
  • The Resident Evil series is home to a plethora of frightening jump scares that are sure to leave players in shock.
  • From Lisa Trevor to the flesh baby, these iconic moments will keep gamers paranoid and nervous.
  • Even today, the series continues to deliver spine-chilling scares that surprise even veteran players.

Ever since the original Resident Evil 4 released back in 2005, the Resident Evil series has gradually moved further and further away from its horror origins into the realm of action. This being said, the horror buffs over at Capcom haven’t forgotten how to give gamers a good scare.


5 Resident Evil Games With The Best Endings, Ranked

Resident Evil players will be satisfied with the endings to these games in the series, which will leave smiles on their faces upon seeing the credits.

One of the most common ways the scariest Resident Evil games like to make gamers squeal is via jump scares. The series will lull fans into a false sense of security, and then bang – it’s monster time. Crafting a good jump scare isn’t easy, and it’s a horror tactic that can be overused, but in these particular instances, the Resident Evil developers nailed it.

10 The Cabin In The Woods – Resident Evil (2002)

A Sense Of Security Spoiled By Lisa Trevor

Cabin in the woods jump scare where Lisa Trevor knocks out the player in Resident Evil (2002)

Resident Evil (2002)

April 30, 2002

Capcom Production Studio 4

Survival Horror

The original Resident Evil might be a horror classic, but this jump scare comes from its 2002 remake. This version of the game added a creepy cabin to the woods during the section where the player explores the Spencer Mansion grounds.


Best Handheld Resident Evil Games, Ranked

Resident Evil might have debuted on consoles, but there’s since been plenty of incredible entires released across handheld systems too.

While playing as arguably Resident Evil‘s best female character, Jill Valentine, fans are forced to slowly explore this spooky cabin. The structure is maze-like, and the pacing is slow, with the player expecting an ambush at any moment. Just as the player reaches the end and thinks they’re safe, Lisa Trevor pounces from behind a door frame, knocking Jill out. Lisa is one of the game’s freakiest horrors, and the fact that this whole section was new to the remake made the jump quite frightening for both new and returning players.

9 Oven Man – Resident Evil 4

A Well-Done Ganado Scare

Oven man in Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4

PS4 , PS3 , PS2 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , Wii , Nintendo GameCube , PC , Android , iOS

January 11, 2005

Survival Horror

It’s no secret that many fans consider Resident Evil 4 to be the best Resident Evil game, although deciding which version is better is a little more controversial. Both versions have their fair share of jump scares, and one of the best features in both.

Oven Man, as he has been dubbed, is encountered while Leon is exploring the Kitchen area of the Island during chapter 5–1. As the player scowers through this relatively quiet area for items, this crispy militia ganado bursts out of a large oven and screams. If the player is quick, they can gun him down or run away. However, since most people aren’t expecting to find a ganado in an oven, they are more likely to receive a fiery embrace instead. This scare only receives a lower ranking due to the fact that players with quick reactions will likely kill Oven Man before they realize what’s happening.

8 Licker Arrival – Resident Evil 2 (2019)

The Terrifying Introduction Of A Grotesque Creature

A Licker in Resident Evil 2

Resident Evil 2 (2019)

January 25, 2019

It’s rarely a good idea to look out of a window in a horror game; there’s never anything good lurking out there. This is especially true while exploring the Raccoon City Police Department. Glimpse out the window at one point, and the player will spot something creepy and very crawly in the corner of their eye. It moves too quickly to make out, but the moment ratchets up the tension, suggesting that something is coming.

That something comes a little while later while walking down yet another darkened hallway. The player will first spot a headless body, followed shortly afterward by what caused it. Of all Resident Evil‘s enemies, Lickers are probably the best suited to jump scares, and this first encounter doesn’t disappoint. An honorable mention should also go to the Licker in the interrogation room, which is also responsible for countless screams. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for the Lickers to become overused, making them more of a nuisance than a horror.

7 The Introduction Of Nemesis – Resident Evil 3 (2020)

A Sudden Shift In Tone That Left Many Feeling Terrified

Nemesis on fire in Resident Evil 3

While the Resident Evil 3 remake didn’t quite live up to the Resident Evil 2 remake, it’s still a great game with plenty of jump scares. Of course, most gamers who have played it will consider Nemesis to be the highlight.



The Scariest Horror Video Games Of All Time, Ranked

From the torture of Doki Doki Literature Club to the eerieness of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, here are the scariest horror video games of all time.

Unlike Mr. X in the second game, Nemesis introduces himself shockingly early here. While poor Jill is looking in her bathroom mirror, attempting to decompress from the events at Spencer Mansion, she receives an unexpected visitor. Nemesis charges through her apartment wall and tries to take her out. As if the jump scare wasn’t already frightening enough, the sequence that follows is certain to leave gamers feeling quite stressed.

6 The Appearance Of The Flesh Baby – Resident Evil Village

The Reveal Of A Deeply Unsettling Monstrosity

The Baby Monster in Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village

May 7, 2021

Survival (dupe) , Horror

Resident Evil Village will certainly make gamers think twice about having a child. It’s one of the most action-packed games in the series, which is what makes House Beneviento such a refreshing chapter. With no weapons or items at his disposal, Ethan must explore the house’s basement and find a way out.

