Stagnant Manufactory is one of the first dungeons players will come across in the Dark Horizons DLC for Remnant 2, and though this encounter is pretty straightforward, it has some quirks that can frustrate even the most veteran Remnant players. With two different instances to complete, there’s a lot to cover in this step-by-step guide.

But first, players need to be aware that, due to how procedural generation works in the game, they might experience some delay in finding the entrance to Stagnant Manufactory in the Agronomy Sector.

How To Locate Stagnant Manufactory Entrance

First and foremost, the entrance for the Stagnant Manufactory dungeon lies hidden in one of the lower ledges of the Agronomy Sector, and to find it, players need to grab a glider and maneuver through the streams of hot air emanating from the toxic pitfall. Once they get the hang of it, it is pretty easy to detect the entrance since there will be a big yellowish glowing portal near the bottom of a ledge.

Since the map is procedurally generated, each player might encounter it placed in a different position of the chasm. The fastest way to find it is to stick as close to the bottom as possible, using the streams to elevate the glider and prevent it from going too high. Once players find the right ledge, they can press the Crouch button to descend.

Zone Enemies:

  • Parasyte
  • Baby Parasyte
  • Slug Parasyte
  • Four-Arm Minion
  • Decapitated Robot
  • Battle Drone
  • Amalgam (Elite)
  • Hatcher (Elite)
  • Guard Robots (Restricted Zone only)

The Stagnant Manufactory is a pretty straightforward map, with a main arching path that leads to a crossroad. To the Left side lies a Restricted Zone, with a hidden reward blocked by a “Stealth Puzzle,” while to the Right side lies a Traversal Puzzle” that this guide will call Toxic Gas Chamber.

Watch out for the ceilings and the corners. Parasytes can
walk through walls
and hide in the corners of the hallways, waiting for players to pass by to attack them.

Ideally, players should clear the Restricted Zone first, since it can be a little bit obnoxious to complete. The fastest way to do it is in pairs, having one player being the lookout and the other running the stealth puzzle. With clear communication between the two, they’ll be able to solve it faster. Solo players should not worry, though — there’s a guide right below to help you go through it without issues.

Restricted Zone Stealth Puzzle Solution In The Stagnant Manufactory

Once players take the left path, they’ll notice a room that looks like an observatory. If they approach the window and look below, they’ll find a zone full of crates and some red lights moving: those are the Guard Robots that control the Restricted Zone access. They need to be avoided.

Observe the patrol patterns carefully. The right path is safer but needs to be traversed slowly since there are four Guard Robots patrolling the area. The middle path is pretty straightforward but requires a little coordination. Players should also use the
Hunter’s Shroud
from the Hunter Archetype
to reduce the detection rate of the patrolling enemies.

Moving a little bit to the left, there’s an Access Panel that can be activated. This will open the door at the end of the Restricted Zone, and now players will have to turn around and take the elevator that will take them to the section below. The zone will now be covered in a thick mist, which reduces visibility and prevents players from noticing a safe path. Pay attention to the red lights, crouch, move forward, and wait for the right moment to avoid being detected.

If the Robots detect players, an alarm will go off, and a voice will warn about the closure of the Zone. This will bar players from accessing the reward, so if this happens, they should let the Guard Robots kill them and start over. The area will reset, and they’ll be able to try again. The best approach is to wait until the first Guard Robot completes its patrol, then move forward and look for the small hiding spots along the way, then, when the next Robot completes its patrolling sequence, sneak behind them and move forward.

If players move too fast, leave the crouch position, or get too close to the Guard Robots, they will automatically be detected, and the Lockdown Protocol will begin. There’s a chance the Guard Robots will also detect players if they are snooping around the corners and moving too much, so be careful.

Once players manage to move past the last robot patrolling the upper left side of the Restricted Zone, they’ll be able to move towards the door and claim the reward: the Bypass Primer ring, which Automatically Reloads the Equipped Firearm when performing a Perfect Dodge.

Toxic Gas Chamber Traversal Puzzle Solution In The Stagnant Manufactory

The first thing players will notice when entering the Gas Chamber room, is a small Checkpoint, a closed door to their rights, and a hallway that ends abruptly on a broken section of the hallway, with a reddish light on the bottom. Players should drop and make their way down to the chamber, where they’ll notice a corpse with a recording device. Upon activating it, the voice recording will warn players of the “prolonged exposure to the gas causing death. This means one thing: the gas doesn’t kill players immediately.

Most enemies will spawn around corners between gas-filled sections to slow players down. They can be avoided by
running past them
and climbing fast onto the next elevator.

So, here’s what players need to do. Every section of the puzzle has one or two Big Glass Canisters with Pink gas on them. They can be broken, and they will permit players to keep moving forward and upward through the network of hallways and elevators until they reach the control room above. The first canister can be easily found, and players need only to turn to the right and defeat enemies until they manage to reach the next section with a new canister. Breaking it will fill the room with more gas, so they need to move fast toward the elevator at the end of the room.

Once they move upward using the elevators, they will notice that there’s a gas canister leading to an apparent “dead end.” This means players need to turn around the corner and look for a ledge and climb on it. Next, instead of dropping down where the gas is filling the room, they should look upward, and they’ll notice another ledge. Take distance, run, and jump. The character will climb on the next ledge, which will lead players to the next section.

Players can avoid the
Amalgam Elite
enemy that appears near the hallway that leads to the elevator. There’s no need to fight it. Just run toward the elevator and climb on it, saving time and effort, and preventing the gas from ruining the fun.

Now players need to hurry up and stick to the right, where a new hallway will lead to another small ledge with a golden light around it. This means players have reached the final section, and can complete the traversal puzzle by reaching the observation room. Take the elevator to the final section of the Toxic Gas Chamber, and activate the Gas Purge with the Panel in the Observation Room to receive the reward.

This way, players will unlock the Perception Perk, which grants a HASTE Bonus of 3% and SLOW Bonus of 10 % at max range. This perk combines greatly with abilities that grant the Haste status to the player and mods causing a Slow effect on enemies.


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