
  • Players are still discovering intricate details in RDR2, showcasing the extensive depth and realism Rockstar has created.
  • Red Dead Redemption 2’s wildlife details in particular continue to impress, as alligators have been spotted carrying bodies toward water, adding to the immersive experience for players.
  • While fans dream of Red Dead Redemption 3, Rockstar’s focus is currently on GTA 6, so a new installment is surely a long way off.

A Red Dead Redemption 2 fan has noticed a staggeringly realistic alligator detail that most players will never see throughout their playthroughs. The wildlife in Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the most impressively detailed areas of the game, and this footage shows exactly why this is the case.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is renowned in the gaming community for its staggering attention to detail. Some would even argue that Rockstar went too far in places, with some details so niche that very few players will actually ever experience them in-game. No element of the game is safe from this treatment – there are simply an absurd number of small details that enhance Red Dead Redemption 2‘s realism. It’s a big part of the reason players keep coming back for more, over five years since its initial release. Even gamers who have played thousands of hours know there’s always something new they can find every time they boot up the game. In this, Red Dead Redemption 2 is unparalleled.


Silly Red Dead Redemption 2 Glitch Turns Horse Care Into a Criminal Offense

A Red Dead Redemption 2 player stumbles upon a strange glitch that turns Arthur Morgan into a wanted criminal for tending to his horse.

Redditor VividPerformance7987 shared the alligator detail, which begins with a story. After tying up a Lemoyne Raider and leaving them for dead, the player noticed their small “X” indicator was moving around the map. Upon investigation, they discovered that a nearby alligator had actually found the body of the Lemoyne Raider, and began carrying it back to the water in its mouth. It’s just one more reason to add as to why the immersion in Red Dead Redemption 2 is next-level – it truly feels like a living, breathing world that players are but a small part of.

Red Dead Redemption 2’s Alligator Detail in Action

For one user in the thread, the clip proved to be vindication, claiming that they had previously been downvoted on Reddit for saying that this was something that could actually happen. When gamers online actually don’t believe the level of detail included in a game, only to be proven wrong, it’s a sign of just how deep it runs. This certainly isn’t the only wildlife-based discovery that players have made, though. For example, one Red Dead Redemption 2 player found a mind-blowing fishing detail that sees fish die when accidentally kept out of water for too long.

Given that players are still finding new things about Red Dead Redemption 2, it’s safe to say that the game still has a lot of life left in it yet. However, that hasn’t stopped players from dreaming about a potential Red Dead Redemption 3, sharing their thoughts and theories about the title online. Some feel that Red Dead Redemption 3 shouldn’t follow RDR2‘s footsteps, but when it comes to the level of detail, Rockstar should be aiming to at least match or exceed what was previously achieved. With Grand Theft Auto 6 up first, it will likely be some time before this is a thing gamers need to be concerned with.

red dead redemption 2 poster

Red Dead Redemption 2

RDR2 is a Western-themed action/adventure game by Rockstar. It’s a prequel to Red Dead Redemption and stars Arthur Morgan, an outlaw who adventures across the land avoiding and fighting other outlaws, the government, and anyone else looking to cause trouble.

October 26, 2018



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