Key Takeaways

  • A player finds a potential plot hole in Red Dead Redemption 2 involving Micah Bell’s suspicious contributions to the camp ledger book.
  • Theories include Dutch potentially adding money to make Micah look useful even while in jail, sparking debate among fans on Reddit.
  • Despite the game’s outstanding level of detail, some players speculate it could be a glitch or an intentional plot twist by the developers.

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player has found a potential plot hole in the game that involves the former member of the Van der Linde gang, Micah Bell, and a suspicious amount of money added to Dutch’s camp ledger book while Micah was still in jail. Released in October 2018, Red Dead Redemption 2‘s world is renowned for its nature-infused environments where players can hunt and fish until their hearts are content. The Rockstar title also hosts a fantastic array of side activities, as well as four minigames, such as Blackjack, Dominoes, Poker, and Five Finger Fillet.

The extraordinary level of detail included in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the game’s biggest selling points and something that keeps players coming back to the Wild Western civilization six years after its launch. Recently, one fan even found an interesting detail about RDR2‘s Dutch van der Linde while modding his character, which is only noticeable to players who partake in the game’s mods.

An eagled-eyed Red Dead Redemption 2 player on Reddit believes that they may have found a potential plot hole in the game. While checking out the ledger for camp upgrades and contributions made by camp members, user YoucancallmeLule spotted an unusual amount of money added to the book by Micah Bell, the main antagonist in Red Dead Redemption 2 and former member of the Van der Linde gang. The reason that this detail is so suspicious is that Micah was in Strawberry’s jail after killing two men during this strange cash transaction.

Red Dead Redemption Player Discovers Strange Micah Bell Plot Hole

Some comments in the Reddit thread suggested that Dutch could have added money to the ledger to make Micah look more useful than he is, and then forgot to stop doing it when he went to jail, while others have stated that it’s just a weird Red Dead Redemption 2 glitch that the developers haven’t got around to patching yet. One commentor did humorously suggest that Micah might still be earning money while behind bars so he could contribute to the camp, but that theory isn’t as likely, since Micah did end up betraying the Van der Linde gang before becoming a mole for the Pinkertons.

While Rockstar remains busy finishing the development of Grand Theft Auto 6, a new Red Dead Redemption game doesn’t seem to be on the horizon anytime soon. Recent rumors have suggested that the original Red Dead Redemption might be coming to PC, but it will certainly be interesting to see what direction the studio decides to take the beloved franchise.


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