Get to a certain point, and Ethan will begin hearing disconcerting baby noises. A few moments later, the flesh baby will crawl out of the dark. It’s both a deeply unsettling moment and an excellent jump scare. The only thing that diminishes the scare slightly is the fact that the slow burn before it makes it obvious that something is coming.

5 Mr. X And The Helicopter – Resident Evil 2 (2019)

An Altered Introduction Of An Iconic Villain

Mr X standing ominously in the dark in Resident Evil 2 remake

One of the problems with releasing an accurate horror remake is that everyone knows what to expect. Few jump scares are scary after repeat viewings. Yet somehow, the Resident Evil 2 remake remains one of the scariest remakes in the series thus far. Capcom managed this by being willing to move and change certain things.



10 Best Horror Game Protagonists, Ranked

The world of horror gaming is one filled with various stories and incredible heroic (or flawed) characters brought to life.

Mr. X may not look all that frightening, but he’s plenty scary once players get to know him. His arrival in the original game wasn’t all that creepy, but in the remake, it’s a genuine jump scare. Rather than jumping from a helicopter and strolling around the corner like in the original, the tyrant bursts through the crashed helicopter in front of the player. Mr. X moves faster than expected, and this moment took plenty of veteran players by surprise.

4 Jack Baker Is Full Of Surprises – Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

Two Horrifying Jump Scares That Immediately Set The Tone

Jack in Resident Evil 7 Biohazard

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

January 24, 2017

Survival Horror

Ethan Winters may not have had the best character arc when compared to the likes of Leon and the Redfields, but he sure did get some of the best antagonists. Throughout Resident Evil 7, the Baker family provided non-stop nightmare fuel, and the jump scares started early. Two of the best can be attributed to dear old Jack Baker.

Resident Evil games often start slowly, but Jack gets two great jump scares in the first hour or so. First, just after Ethan defeats Mia, Jack sucker punches Ethan as he tries to leave the room, dropping his iconic “Welcome to the family, son” line. Not long after, the player regains control of Ethan and is allowed to explore the Baker household. Jack shows up again, bursting through the wall like a terrifying Kool-Aid man. These two jumps set the scene for the whole first act, letting players know nowhere was safe.

3 Mia Strikes – Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

A Series Of Jump Scares That Leave Ethan Fighting For His Life

Mia Winters in Resident Evil 7

Jack baker might be terrifying, but Resident Evil 7‘s best jump scare arguably goes to Mia Winters, if only by a small margin. The game opens with Ethan reaching the Baker household and looking for Mia.



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A new Resident Evil game is only a matter of time, but while waiting for a reveal or an announcement, check out a few of these similar franchises!

Ethan’s reward for finding her is three excellent jump squares. Firstly, as he descends a set of stairs, a rabid Mia strikes from the darkness, initiating a fight that sees Mia knock herself out at the end. Not long after, Mia jumps Ethan again, an action that results in her taking an axe to the neck. However, that’s not the end. She gets one last jump scare in towards the final part of the area when she comes back from the dead and attacks Ethan again, initiating her boss fight proper (and chopping Ethan’s hand off with a chainsaw). Mia’s jump scares are unrelenting, leaving the player not just nervous but paranoid.

2 Del Lago – Resident Evil 4 (2023)

An Easily Missed Scare, Making It All The More Frightening When Players Experience It

The Del Lago monster jumping out of the lake from Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 Remake

March 24, 2023

Survival Horror

Leon Kennedy might be one of Resident Evil‘s best protagonists, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t made plenty of dumb decisions. One of the dumbest might just be unloading rounds into a lake until the resident Del Lago, a big, nasty fish monster, jumps out of the water and gobbles him up.

Of course, it’s really the player’s fault. One of Resident Evil‘s best jump scares is hidden behind a secret interaction designed to punish wasteful players. The Del Lago scare is so good because it’s so unexpected and easy to miss. Plenty of gamers never see this scare on their first run through, making them even more vulnerable to it on their next when they are more confident and likely to waste ammo.

1 Zombie Dogs – Resident Evil

The Sudden Introduction Of A Scary Canine

A Zombie Dog in Resident Evil

Resident Evil

March 30, 1996

Survival Horror

Of course, the top spot has to go to the most iconic jump scare in all of Resident Evil history, a moment that cemented the fledgling series as a true horror franchise: the zombie dogs from the original game.

It doesn’t take long for players to get used to the game’s primary enemies, the zombies. They’re slow moving and easy to spot, making the player feel safe from ambushes. That is until the player finds themselves walking down one particular hallway, where they are greeted by zombified dogs jumping through a window. It was a moment that made many players jump, shaking them out of their false sense of security. It is not just Resident Evil‘s best jump scare; it’s one of the best jump scares in any horror game.


Resident Evil: Best Escape Sequences, Ranked

A good escape sequence is a trademark of the Resident Evil franchise. Out of all the series’ iconic great escapes, here are the most memorable ones.


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