Realme 14x 5G appears to have a rectangular camera island on its back. The camera module is seen housing three sensors vertically alongside an LED flash strip. This camera setup would be an upgrade over the Realme 12x’s 50-megapixel dual rear camera setup.

Both Flipkart and Realme have created dedicated microsites on their websites to tease the arrival of the new Realme 14x 5G.

Realme 14x 5G Specifications (Expected)

As per recent leaks, the Realme 14x 5G will be launched in the country on December 18. It is tipped to feature a 6.67-inch HD+ IPS LCD display. It is said to come in 6GB RAM + 128GB, 8GB RAM + 128GB, and 8GB RAM + 256GB storage configurations. It could pack a 6,000mAh battery and IP69-rated build for dust and water resistance.

The Realme 14x 5G could bring notable upgrades over the Realme 12x 5G. The latter was launched in April this year with a price tag of Rs. 11,999 for the 4GB RAM + 128GB storage option.


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